Judge Alex, Rules Attorney at Law — That Interaction Does What?!
Wait a second... WHAT can those cards do!?!?
Ranking Every Battlecruiser Card (8 CMC+) with EDHREC – Part 23: RAWWWWWWWWWR!
Ranking every Battlecruiser card in EDH using EDHREC!
Too-Specific Top 10 - Exile A While
Casting cards from exile? These tools may help make your expedition even more profitable.
Nearly Identical – Delina or Jaxis?
Joshua explores the mono-red creature copy archetype!
Commander Legends: Baldur's Gate Precon Review - Draconic Dissent
Jevin reviews the new goad-tastic precon!
Solve the Equation – Scrying Your Way to a Discount
With a little math and a lot of scry, this planeswalker powers out some truly enormous spells!
Commander Legends: Baldur's Gate Precon Review - Party Time
Which new cards from the Baldur's Gate precons will make a splash in EDH?
Ranking Every Battlecruiser Card (8 CMC+) with EDHREC – Part 22: Colossuses & Dreadmaws
Ranking every Battlecruiser card in EDH using EDHREC!
Party Time - Upgrade Guide
Hello Everyone! This is Bert from the Scrap Trawlers where we do Commander on a budget. Today we are looking at upgrades for the Party Time Preconstructed from Commander Legends: Baldur’s Gate. Like always we have a primer that lists the strategies and synergies that the deck feeds off of and here we are going […]
Party Time - Precon Primer
Hello again! This is Bert from the Scrap Trawlers where we do EDH on a budget. I’m back again to take a look at the Party Time Pre constructed deck that hails from the set Commander’s Legend: Battle for Baldur’s Gate. As usual we will go over how it plays, it’s strengths and weaknesses, which […]