Mind Bend - Boros Self-Mill
Boros is here to prove that Sultai isn’t the only way to play with the graveyard
Replacement Commanders - Reanimator Boros from the Weatherlight's Hero
DM Cross
Turning Gerrard into a true hero!
EDHRECast Ep98 - Chatting with Kristen of Hipsters of the Coast
EDHREC is joined by @TheKristenEmily, the Content Manager of and author of the Legion's Landing article series! Together they discuss pet cards, new shakeups from Theros Beyond Death, and of course, Kristen's tips and tricks to help out the Boros Legion in the Commander format. ENTER TO WIN OUR EPISODE 100 GIVEAWAY! 3 lucky […]
Epic Experiment - Kalemne Angel Tribal
Kalemne isn't the best experience counter commander, but maybe some Angels can save her!
Conditions Allow - Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas
Can we overcome Kalemne's weaknesses to become a powerful Boros Voltron?
Forgotten Harvest - Non-Combat Feather
She protec, she attac, but most importantly, she bring bac
Uncommonders - Tiana, Boros Enchantress
DM Cross
Feather isn't the only Boros Angel who can recur useful spells.
Pursuit of Knowledge - Boros
Using gameplay data to assemble the legion with a Melee-tastic Boros brew!
Mechanically Minded - Heroic
A new commander brings the Heroic mechanic to a whole new level!