Underdog's Corner — Stonebrow, Krosan Hero
Clean and Simple Hello, one and all! Welcome to the Underdog's Corner. If you are a first-time reader, this is a series that covers a legendary creature that I think is either underplayed or underrated. Usually the commanders you see are janky commanders that require a bit a work, and other times I cover commanders […]
Intellectual Offering — Kess, Dissident Mage
This week in Sam vs. The Internet I take on a deck that pushing up the popularity charts week in and week out since its release. is not normally the kind of commander I like to write about as she doesn’t facilitate a specific strategy and instead supports generic “goodstuff” style control decks. However, when […]
Uncompetitive Spirit — Pentagram
You all know how it goes. You make the calls. You put the brews (or soda) in the fridge. You set the stage and make room around the kitchen table for yourself and three other powerful mages. And then four show up. So what do you do? You could just go ahead and play EDH […]
Turning Data into Decks part 2 — Creating Chaos!
Kya Vess
Hello my fellow mad scientists! Kya here again! I'm overjoyed with the response and feedback across the net about my first article. There are definitely those who have strong opinions about both Net Decking and Group Hug. I expected Net Decking to turn a few heads, but the real surprise was those against the concept of […]
Replacement Commanders — Activating Abilities with the Great Pretender
DM Cross
Ladies, gentlemen, changelings…here we are again! Another installment of Replacement Commanders, the series where we look at the “other guys/girls” from Commander 2017 and break down some different strategies that may have not been represented well with the precons. We look at what you, the people are building with the help of, the site's […]
Low Market — Malicious Intet
Intet, the Dreamer art by Dan Scott Don't Let Your Dreams Be Dreams... Greetings thrifty shoppers, and welcome back to Low Market, a series on budget Commander deckbuilding. Not all that long ago, I sat down to play some Commander with a friend using as their commander. Intet is part of a five-card-turned-ten-card cycle of dragons, […]
Weird Harvest — The Truth is Out There...
There’s something to be said about the unexpected. Since our format is predominantly multiplayer, it has the potential to yield some hilarious results. There’s also something janky about the idea of setting our opponents up to expect one thing and then hit them with another. I recently caught up on a bunch of episodes of […]
Replacement Commanders — Spells from the Grave
DM Cross
Ah, hello again, readers and spellslingers. Welcome back to Replacement Commanders, the series where we look at the Other Commanders (™ pending) from Commander 2017 and break down their abilities and stats. Next, we use's data to see what the current best card choices and strategies are for each one. Finally, we go off […]
Commander Focus — Mairsil, the Pretender
Some commanders are considered to be "glass cannons", in the sense that all the offensive power of the deck is concentrated through a single creature. If that creature is repeatedly removed or otherwise subdued, then the deck just stops being a threat. However, if that creature has enough protection or can evade detrimental spells, then […]
Low Market — Lightning Strikes Twice
Saskia the Unyielding art by Greg Opalinski Lightning Strikes Twice Whether you're a grizzled Magic veteran or a bushy-tailed new player, chances are good that at some point before learning to play you listened to someone discussing the game and said to yourself, "I recognize the words they're using, but they may as well be speaking a different language." […]