Guilds of Ravnica Set Review – Boros
Integrity and Intervention “Hey, you there, with the hooded cloak. What do you think you’re doing? No, I did see it. The flash of light reflected by the lemmet of your blade: don’t you hide it from me! Put your hands where I can see them. What’s this? A Dimir sigil? You’ve wandered far from […]
Andrew Jackson Highlander - Varina, Lich Queen
All Rise For The Queen Welcome to Andrew Jackson Highlander, where I build and share a Commander deck tech that you can purchase with an Andrew Jackson ($20). This week, I am going to continue with my focus on the Commander 2018 alternate commanders. This week, our commander will be . Varina leans toward Zombie tribal, […]
Guilds of Ravnica Set Review — Golgari
Golden Golgari For me, the city of Ravnica is a place of nostalgia. When I first started playing casually in college, Ravnica: City of Guilds had just been released. I bought intro decks and packs and proceeded to play really badly with my friends. Then, when I got into Magic more seriously and transitioned to Commander, Return to […]
Underdog's Corner - Experiment Kraj
Seasons of Ravnica Hello everyone, and welcome back to the latest addition of the Underdog’s Corner! As you know, the full spoiler for Guilds of Ravnica has been released, and I have to say that it is an impressive set. Keep an eye out for EDHREC’s reviews this week! With that in mind, I wanted […]
Cure for the Common Game
Building Every Commander Deck My name is Brian Canada, and I am building a deck for every single commander. First, let me tell you a little about me. I'm a husband, father, grandfather, and an EDH addict. I have been playing Magic nonstop for 24 years. Somewhere around the Ravnica: City of Guilds era, I read an article […]
Ultra Budget Brews - Nature's Vengeance
World Wide Web of War Hello, and welcome back to a special edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the article series that is perpetually "Thinking Arby's" (I blame the coupons they mail). It's also the series that builds entire EDH decks in which no card costs more than $1. Well, typically. I mentioned that this is […]
Commander Showdown - Grenzo vs Alesha
Mini Minions Some colors in Magic: the Gathering like to play the "go big or go home" game. In green, for example, we see , , , and a myriad of other effects that reward you for playing enormous monsters. Other colors, however, prefer to go wide rather than tall. White, with its and effects, loves legions […]
Spreading the Love - Remembering a Good Boy
Kya Vess
The Goodest Boy Hello everyone, Kya here! I apologize for the delay since my last article. Oh, who are we kidding, no one is paying attention to my schedules. Anyhow, last we spoke I was on my way to Dragon Con for some cosplay fun. Unfortunately, while going up to Georgia to stay with my […]
60 to 100 - Teshar Has Iron in the Works
Iron Will Greetings and salutations to fans of formats both large and small! Welcome back to another installment of 60 to 100, the where we upsize all the decks from constructed formats and bring them into the world of Commander! This week, I've got a spicy one for you. I know that I say that […]
EDHREC Guilds of Ravnica Preview Card
Discovery/Dispersal Hello everyone! Today is an exciting day, as I have the distinct pleasure of bringing you EDHREC's preview card for Guilds of Ravnica! Thanks to Wizards of the Coast for the exclusive free preview! Since I know you're all here to see the card, let's skip the pleasantries and take a look! is one of the the new […]