Arnaud Gompertz

From the Brim to the Trim - Politicking your Way Through Opponents and Budget Alike

From the Brim to the Trim - Politicking your Way Through Opponents and Budget Alike

Arnaud Gompertz
Arnaud Gompertz
Arnaud trims The Council of Four down to a politically-correct size in this installment of From the Brim to the Trim.
From the Brim to the Trim – Build a Budget Legendaries Deck with Kethis, the Hidden Hand

From the Brim to the Trim – Build a Budget Legendaries Deck with Kethis, the Hidden Hand

Arnaud Gompertz
Arnaud Gompertz
Find out how you can use Archidekt's features to build a budget Legendaries deck.
From The Brim To The Trim - Living The Budget And Snuffing Out Opponents

From The Brim To The Trim - Living The Budget And Snuffing Out Opponents

Arnaud Gompertz
Arnaud Gompertz
A vampire and a sphinx walk into a bar...and Arnaud gives them both a good trimming!
From the Brim to the Trim - Reviving Budgets and Dooming Oppponents alike

From the Brim to the Trim - Reviving Budgets and Dooming Oppponents alike

Arnaud Gompertz
Arnaud Gompertz
Arnaud takes us on a journey with Will, Scion of Peace to get his Commander deck in trim-top shape.
From the Brim to the Trim - Happily Ramosing Budget and Opponents Alike

From the Brim to the Trim - Happily Ramosing Budget and Opponents Alike

Arnaud Gompertz
Arnaud Gompertz
Arnaud builds a budget spells-based deck built around a Dragon commander!
From the Brim to the Trim – Flooding Opponents and Drying Up Budget Alike

From the Brim to the Trim – Flooding Opponents and Drying Up Budget Alike

Arnaud Gompertz
Arnaud Gompertz
Arnaud showcases the dynamic power couple of Akroma and Rograkh in this week's Brim to the Trim.