Conditions Allow - Dralnu, Lich Lord
Dralnu has a severe downside... but can it be turned against our opponents?
Archetune-Up - Attack of the Clones
Tuning your Scarab God list? Angelo has some cards that will help!
Epic Experiment - Bolas's Citadel
We persistently petitioned Bernardo to build around Bolas's Citadel.
Shape Anew - Hoodie Tribal with Lazav
Lazav leads his most diabolical deck yet: hoodie tribal!
Making the Cut - Taking on the Dump, Part 2
Optimizing a Pile Last time on Making the Cut, we looked at an initial dump of cards for a +1/+1 counter deck featuring as many cheap creatures as possible, and then did an initial cut based on the archetypes we knew the deck was going to need in the final version. To start this week, let's […]
Combining Hobbies - The Ultimate Cosplayer
Kya Vess
Happy New Year!!! Fun fact: did you know the art in my banner for this article is from an actual card? It's an old version of , and it's less then a quarter! In the spirit of cosplay, and becoming a copy of something else, I thought this was worth sharing. (If anything, it's probably […]