Loran of the Third Path (Commander) - Core Discard

Loran of the Third Path
5 decks (0.000%) Rank #1940
Unsummoned Skull
Odric, Lunarch Marshal Commander Deck Tech
Stack keywords on top of keywords with this Odric, Lunarch Marshal Commander deck tech from Unsummoned Skull.
Deck Filters
Commander Spellbook
Hollow One
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Spirit Cairn
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Tireless Tribe
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Containment Construct
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Fleeting Spirit
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Seasoned Hallowblade
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Mindstorm Crown
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
God-Pharaoh's Gift
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Argentum Masticore
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Top Cards
Gate to the Afterlife
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Currency Converter
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Hallowed Spiritkeeper
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Wall of Mourning
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Mindless Automaton
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Ghirapur Orrery
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Guardian of New Benalia
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
Eternal Dragon
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
Timeless Dragon
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
Radiant Solar
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
Dawnbreak Reclaimer
100% of 5 decks +98% synergy
Oreskos Explorer
100% of 5 decks +97% synergy
Angel of Serenity
100% of 5 decks +94% synergy
Wojek Investigator
100% of 5 decks +92% synergy
Serra Paragon
100% of 5 decks +92% synergy
Battle Angels of Tyr
100% of 5 decks +88% synergy
Karmic Guide
100% of 5 decks +86% synergy
Sun Titan
100% of 5 decks +73% synergy
Bartered Cow
80% of 5 decks +80% synergy
Luminate Primordial
80% of 5 decks +80% synergy
Aurelia's Vindicator
60% of 5 decks +59% synergy
Yes Man, Personal Securitron
60% of 5 decks +59% synergy
Zetalpa, Primal Dawn
60% of 5 decks +57% synergy
Reya Dawnbringer
60% of 5 decks +57% synergy
Angel of the Ruins
60% of 5 decks +50% synergy
Sunscourge Champion
40% of 5 decks +40% synergy
Guardian Archon
40% of 5 decks +40% synergy
Moorland Rescuer
40% of 5 decks +40% synergy
Airlift Chaplain
40% of 5 decks +40% synergy
Arden Angel
40% of 5 decks +39% synergy
Eidolon of Rhetoric
40% of 5 decks +36% synergy
Akroma, Angel of Wrath
40% of 5 decks +35% synergy
Ancestor's Chosen
20% of 5 decks +20% synergy
Mageta the Lion
20% of 5 decks +20% synergy
Scavenged Brawler
20% of 5 decks +20% synergy
Seht's Tiger
20% of 5 decks +20% synergy
Blazing Archon
20% of 5 decks +19% synergy
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
Swords to Plowshares
100% of 5 decks +22% synergy
Prismatic Strands
60% of 5 decks +59% synergy
Vengeful Dreams
20% of 5 decks +20% synergy
Breath of Life
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
Storm of Souls
100% of 5 decks +98% synergy
Late to Dinner
100% of 5 decks +98% synergy
Invoke Justice
100% of 5 decks +98% synergy
Ascend from Avernus
100% of 5 decks +94% synergy
Sevinne's Reclamation
100% of 5 decks +86% synergy
Ondu Inversion
80% of 5 decks +74% synergy
Divine Reckoning
40% of 5 decks +35% synergy
Secret Rendezvous
40% of 5 decks +28% synergy
Planar Birth
20% of 5 decks +20% synergy
Utility Artifacts
Matzalantli, the Great Door
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
The Underworld Cookbook
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
Key to the City
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
Smuggler's Copter
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
Archaeomancer's Map
100% of 5 decks +75% synergy
Bag of Holding
40% of 5 decks +40% synergy
Trading Post
20% of 5 decks +18% synergy
Peace of Mind
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
Journey to Nowhere
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
Cast Out
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
Elspeth Conquers Death
100% of 5 decks +98% synergy
Marshal's Anthem
100% of 5 decks +97% synergy
The Restoration of Eiganjo
100% of 5 decks +96% synergy
Chivalric Alliance
100% of 5 decks +95% synergy
Absolute Law
40% of 5 decks +40% synergy
Rule of Law
40% of 5 decks +35% synergy
Utility Lands
Drownyard Temple
100% of 5 decks +100% synergy
Drifting Meadow
100% of 5 decks +95% synergy
Temple of the False God
100% of 5 decks +88% synergy
Secluded Steppe
100% of 5 decks +85% synergy
Emeria, the Sky Ruin
80% of 5 decks +41% synergy
Mana Artifacts
Phial of Galadriel
100% of 5 decks +99% synergy
Caged Sun
20% of 5 decks +9% synergy