Romana II (Pairings)

Ciel Collins
One Theme Three Techs: Planeswalkers
Ciel looks at Planeswalker heavy Commander decks from three different angles in One Theme Three Techs: Planeswalkers!
Michael Celani
How They Brew It - Try This At Home
It's that delightful demonstrate duo: The Twelfth Doctor and Romana II in a deck designed to cast spells from outside your hand.
The Sixth Doctor
738 decks
The Twelfth Doctor
172 decks
The Third Doctor
39 decks
The Tenth Doctor
16 decks
The Fourth Doctor
16 decks
The Fourteenth Doctor
8 decks
The Fifteenth Doctor
7 decks
The Ninth Doctor
6 decks
The Fugitive Doctor
5 decks
The Thirteenth Doctor
4 decks
The Second Doctor
2 decks
The Fifth Doctor
2 decks
The First Doctor
1 decks
The Eleventh Doctor
1 decks