Low Market — Borborygmos' Splendid Combo
Borborygmos Enraged art by Aleksi Briclot Anger Management It's an important life skill, I believe, to find constructive outlets for your anger. I, for example, might channel it into video games. Some people might exercise. Some people might find a private place to emit a primal screech. does none of these things, preferring instead to […]
Burning Inquiry — Taking a Break from Magic
We've all been there. At some point this game which once inspired such lustful joy becomes a frustrating grind. Somewhere between the reserved list and the banned list, netdecking and token promos, boundless infinite combos and constricting real-life circumstances; it is here that players must reconsider the spaces for Magic: The Gathering in their lives. […]
60 to 100 — Meet Alesha's Aristocrats
How do folks!? Welcome back for another edition of 60 to 100, where we accelerate our decks from 60-card formats to 100-card Commander piles of fun! This week was a bit of a conundrum for me. I like brewing decks from scratch, maybe getting some ideas from some of my fellow writers at the site, […]
Non-Basically Speaking — Budget Five Color with Horde of Notions
Hello friends and thrifty Commander brewers and welcome back to EDHREC and our continuing bi-weekly column, Non-Basically Speaking, the series that strives to identify non-basic lands that should be considered valuable staples or hidden gems based on their visibility on EDHREC. There's an unexplainable aura and feeling of pride when piloting a five-color commander deck. […]
Low Market — An Author Twice Cursed
Overwhelming Splendor art by Richard Wright Darn You to Heck When the two suns of Amonkhet were naught but distant lights on the horizon, we knew to expect two things: top-down Egyptian themes, and top-down Nicol Bolas themes. What I did not expect was a smattering of curses, which (save for and ) are the […]
Partner Focus — Akiri, Line-Slinger
She's a kor who is good at offensive fighting, enjoys high altitude travel with grappling cables, and gets more powerful with the more gadgets she has. Basically, she's the Zendikar version of Batman, except she's not a man and presumably doesn't have deep psychological parental issues that result in an animal-themed alter-ego. has first strike and vigilance and gets +1 […]
60 to 100 — (Living) Death is not the (Living) End!
Welcome party people! I hope your release weekends went great for Hour of Devastation with some awesome god-pulls.... See what I did there? "God-pulls?" Because there are gods in the set... You know what, I thought it was clever. Don't judge me. Anyways, this week I get to go back to a deck archetype that everyone […]
Low Market — The Scorpion God Elemental Tribal
The Scorpion God art by Lius Lasahido The People Have Spoken! Welcome to Low Market, brought to you this week by extra democracy! No, I'm not talking about the recently-passed Independence Day here in the US: I'm talking about you, dear readers, for voting to narrow down this week's theme. You voted strongly in favor of […]
Burning Inquiry — The Cult of Ludevic and Sidar Kondo
I was involved in a cult once. Usually quite a calculated and reasonable man, one day I learned it was the will of Zedruu that I must submit to. Of course things began harmlessly enough: It is the will of Zedruu that you have... this . It is no longer burdened by counters. Enjoy. I will be over […]
Underdog's Corner — Basandra, Battle Seraph
This article is Round 12 of the Underdog’s Corner, a series spotlighting various lesser-used commanders and their place in the format. Each article makes the argument for a single commander that deserves more play, as well as highlighting key cards and synergies. War! What is it good for? Hello, hello, hello! And welcome to the dozenth edition […]