Kyle Massa
EDH Player Psychographics - Barktooths and the Allure of the Unusual
Barktooth Warbeard is a card you've probably never heard of, which is exactly why he's the namesake of our next EDH player psychographic. A Barktooth is an EDH player who loves playing unusual, underused, and under-appreciated cards. For Barktooths, the fun of the format isn't necessarily derived from playing the optimal card all the time. For […]
EDH Player Psychographics - Mackenzies and the Big Bucks
Mackenzie Welcome back to another edition of EDH Player Psychographics! Today, let's talk about Mackenzies. To be a Mackenzie, one need not wear a bone helmet, grow a beard, or hang out near Stonehenge (though I suppose you can if you'd like). In terms of EDH Player Psychographics, Mackenzies are those who enjoy playing expensive cards. […]
EDH Player Psychographics — Winning Like a Herm
Some play EDH for fun. Some play to socialize. Some play to make friends, or cast cards they can't cast in other formats. And then there are those who play for one reason and one reason only. (In the following video, please substitute the word "sports" with "Elder Dragon Highlander.") If you're a Herm or […]
An Introduction to EDH Player Psychographics
Have you ever taken one of those Facebook personality tests? It's okay to admit it. One can only resist the "Which Game of Thrones Character Are You?" quiz for so long. (I got Ned Stark, so I hope I'm not beheaded before I finish this article.) Since I'm a longtime EDH player, I wondered how […]