Intellectual Offering — Mathas, Fiend Seeker
This week I’m dropping the flavorful approach in favor of a more direct contribution. It was a fun experiment and may come back in the future, but for now I just want to talk unhindered about a sweet new card from Commander 2017 (C17). A Brief Aside But first just a couple thoughts on the […]
Low Market — Hondens Enchantress
Horde of Notions art by Adam Rex When you build as many strange decks as I do, you might start to notice a trend: why are all these oddball concepts turning five-color? Five-color voltron, five-color superfriends (i.e. planeswalkers), five-color spellslinger– sometimes, you just want it all. Today on Low Market, we will have it all: […]
The Enchantress Queen with 100% Angus Beef
Introduction One of my favorite archetypes that Magic: the Gathering had to offer was enchantment tribal. As a player for three years and counting, the Theros and Urza blocks introduced me to magic in a way that I fell in love with enchantments. Sure, there are tons of aura strategies to work with and , but […]
Competitive Nature — Rafiq of the Many
Welcome back! This week, we look to beef up another “average” deck to make it more competitive. EDH offers several different avenues to attack. Last time, we looked at where the objective was to quickly assemble a combo that leveraged our graveyard and kill all our opponents in one continuous loop. The deck played grindy, value-based […]