Archetune-Up - Atla Palani's Eggcelent Adventure
We know, the pun in the title is really eggscruciating
60 to 100 - Korvold the Value-Cursed King
Taking Standard's Jund Food deck and turning it into an EDH deck!
Diabolic Intent - Infinity Gauntlet
In which we build a deck around a pop culture villain! First up: Thanos!
Conditions Allow - Shimatsu the Bloodcloaked
Can Shimatsu's sacrificial downside become his greatest strength?
The Knowledge Pool - Breya, Etherium Shaper
Move aside, green-white. Breya's the biggest token-maker in town.
Uncommonders - Tiana, Boros Enchantress
DM Cross
Feather isn't the only Boros Angel who can recur useful spells.
Conditions Allow - Rakdos the Defiler
Many have tried to work around Rakdos's huge drawback... has Ben finally found the answer?
Strategic Planning - Sacrifice Builds Character
Goldfishing Mazirek leads to a truly optimized build that's all about self-sacrifice.