Weird Harvest — I've been you
Hello fellow janksters and welcome back to Weird Harvest. In this installment we're going to continue along last installment's idea of running a hybrid Voltron commander. Rather than running Stax like we did with , we will focus on a traditional control strategy. There were many options available for running a control-centric commander, but my […]
Low Market — A Great Un-dertaking
Grusilda, Monster Masher art by Mathias Kollros Here on Low Market, we've only just started playing with Unstable, and we're already having an un-credible time with it; so much so that we're coming back around with another silver-bordered commander. This time, though, we're building for flexibility, with a deck capable of using a silver-bordered commander () […]
Historically Speaking — 'Nacatl' means what?!
Words have weight. A heft, like a cleaver, or a rolling pin. Words like imperator or carnifex, tribune, or legion evoke certain images, certain moods; they carry deep over and undertones and implications. Take the previous examples—they evoke a Roman flavor so before we even see a card, we've drawn expectations. Look at Licia: Words […]
UN-derdog's Corner — Dr. Julius Jumblemorph
I Hope You UN-derstand Hello, everyone and welcome to a special edition of the Underdog's Corner! If you noticed the title, we are focusing on one of the silver-bordered legends from the newest set, Unstable! While silver-bordered cards are only legal until the banned and restricted announcement for Commander in January, I thought it would […]
Uncompetitive Spirit — Chase
Welcome to December's first installment of Uncompetitive Spirit! Here we celebrate not only the holidays, but also the quirky ways to play EDH with our friends - format variants! In this article series, I discuss the basic rules and strategies for each of these variants, and I also throw out a deck generated by this […]
60 to 100 — Ramos the Un-Dragon
Well, hello everyone! This week we're going on a wild and crazy adventure, where no man has gone before. Or woman. Or...anyone really. Except for Nate Burgess, but that's only because he's better at writing articles than I am. Where is this place you ask? This place is scary to some, exciting for others and […]
Ultra Budget Brews — Die Hard
Hello and welcome back to a special edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the column that celebrates Christmas super early because they want to get a head start on everyone else's Christmas-themed articles. It's also the column that builds entire EDH decks containing no card costing more than $1 American. In lieu of a normal poll, […]
Commander Showdown — Vona vs Ayli vs Karlov
Triple Showdown Back in June, I wrote Commander Showdown — Ayli vs Karlov, tackling the two lifegain-based Orzhov commanders, and . Then Ixalan happened, throwing a new black-white lifegain commander into the mix. By now you're probably already familiar with her: it's . Yes, once again, we have an Orzhov commander that gains life and demolishes […]
Spreading the Love — Getting Your Significant Other to Play
Kya Vess
Hello Planeswalkers, Kya here once again to spread more love across the EDH community! Being a female player, Magic: the Gathering can be an... interesting experience to say the least. I know there has been plenty of drama over the last week, but this article doesn't deal with that topic. I'm sure many are tired […]
Commander UNFocus — Baron Von Count
Okay FINE. Yeah. We'll look at Unstable commanders. Sometimes a new legendary creature comes out that values other cards in a new way, making cards that were previously useless suddenly amazing in the right EDH deck. The last time I wrote about this sort of thing was with and a fresh look at activated abilities. […]