Partner Focus — Ravos, Soultender
is an angel-in-training who is clearly too sexy for his shirt. Too Sexy for His Shirt Let's see what Ravos can do. Human Cleric If we like the tribal route, the pair of Ravos and are currently the second favorite "commander" for cleric tribal, which doesn't stray far outside of white and black. See for yourself at edhrec.com/tribes/clerics. […]
Commander Showdown — Ayli vs Karlov
The Great Divide If you browse the pages of EDHREC enough, you might notice a gap between the most-played and second-most-played commander in any given color identity. In Gruul, for example, has 1343 decks, while the next highest, , has 909. In Azorius, the difference between and is more than 600. And in Golgari, touts […]
Partner Focus — Kraum, Ludevic's Opus
Just for fun, try going into an IKEA, buying a few things at random, then dumping all the parts in one pile and throwing away the instructions. See what you come up with, Ludevic-style. Kraum. Two heads. Three arms. Ten eyes? When it comes to body parts: waste not, want not. For starters, is a 4/4 with […]
Partner Focus — Tymna the Weaver
is a popular card. It's in over 23000 decks. That's 31% of all the decks that can play the color black. What if you could do that effect more than once per turn? That would be nifty. If you could do it seven times, then you would be and you would be banned from playing Commander. It's that […]
Underdog's Corner — Selenia, Dark Angel
This article is Round 9 of the Underdog's Corner, a series spotlighting various lesser-used commanders and their place in the format. Each article makes the argument for a single commander that deserves more play, as well as highlighting key cards and synergies. Back in Black It's been too long, but I'm glad to be back! In this […]
Intellectual Offering - Queen Marchesa
While the new commanders have started taking off, I don’t feel compelled right yet to make them an offering. With people becoming more and more aware of this wonderful site they’re also becoming better at building around new commanders as they come out. People have nailed the important stuff for , with all those -1/-1 […]
Singleton Guild Wheel — Daxos' Enchanted Edition
This article is part 6 of a 10 part series covering the Singleton Guild Wheel Project, a 10 deck project where there is only a single copy of any non-basic land among the 10 decks. Each deck uses the color combination of a different Ravnican guild. The methodology is introduced here and expanded upon each week […]
Low Market — Ravos + Tymna Cleric Tribal
The Choice is Clear-ic Welcome back one and all to Low Market, and my apologies for my absolutely awful section-title pun. When coming up with budget decklists for this segment, sometimes I need to a little bit before I come across a theme. But as a close friend pointed out: "Bryce, you love tribal decks. […]
Alternative Outcomes — Competitive Kambal Taxation
Welcome to the home of Alternative Outcomes, a series of self-expression using the development and brewing of alternative builds, often of popular commanders. The name’s “Dev”, and I will be your guide on these journeys. I have been a proud Magic the Gathering player for over fifteen years and have competitive experience across multiple formats. […]
Intellectual Offering - Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
Since this series is about breaking down the results on EDHREC, why not take it one step further and take a deeper look into a popular commander? is the most popular Orzhov commander on the site with 538 decks (at the time of writing). As a commander, she lends herself towards a sac-and-recur strategy, providing […]