The Choice is Clear-ic
Welcome back one and all to Low Market, and my apologies for my absolutely awful section-title pun. When coming up with budget decklists for this segment, sometimes I need to ponderponder a little bit before I come across a theme. But as a close friend pointed out: "Bryce, you love tribal decks. Why haven't you built a tribal deck yet?"
Well that is precisely what we're doing! We're going to simultaneously explore tribal themes and the (relatively) new partner mechanic, which allows you to have two commanders so long as both of them have partner in their text. Pay your respects to Ravos and Tymna: we're going Cleric Tribal!*
*Before I really get into it, I should mention that "tribal" is a term often used to describe a deck with a focus on a specific creature type. This is not to be confused with the card type Tribal, which adds creature types to non-creature cards.
Tribal is yet another angle of attack we can use for building a Commander deck. In some ways, our methods resemble those used in our recent Roon Energy deck, except instead of energy cards, we're searching for a.) creatures of a given type, and b.) creatures that interact with that type. (Chances are that most cards with cleric interactions will be clerics themselves, but it's worth double-checking.) This deck wants all of our usual deck building categories – ramp, removal, card advantage, et cetera – but stapled to a cleric when possible.
Oftentimes, I save the "Win Conditions" section for last, but we're flipping this article on its head: let's find out how Clerics can kill people first, and we'll build our strategy from there.
First, Do Some Harm
During my cleric-based research I came across one piece of a familiar combo: Daru SpiritualistDaru Spiritualist. Somewhere in the depths of my brain I recalled a set of cards (most of them with "en-Kor" in the name) that can abuse this trigger with their targeted, zero-mana activated ability. One of them, Shaman en-KorShaman en-Kor, is even a cleric! Now, a creature with arbitrarily high toughness may be cute, but that doesn't kill our opponents. However, with one of my favorite lands, Starlit SanctumStarlit Sanctum, we can gain an arbitrary amount of life and likely a proportionally arbitrary amount of time to grind down our long as we avoid death by mill, commander damage, or infect. It's not often that you get to win via land-based kill, so I take every chance I get to make it happen!
Starlit SanctumStarlit Sanctum is perfectly indicative of cleric strategies. Frequently our game plan involves numerous creatures, sacrificing, triggering life gain, and causing life loss. On the white side, we can swing with Doubtless OneDoubtless One and/or a field of clerics, especially when they've been buffed by Ravos. On the black side, we can suck our opponents dry, sometimes with massive effects like Profane PrayersProfane Prayers, and other times with gradual bleeding like Pontiff of BlightPontiff of Blight or Cabal ArchonCabal Archon. Cards like Blood ArtistBlood Artist, Zulaport CutthroatZulaport Cutthroat, and Falkenrath NobleFalkenrath Noble slot well into this strategy even if they aren't all clerics.
The Department of Redundancy Department
Mentor of the Meek art by Jana Schirmer & Johannes Voss
Especially in a deck with numerous creatures and a low mana curve, we need our fair share of card draw. "But Bryce!" I hear the masses cry, "one of our Commanders provides us with card advantage!" To which I reply, "Yes, she does! But her card advantage is capped by how many opponents we have, and relies on our creatures getting through for damage! Moreover, redundancy is an important element of a Commander deck!" At whatever point that I conclude the self-serving imaginary dialogue, I would tell you that Bygone BishopBygone Bishop and Mentor of the MeekMentor of the Meek are card advantage engines that slot into our small-creature strategy (the former is even a Cleric!) Former-Standard-boogeyman and current-Commander-boogeyman SkullclampSkullclamp plays right into the death-half of our strategy, especially with sacrifice outlets like Vampiric RitesVampiric Rites.
The Department of Redundancy Department
Rally the Ancestors art by Nils Hamm
Especially in a deck with numerous creatures and a lot of them dying, we're going to need our fair share of recursion. "But Bryce!" I hear the masses cry, "one of our Commanders provides us with recursion!" To which I reply, "Yes, he does! But his recursion only gets us one creature per turn! Moreover, white/black has some great effects that return multiple creatures at once from our graveyard to the battlefield directly!" At whatever point that I conclude the self-serving imaginary dialogue [and lengthy redundancy comedy bit*], I would tell you that Immortal ServitudeImmortal Servitude and Rally the AncestorsRally the Ancestors are strong mass reanimation spells. Rally the AncestorsRally the Ancestors normally exiles all of the returned creatures at our next upkeep, but we have so many sacrifice outlets floating around that I'm confident we can reuse those creatures again and again. Order of WhiteclayOrder of Whiteclay is a potentially-repeatable piece of reanimation. I'll include Holdout SettlementHoldout Settlement in our land base, in case we want to tap the Order without having to risk its death in combat.
* Strictly speaking, this is probably more of a repetitiveness joke than a redundancy joke, but let's not split hairs.
Purge the Non-Believers
Clerics in Magic are often depicted as having very particular ideas of what should and should not be allowed. Consequently, many clerics can destroy or exile a variety of permanents. Considering how many methods we have of sacrificing creatures, False ProphetFalse Prophet is an instant-speed exile-all-creatures effect. Blind ZealotBlind Zealot is an adorable piece of creature kill that fits in with Tymna's strategy. Enough of our clerics are incidentally humans that Devout ChaplainDevout Chaplain enables repeatable exile of artifacts or enchantments. The list goes on!
The Sideways Strat - One-Drop Tribal
Immortal Servitude art by Seb McKinnon
On occasion, I like to approach deck building from unconventional angles. Such as, what if every creature in our deck were a one-drop? What if every non-land card were a one-drop? What would that look like? To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. Swarms of cheap creatures would help maximize the damage wrought by Ravos' +1/+1 effect, as well as maximize our ability to draw cards off of Tymna. Many draw engines – Mentor of the MeekMentor of the Meek, Bygone BishopBygone Bishop, SkullclampSkullclamp – become more efficient. Reanimation gets even easier: not only does Immortal ServitudeImmortal Servitude cost less, but we can use more specific cards like Return to the RanksReturn to the Ranks and Proclamation of RebirthProclamation of Rebirth. If you too wish to ponder this Sideways Strat, let me know!
Checking Out
Ravos + Tymna Clerics
View on ArchidektCommanders (2)
- 1 * Ravos, Soultender* Ravos, Soultender
- 1 * Tymna the Weaver* Tymna the Weaver
Creatures (45)
- 1 * Akroma's Devoted* Akroma's Devoted
- 1 * Ancestor's Prophet* Ancestor's Prophet
- 1 * Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim* Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim
- 1 * Battletide Alchemist* Battletide Alchemist
- 1 * Blind Zealot* Blind Zealot
- 1 * Blood Artist* Blood Artist
- 1 * Burnished Hart* Burnished Hart
- 1 * Bygone Bishop* Bygone Bishop
- 1 * Cabal Archon* Cabal Archon
- 1 * Celestial Gatekeeper* Celestial Gatekeeper
- 1 * Custodi Soulcaller* Custodi Soulcaller
- 1 * Daru Spiritualist* Daru Spiritualist
- 1 * Devout Chaplain* Devout Chaplain
- 1 * Disciple of Bolas* Disciple of Bolas
- 1 * Doubtless One* Doubtless One
- 1 * Edgewalker* Edgewalker
- 1 * Falkenrath Noble* Falkenrath Noble
- 1 * False Prophet* False Prophet
- 1 * Fiend Hunter* Fiend Hunter
- 1 * Frontline Medic* Frontline Medic
- 1 * Glory* Glory
- 1 * Grim Haruspex* Grim Haruspex
- 1 * Hanweir Militia Captain* Hanweir Militia Captain
- 1 * High Priest of Penance* High Priest of Penance
- 1 * Kor Sanctifiers* Kor Sanctifiers
- 1 * Master Apothecary* Master Apothecary
- 1 * Mentor of the Meek* Mentor of the Meek
- 1 * Mirror Entity* Mirror Entity
- 1 * Odric, Lunarch Marshal* Odric, Lunarch Marshal
- 1 * Order of Whiteclay* Order of Whiteclay
- 1 * Pious Evangel* Pious Evangel
- 1 * Planar Guide* Planar Guide
- 1 * Pontiff of Blight* Pontiff of Blight
- 1 * Qarsi High Priest* Qarsi High Priest
- 1 * Rotlung Reanimator* Rotlung Reanimator
- 1 * Shaman en-Kor* Shaman en-Kor
- 1 * Shieldmage Elder* Shieldmage Elder
- 1 * Skirsdag Flayer* Skirsdag Flayer
- 1 * Skirsdag High Priest* Skirsdag High Priest
- 1 * Soul Warden* Soul Warden
- 1 * Soul's Attendant* Soul's Attendant
- 1 * Suture Priest* Suture Priest
- 1 * Viscera Seer* Viscera Seer
- 1 * War Priest of Thune* War Priest of Thune
- 1 * Zulaport Cutthroat* Zulaport Cutthroat
Artifacts (4)
- 1 * Expedition Map* Expedition Map
- 1 * Orzhov Signet* Orzhov Signet
- 1 * Swiftfoot Boots* Swiftfoot Boots
- 1 * Well of Lost Dreams* Well of Lost Dreams
Instants (4)
- 1 * Faith's Reward* Faith's Reward
- 1 * Rally the Ancestors* Rally the Ancestors
- 1 * Succumb to Temptation* Succumb to Temptation
- 1 * Utter End* Utter End
Sorceries (7)
- 1 * Angelic Purge* Angelic Purge
- 1 * Diabolic Tutor* Diabolic Tutor
- 1 * Immortal Servitude* Immortal Servitude
- 1 * Merciless Eviction* Merciless Eviction
- 1 * Profane Prayers* Profane Prayers
- 1 * Read the Bones* Read the Bones
- 1 * Solar Tide* Solar Tide
Lands (38)
- 1 * Blighted Fen* Blighted Fen
- 1 * Blighted Steppe* Blighted Steppe
- 1 * Bojuka Bog* Bojuka Bog
- 1 * Caves of Koilos* Caves of Koilos
- 1 * Crypt of Agadeem* Crypt of Agadeem
- 1 * Geier Reach Sanitarium* Geier Reach Sanitarium
- 1 * High Market* High Market
- 1 * Holdout Settlement* Holdout Settlement
- 1 * Mortuary Mire* Mortuary Mire
- 1 * Orzhov Basilica* Orzhov Basilica
- 1 * Rogue's Passage* Rogue's Passage
- 1 * Scoured Barrens* Scoured Barrens
- 1 * Sejiri Steppe* Sejiri Steppe
- 1 * Starlit Sanctum* Starlit Sanctum
- 1 * Tainted Field* Tainted Field
- 11 PlainsPlains
- 12 SwampSwamp
It looks like our clerical devotion to budget decks has served us well: by TCG Mid pricing, Ravos and Tymna Clerics clocks in at $45.00. Thank you to Matt B. for suggesting the Partner mechanic, to Rob S. for suggesting a tribal theme, and to you, for your readership! Care to pass a commander or theme suggestion my way? Have you cracked the code to a ridiculously-good one-drop tribal deck? Say hello on Twitter, wave at me on Tumblr, or email me here. And, until next we meet, enjoy your time browsing the Low Market.
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