Ravnica Allegiance Set Review - Guildless (Pt. 1)
Persistent Petitioners by Jason Rainville (@rhineville) White, Blue, and Black Welcome, EDH fanatics! Ravnica Allegiance is around the corner, and it’s great! I have the honor and privilege to present you with my review of the white, blue, and black cards that are not part of any guild (a.k.a guildless). Although one might expect that […]
Ravnica Allegiance Set Review - Rakdos
Bedevil by Seb McKinnon (@sebmckinnon) Bedeck, Bedazzle, Bedevil Welcome to the Ravnica Allegiance, a set where no matter how many times I type it out, I still have to spellcheck Allegiance. This time around I get to review the Rakdos portion of the set. They're Ravnica's own Insane Clown Posse, except with acid and chainsaws instead […]
Ravnica Allegiance Set Review – Orzhov
Ethereal Absolution by Eric Deschamps ( The Spoopiest Little Guild It's that time again! Ravnica Alligience is here, and the Orzhov Syndicate is back to play. This time around, their guild mechanic is Afterlife, which creates white and black flying Spirit creature tokens after your creature dies. This doesn't look like it was designed with […]
Ravnica Allegiance Set Review – Simic
Simic Ascendancy by Izzy (@izzymedrano) Welcome to the Combine Hey readers! I am super stoked to be writing the Simic review for Ravnica Allegiance! If I had to pick a single guild that best represents me as a person, it's most deifnitely the Simic Combine, full of aquatic organisms, a desire to explore and experiment, […]
Ravnica Allegiance Set Review - Azorius
Emergency Powers by Chris Rallis ( I Fought the Law, and the Law Won Of course the law won. The law always wins. For the Azorius, there is no phrase sweeter, no sentiment more precious, and no rule more golden than the strict adherence to the hieromantic power they hold over Ravnica. As Ravnica Allengiance approaches, the […]
Ravnica Allegiance Set Review - Gruul
Nikya of the Old Ways by Ryan Pancoast (@rpancoast_art) Not Gruul? THEN DIE! Hello, and welcome to EDHREC's set review for Ravnica Allegiance! Right out the Guildgate, let me be honest: the Gruul color combination hasn't ever truly resonated with me. However, this set is looking awesome, which means it might be time for that […]
Replacement Commanders - SURPRISE! Izzet Another Krenko Deck?!
DM Cross
Well, Izzet? Aha! Hello again, you lovely readers! I know, you are surprised and astounded, but I promise you, my name is still Seth Cross and this is the real, actual-factual final installment of the Replacement Commanders series for Commander 2018! A few articles ago I wrote about , and toward the end of that article, […]
Pursuit of Knowledge - Rakdos
Rakuno, Rakdos, Raktres Barring decks with black and green in their color identity, the Command Zone found in their gameplay survey that decks with black and red in their color identity were the strongest. Although this extends to color combinations like Jund and Mardu, does this color pairing advantage translate to Rakdos? In this new […]
Mechanically Minded - Ninjutsu
Ninjutsu for You Everybody loves Ninjas. You loved them in Mortal Kombat. You loved them when you read about them in the Magic Treehouse books (or was that just me?). And you probably loved them when they first appeared in Betrayers of Kamigawa, despite them being criminally under-supported. Their signature mechanic is, of course, Ninjutsu, and this week […]
The Knowledge Pool - 2018 Deck Updates
Time for an Update Hi everyone! Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool. With 2018 now behind us, I wanted to take a look back at a few of the decks I've demoed and suggest a few updates that I think would help take them to the next level. This past year I've presented 18 decks in […]