Non-Basically Speaking — Zur the Enchanter
Hello friends and solemn guests, welcome back to EDHREC and our continuing biweekly column, Non-Basically Speaking, the series that strives to identify non-basic lands that should be considered valuable staples or hidden gems based on their visibility on EDHREC. Hey all! Wally D. here fresh off of a non, Non-Basically Speaking article. For those of […]
Burning Inquiry — The Cult of Ludevic and Sidar Kondo
I was involved in a cult once. Usually quite a calculated and reasonable man, one day I learned it was the will of Zedruu that I must submit to. Of course things began harmlessly enough: It is the will of Zedruu that you have... this . It is no longer burdened by counters. Enjoy. I will be over […]
Underdog's Corner — Basandra, Battle Seraph
This article is Round 12 of the Underdog’s Corner, a series spotlighting various lesser-used commanders and their place in the format. Each article makes the argument for a single commander that deserves more play, as well as highlighting key cards and synergies. War! What is it good for? Hello, hello, hello! And welcome to the dozenth edition […]
60 to 100 — Affinity for Everyone
This week we get deeply personal on 60 to 100. Not because the deck is inspired by something that I love and have played in depth. Nope. This week we're playing an archetype that I hate with a passion. As a Merfolk player in Modern there is one notoriously bad matchup that I dread. Every […]
Hour of Devastation EDH Review — White
Today I have the privilege of taking you through the white cards of Hour of Devastation! We'll look at everything through the lens of Commander playability, so I'll skip lots of the common/draft cards that you likely won't ever see. Yada yada, disclaimers of my own opinions etc. Let's roll! To feed off of for […]
Low Market — Hondens Enchantress
Horde of Notions art by Adam Rex When you build as many strange decks as I do, you might start to notice a trend: why are all these oddball concepts turning five-color? Five-color voltron, five-color superfriends (i.e. planeswalkers), five-color spellslinger– sometimes, you just want it all. Today on Low Market, we will have it all: […]
EDH Political Science — Marchesa's Bully Pulpit
At the end of last year India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, announced a bold plan to cut out black market spending and corruption. Eliminate money. Not all money, but enough of the untraceable, large denomination, physical bills so the underground economy is either left exposed or starves. A wave of anti-corruption politics has swept other […]
Commander Showdown — Ayli vs Karlov
The Great Divide If you browse the pages of EDHREC enough, you might notice a gap between the most-played and second-most-played commander in any given color identity. In Gruul, for example, has 1343 decks, while the next highest, , has 909. In Azorius, the difference between and is more than 600. And in Golgari, touts […]
Partner Focus — Kraum, Ludevic's Opus
Just for fun, try going into an IKEA, buying a few things at random, then dumping all the parts in one pile and throwing away the instructions. See what you come up with, Ludevic-style. Kraum. Two heads. Three arms. Ten eyes? When it comes to body parts: waste not, want not. For starters, is a 4/4 with […]
Burning Inquiry — Silas & Bruse Fidget Spinners
Reality can be heavy with burden, and, at times, feel like you're entrenched by your circumstances. School, work, the responsibilities of life; each has the potential to become menial tasks we're perpetually chained to. Of course there are ways to cope with this stark truth. Some people break from traditional norms after becoming romanced by […]