Average Deck for Valduk, Keeper of the Flame - Budget Core Auras

Valduk, Keeper of the Flame
8 decks (0.000%) Rank #743
Michael Celani
How They Brew It - Dan Lewis Hits You with a Car
The plan: scrounge up enough junk around you and use it as improvised weaponry, thereby running an Equipment deck with almost no Equipment.
Bernardo Melibeu
Jun 1, 2021
Epic Experiment - Valduk Vehicles
Valduk wants to switch things up, so let's go for a drive!
Commander Spellbook

1 Valduk, Keeper of the Flame 1 Act on Impulse 1 Aeronaut's Wings 1 Akki War Paint 1 Ambitious Assault 1 Amorphous Axe 1 Armory of Iroas 1 Aspect of Manticore 1 Bladegraft Aspirant 1 Bone Saw 1 Brazen Blademaster 1 Cartouche of Zeal 1 Cliffhaven Kitesail 1 Convenient Target 1 Dragon Mantle 1 Epiphany Storm 1 Escape Velocity 1 Firebreathing 1 Flamespeaker's Will 1 Flowstone Blade 1 Forgehammer Centurion 1 Frenzied Rage 1 Furor of the Bitten 1 Galvanic Relay 1 Giant Spectacle 1 Gift of Wrath 1 Gnawing Crescendo 1 Goblin War Paint 1 Grab the Prize 1 Hammerhand 1 Heart-Piercer Bow 1 Ignite the Future 1 Immolation 1 Imposing Visage 1 Iroas's Blessing 1 Kitesail 1 Leather Armor 1 Lightning Diadem 1 Lightning Spear 1 Marauder's Axe 1 Messenger's Speed 1 Mishra's Domination 1 Molten Gatekeeper 38 Mountain 1 Oxidda Finisher 1 Quick-Draw Dagger 1 Rabbit Battery 1 Salivating Gremlins 1 Scavenged Blade 1 Shatter the Source 1 Shock 1 Short Sword 1 Simian Sling 1 Spellgorger Weird 1 Sure Strike 1 Taste for Mayhem 1 Thrill of Possibility 1 Undying Rage 1 Vanquisher's Axe 1 War Squeak 1 Warehouse Thief 1 Welding Sparks 1 Witty Roastmaster
Bladegraft Aspirant
Bladegraft Aspirant
Brazen Blademaster
Brazen Blademaster
Forgehammer Centurion
Forgehammer Centurion
Molten Gatekeeper
Molten Gatekeeper
Oxidda Finisher
Oxidda Finisher
Rabbit Battery
Rabbit Battery
Salivating Gremlins
Salivating Gremlins
Simian Sling
Simian Sling
Spellgorger Weird
Spellgorger Weird
Warehouse Thief
Warehouse Thief
Witty Roastmaster
Witty Roastmaster
Instants (7)
Ambitious Assault
Ambitious Assault
Gnawing Crescendo
Gnawing Crescendo
Shatter the Source
Shatter the Source
Sure Strike
Sure Strike
Thrill of Possibility
Thrill of Possibility
Welding Sparks
Welding Sparks
Sorceries (4)
Act on Impulse
Act on Impulse
Galvanic Relay
Galvanic Relay
Grab the Prize
Grab the Prize
Ignite the Future
Ignite the Future
Artifacts (14)
Aeronaut's Wings
Aeronaut's Wings
Amorphous Axe
Amorphous Axe
Armory of Iroas
Armory of Iroas
Bone Saw
Bone Saw
Cliffhaven Kitesail
Cliffhaven Kitesail
Heart-Piercer Bow
Heart-Piercer Bow
Leather Armor
Leather Armor
Lightning Spear
Lightning Spear
Marauder's Axe
Marauder's Axe
Quick-Draw Dagger
Quick-Draw Dagger
Scavenged Blade
Scavenged Blade
Short Sword
Short Sword
Vanquisher's Axe
Vanquisher's Axe
Enchantments (25)
Akki War Paint
Akki War Paint
Aspect of Manticore
Aspect of Manticore
Cartouche of Zeal
Cartouche of Zeal
Convenient Target
Convenient Target
Dragon Mantle
Dragon Mantle
Epiphany Storm
Epiphany Storm
Escape Velocity
Escape Velocity
Flamespeaker's Will
Flamespeaker's Will
Flowstone Blade
Flowstone Blade
Frenzied Rage
Frenzied Rage
Furor of the Bitten
Furor of the Bitten
Giant Spectacle
Giant Spectacle
Gift of Wrath
Gift of Wrath
Goblin War Paint
Goblin War Paint
Imposing Visage
Imposing Visage
Iroas's Blessing
Iroas's Blessing
Lightning Diadem
Lightning Diadem
Messenger's Speed
Messenger's Speed
Mishra's Domination
Mishra's Domination
Taste for Mayhem
Taste for Mayhem
Undying Rage
Undying Rage
War Squeak
War Squeak
Basics (1)
38 Mountains