Commander Showdown - Mogis vs Klothys
Rakdos punisher vs Gruul punisher! Which God is the best Group Slugger?
Superior Numbers - The Big Turn
High Tide? Bubbling Muck? Dana examines the one-time mana doublers.
Archetune-Up - Atla Palani's Eggcelent Adventure
We know, the pun in the title is really eggscruciating
Monomania Takes On Theros – I Speak for the Seas
Mono-blue? Thassa pretty cool deck you got there.
Ranking Every Land with EDHREC – Part 24: Crossing the Chasm
Ranking every land in EDH using EDHREC!
EDHRECast Ep 96 - Fixing Your Colors
Lands, lands, lands! Today the cast dissects the format's best color-fixing lands, noting which cycles they like, which they don't, which ones are the most popular on EDHREC, and where and when to play the best of the best. Follow the cast on twitter! @EDHRECast @JosephMSchultz @danaroach @mathimus55 Question, comment, or data insight? Email us […]
Too-Specific Top 10 - Leaving an Impression
Measuring the most popular cards that trigger when they leave the battlefield!