shared animosity
Brew For Your Buck - Here Are My Dragons
In the mood for a simple but effective budget Dragons deck? Brian has you covered (in dragons).
Nearly Identical - Edgar or Edgar?
Edgar vs Edgar! How do you build these vampiric EDH decks?
Rolebuilding - Lolth, Queen of Spiders
Building a Commander deck for D&D's Demonweb queen!
Underdog's Corner - Valduk, Keeper of the Flame
Say It Again For The Legends in the Back Hello everyone and welcome back to another edition of the Underdog's Corner, where we shine a light on the legends that aren't getting the spotlight they deserve. If you have never read one of my articles, welcome to the show! If you enjoy this one, I […]
60 to 100 — Weenies for Everyone
Here we are, Ixalan is finally out for everyone to see! Dinosaurs, pirates and vampires, oh my! You know, everything that totally makes sense in a Magic: the Gathering world. Soon we'll have a crewing next to zombies and a . Seems reasonable right? Does it seem weird to anyone else that can't actually crew […]
Commander Showdown — The Locust God vs Niv-Mizzet
A Plague of Locusts Upon Your House Hour of Devastation is almost upon us, and there are some awesome preview cards on the horizon. We've seen Theros gods and Amonkhet gods before, but we've never seen plague gods. Scorpions and scarabs are terrifying, but the one that frightens me most is . This giant insect will cost you […]