
Low Market — Ravos + Tymna Cleric Tribal

Low Market — Ravos + Tymna Cleric Tribal

Quinn Miller
Quinn Miller
The Choice is Clear-ic Welcome back one and all to Low Market, and my apologies for my absolutely awful section-title pun. When coming up with budget decklists for this segment, sometimes I need to a little bit before I come across a theme. But as a close friend pointed out: "Bryce, you love tribal decks. […]
Intellectual Offering - Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim

Intellectual Offering - Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim

Sam Alpert
Sam Alpert
Since this series is about breaking down the results on EDHREC, why not take it one step further and take a deeper look into a popular commander? is the most popular Orzhov commander on the site with 538 decks (at the time of writing). As a commander, she lends herself towards a sac-and-recur strategy, providing […]