
Making the Cut - Taking on the Dump, Part 2

Making the Cut - Taking on the Dump, Part 2

Optimizing a Pile Last time on Making the Cut, we looked at an initial dump of cards for a [card]Lazav, the Multifarious[/card] +1/+1 counter deck featuring as many cheap creatures as possible, and then did an initial cut based on the archetypes we knew the deck was going to need in the final version. To start […]
The 10 Commandments of Building on a Budget

The 10 Commandments of Building on a Budget

Andrew Cummings
Andrew Cummings
Shalt Thou? Thou Shalt Hello! I'm Andrew Cummings, and normally I'm the guy that writes the Ultra Budget Brews article series. Today, however, I want to do something a bit different. I want to talk about ways to make the game of Magic a bit cheaper for you. Before I begin, I think it's important […]
Ultra Budget Brews - 5 Colors

Ultra Budget Brews - 5 Colors

Andrew Cummings
Andrew Cummings
Hello and welcome back to another edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the monthly article series that builds entire Commander decks in which no card costs more than $1. Every week, I give you all a poll so that you all have some say in what these articles end up being about. If I'm writing about […]
Thrifty Fifty - Torgaar's Budget Blood Drive

Thrifty Fifty - Torgaar's Budget Blood Drive

Dylan Hamada
Dylan Hamada
Aris-Torg-Crats Welcome to Thrifty Fifty, a series where we build budget EDH decks for $50, or around the same price as a [card]Gilded Drake[/card]. We’ll be paying special attention to new and/or underplayed commanders, and crafting efficient decks that you’ll be proud to bring to EDH night. In the process, we’ll discover budget gems, rad […]
Andrew Jackson Highlander - Varina, Lich Queen

Andrew Jackson Highlander - Varina, Lich Queen

Brody Mikel
Brody Mikel
All Rise For The Queen Welcome to Andrew Jackson Highlander, where I build and share a Commander deck tech that you can purchase with an Andrew Jackson ($20). This week, I am going to continue with my focus on the Commander 2018 alternate commanders. This week, our commander will be [card]Varina, Lich Queen[/card]. Varina leans toward […]
Ultra Budget Brews - Nature's Vengeance

Ultra Budget Brews - Nature's Vengeance

Andrew Cummings
Andrew Cummings
World Wide Web of War Hello, and welcome back to a special edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the article series that is perpetually "Thinking Arby's" (I blame the coupons they mail). It's also the series that builds entire EDH decks in which no card costs more than $1. Well, typically. I mentioned that this is […]
Commander Focus — Vaevictis Asmadi 2, the Budget

Commander Focus — Vaevictis Asmadi 2, the Budget

Nate Burgess
Nate Burgess
Vaevictis the Dire... On a Budget! As a new twist, I'm writing a follow-up article to a previous commander. In my last article about [card]Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire[/card], I made a deck list that I felt comfortable playing. Only later did I look at the per-card budget lines of the deck and realize that I made […]
Andrew Jackson Highlander - Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer

Andrew Jackson Highlander - Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer

Brody Mikel
Brody Mikel
Engineering A Swarm Welcome to Andrew Jackson Highlander, a biweekly series of articles where I build and share $20 Commander decks. With Commander 2018's recent release, I am going to share a build for one of the set's alternate commanders in this article. This week, we start off with a traditional Izzet strategy: Go-wide tokens…. Wait, wait, […]