captain lannery storm
Commander Fusion- Vhati + Captain Lannery = ?
Two pirates combine in this Treasure-filled deck!
Top 10 Outlaws
Make the most of the new Outlaws mechanic with these Rogues, Pirates, Assassins, Mercenaries and Warlocks from across MtG!
Too-Specific Top 10 - The Very Model of a Modern Major General
From Squirrel Generals to Zombie Captains, Doug's ranking the commanders of Commander!
Too-Specific Top 10 - Tokens of Appreciation
Looking to create Food, Treasure, and Clues? Doug's got a Top 10 for all three!
Weird Harvest — Turning Trash into Lannery's Treasure
Pirates are here. Granted, they’ve been here but they haven’t really been a “thing”, if you know what I mean. Ixalan is finally upon us and we have all been summoned to explore the open waters to new uncharted lands. Lands filled with dinosaurs, lawful evil vampires, pirate Vraska, and half-naked Jace. Yes, it seems […]
Ixalan EDH Review — Red
Yes, that's right everyone, a double dose of my writing prowess here! In addition to my regularly scheduled article we get to run down some hot new toys coming out with Ixalan. I won't dilly dally too much here, since red is what we all know is the worst color in Commander. There are some […]
60 to 100 — Weenies for Everyone
Here we are, Ixalan is finally out for everyone to see! Dinosaurs, pirates and vampires, oh my! You know, everything that totally makes sense in a Magic: the Gathering world. Soon we'll have a crewing next to zombies and a . Seems reasonable right? Does it seem weird to anyone else that can't actually crew […]