Average Deck for Uglúk of the White Hand - Budget Sacrifice

Uglúk of the White Hand
2 decks (0.000%) Rank #1690
Kyle Massa
Jun 17, 2023
The Over/Under - Predicting the Popularity of Lord of the Rings Commanders
Kyle predicts which commanders from The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth will be the most popular, and which commanders will be left in the 99.
Ben Doolittle
The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth Set Review - Allies and Shards
What are your favorite allied color cards from The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-earth? Ben Doolittle shares his!
Commander Spellbook

1 Uglúk of the White Hand 1 Abrade 1 Akki Scrapchomper 1 Battle Cry Goblin 1 Beamtown Beatstick 1 Bladed Battle-Fan 1 Boggart Birth Rite 1 Book of Mazarbul 1 Cast Down 1 Caterwauling Boggart 1 Chimney Rabble 1 Cirith Ungol Patrol 1 Cleansing Wildfire 1 Cliffhaven Kitesail 1 Crime Novelist 1 Dark-Dweller Oracle 1 Deadly Cover-Up 1 Deadly Dispute 1 Dredging Claw 1 Emergency Weld 1 Evolving Wilds 1 Executioner's Hood 1 Faithless Looting 1 Fanatical Offering 1 Feed the Swarm 1 First Day of Class 1 Frogtosser Banneret 1 Gimli's Axe 1 Goblin Assault Team 1 Goblin Instigator 1 Goblin Lookout 1 Goblin Matron 1 Goblin Racketeer 1 Goblin Researcher 1 Goblin Sledder 1 Goblin Turncoat 1 Goldvein Pick 1 Haunted Fengraf 1 Hidden Necropolis 1 Hidden Volcano 1 Hornet Harasser 1 Impulsive Pilferer 1 In Thrall to the Pit 1 It Doesn't Add Up 1 Mishra's Onslaught 1 Mogg Fanatic 1 Mogg Raider 1 Mogg War Marshal 14 Mountain 1 Mudbutton Torchrunner 1 Orcish Bloodpainter 1 Orcish Hellraiser 1 Prying Blade 1 Putrid Goblin 1 Shackles of Treachery 1 Shady Informant 1 Shambling Goblin 1 Shatter the Oath 1 Skirk Prospector 1 Skyblinder Staff 1 Spikeshot Goblin 1 Splatter Goblin 1 Squeaking Pie Grubfellows 1 Sticky Fingers 1 Stingscourger 11 Swamp 1 Swarming Goblins 1 The Autonomous Furnace 1 The Dross Pits 1 The Shattered States Era 1 Tramway Station 1 Unearth 1 Uruk-hai Berserker 1 Vorrac Battlehorns 1 Warren Pilferers 1 Warteye Witch 1 Witch's Cottage
Akki Scrapchomper
Akki Scrapchomper
Battle Cry Goblin
Battle Cry Goblin
Caterwauling Boggart
Caterwauling Boggart
Chimney Rabble
Chimney Rabble
Cirith Ungol Patrol
Cirith Ungol Patrol
Crime Novelist
Crime Novelist
Dark-Dweller Oracle
Dark-Dweller Oracle
Frogtosser Banneret
Frogtosser Banneret
Goblin Assault Team
Goblin Assault Team
Goblin Instigator
Goblin Instigator
Goblin Lookout
Goblin Lookout
Goblin Matron
Goblin Matron
Goblin Racketeer
Goblin Racketeer
Goblin Researcher
Goblin Researcher
Goblin Sledder
Goblin Sledder
Goblin Turncoat
Goblin Turncoat
Hornet Harasser
Hornet Harasser
Impulsive Pilferer
Impulsive Pilferer
Mogg Fanatic
Mogg Fanatic
Mogg Raider
Mogg Raider
Mogg War Marshal
Mogg War Marshal
Mudbutton Torchrunner
Mudbutton Torchrunner
Orcish Bloodpainter
Orcish Bloodpainter
Orcish Hellraiser
Orcish Hellraiser
Putrid Goblin
Putrid Goblin
Shady Informant
Shady Informant
Shambling Goblin
Shambling Goblin
Skirk Prospector
Skirk Prospector
Spikeshot Goblin
Spikeshot Goblin
Splatter Goblin
Splatter Goblin
Squeaking Pie Grubfellows
Squeaking Pie Grubfellows
Swarming Goblins
Swarming Goblins
Uruk-hai Berserker
Uruk-hai Berserker
Warren Pilferers
Warren Pilferers
Warteye Witch
Warteye Witch
Instants (7)
Cast Down
Cast Down
Deadly Dispute
Deadly Dispute
Fanatical Offering
Fanatical Offering
First Day of Class
First Day of Class
It Doesn't Add Up
It Doesn't Add Up
Mishra's Onslaught
Mishra's Onslaught
Sorceries (10)
Boggart Birth Rite
Boggart Birth Rite
Cleansing Wildfire
Cleansing Wildfire
Deadly Cover-Up
Deadly Cover-Up
Emergency Weld
Emergency Weld
Faithless Looting
Faithless Looting
Feed the Swarm
Feed the Swarm
In Thrall to the Pit
In Thrall to the Pit
Shackles of Treachery
Shackles of Treachery
Shatter the Oath
Shatter the Oath
Artifacts (10)
Beamtown Beatstick
Beamtown Beatstick
Bladed Battle-Fan
Bladed Battle-Fan
Cliffhaven Kitesail
Cliffhaven Kitesail
Dredging Claw
Dredging Claw
Executioner's Hood
Executioner's Hood
Gimli's Axe
Gimli's Axe
Goldvein Pick
Goldvein Pick
Prying Blade
Prying Blade
Skyblinder Staff
Skyblinder Staff
Vorrac Battlehorns
Vorrac Battlehorns
Enchantments (3)
Book of Mazarbul
Book of Mazarbul
Sticky Fingers
Sticky Fingers
The Shattered States Era
The Shattered States Era
Lands (8)
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Haunted Fengraf
Haunted Fengraf
Hidden Necropolis
Hidden Necropolis
Hidden Volcano
Hidden Volcano
The Autonomous Furnace
The Autonomous Furnace
The Dross Pits
The Dross Pits
Tramway Station
Tramway Station
Witch's Cottage
Witch's Cottage
Basics (2)
11 Swamps
14 Mountains