Matt Morgan
60 to 100 - Boros: Where the Weenies Roast You
For the Legion! Welcome spellslingers, one and all! Thanks for making your way back to another edition of 60 to 100! This week, as always, we have another spicy fun deck. This one is actually terribly uncharacteristic of me, but that just shows you how sharp and exciting the deck is! As you may know, […]
60 to 100 - Doubling Down with Emmara
Mara Jade, Meet Emmara Tandris Welcome once again, party people! Thanks for coming back to our (usually) bi-weekly article series that crosses the streams of 60-card formats and our 100-card singleton format. This week is something near and dear to my heart. It's doubly special because... well, it's all about doubling things! Tokens, specifically. Do […]
Guilds of Ravnica Set Review - Selesnya
Selesny-Yeah! The day is here, everyone! It's time for fellow green-white enthusiast Mason Brantley and I to let our collective jimmies rustle to the maximum. It's the Selesnya review for the upcoming set of Guilds of Ravnica! Whenever white teams up with green in this Magic: the Gathering world, you can bet your dice bag I'm paying attention, […]
60 to 100 - Teshar Has Iron in the Works
Iron Will Greetings and salutations to fans of formats both large and small! Welcome back to another installment of 60 to 100, the where we upsize all the decks from constructed formats and bring them into the world of Commander! This week, I've got a spicy one for you. I know that I say that […]
60 to 100 - Brudiclad, Clad in Twins
Twin to Win Well hello there! Welcome back to another edition of 60 to 100, the quickest article series around! Not that the articles go by fast, necessarily. However, this week we're definitely breaking down some rapid fire combo decks. Don't believe me? Well, it doesn't take a combo player like DM Cross to appreciate […]
60 to 100 - Estrid's Boggling Bant-chantress!
Mind "Bogle"-ing Greetings once again to all my friends (and to readers who aren't my friends)! Here we are in a post-Commander 2018 world where Wizards of the Coast gives us a whole set devoted only to our beloved highlander format. This week, we'll get a glimpse into what I've been jonesing to build for […]
Commander 2018 Set Review - Red
*Cue the Music* *Deep breath* It's the moooooost wonderrrrfulll tiiiiiiiiiiiiime of the yeeaaaarrrrrr! With new cards for viewing and commanders for brewing and hyperbole to heeeeearrrrr! You know what time I'm talking about everyone: Commander Christmas! Commander 2018 is upon us and the decklists are spoiled. The ghosts of precons past are trying to haunt us […]
60 to 100 - Embracing the Grynd Lyfe
The Ghost of Authors Past *Awkward chain rattles* WooOOOooOOOOOO! I am the ghost of Matt Morgaaaaaaaan. I have come back from the dead to write this articllllllllle! SpooooookYYYyyYY!!! Ahem, sorry about that, everyone. It was just too easy to make that shot at myself. It's true, though! I am back! After a brief hiatus, during which […]
Core Set 2019 Review — Blue
A Very Blue Review That's right my friends and foes, you read this correctly. Someway, somehow, the powers that be not only give me a black set review a while back, but they thought it was so compelling that they let me do a Commander set review for blue cards too! Me, the guy who […]
EDHREC Battlebond Review — Green
Welcome True Believers to this most verdant review of all the lovely green cards in Battlebond, Conspiracy and Modern Master's love child. What can I say but, this set...this set just came out of nowhere to blow away all expectations and revealed itself to be the Casual Masters beyond our wildest dreams. While every member […]