Average Deck for Tahngarth, First Mate - Budget Core Auras

Tahngarth, First Mate
8 decks (0.000%) Rank #1277
Feb 19, 2025
Commander Unoptimized - Group Hugs
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What Would They Play?
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Commander Spellbook

1 Tahngarth, First Mate 1 Agitator Ant 1 Arbor Elf 1 Arcane Signet 1 Assault Suit 1 Audacity 1 Beamtown Beatstick 1 Bloodthirsty Blade 1 Boar Umbra 1 Cinder Glade 1 Colossal Majesty 1 Command Tower 1 Convenient Target 1 Coronation of Chaos 1 Curse of the Nightly Hunt 1 Demonic Ruckus 1 Elvish Mystic 1 Explore 1 Fertile Ground 12 Forest 1 Frenzied Rage 1 Frontier Warmonger 1 Fumiko the Lowblood 1 Furor of the Bitten 1 Game Trail 1 Giant Spectacle 1 Gimli's Axe 1 Goblin Anarchomancer 1 Goblin Diplomats 1 Goblin Spymaster 1 Goldvein Pick 1 Grenzo, Havoc Raiser 1 Gruul Charm 1 Gruul Guildgate 1 Gruul Signet 1 Gruul Turf 1 Harmonize 1 Hero's Blade 1 Hull Breach 1 Hunter's Insight 1 Imposing Visage 1 Insidious Fungus 1 Lavaspur Boots 1 Llanowar Elves 1 Madcap Skills 1 Mask of Memory 1 Mossfire Valley 15 Mountain 1 Predatory Impetus 1 Prying Blade 1 Psychotic Fury 1 Rampant Growth 1 Rancor 1 Return to Nature 1 Rite of the Raging Storm 1 Rogue's Gloves 1 Rugged Highlands 1 Runes of the Deus 1 Shiny Impetus 1 Sixth Sense 1 Snake Umbra 1 Soul's Might 1 Spectacular Showdown 1 Spider Umbra 1 Sticky Fingers 1 Stump Stomp 1 Sunder Shaman 1 Taunting Kobold 1 Temple of Abandon 1 Tenza, Godo's Maul 1 The Sound of Drums 1 Thran Power Suit 1 Vengeful Ancestor 1 Vow of Wildness 1 Wild Growth
Agitator Ant
Agitator Ant
Arbor Elf
Arbor Elf
Elvish Mystic
Elvish Mystic
Frontier Warmonger
Frontier Warmonger
Fumiko the Lowblood
Fumiko the Lowblood
Goblin Anarchomancer
Goblin Anarchomancer
Goblin Diplomats
Goblin Diplomats
Goblin Spymaster
Goblin Spymaster
Grenzo, Havoc Raiser
Grenzo, Havoc Raiser
Insidious Fungus
Insidious Fungus
Llanowar Elves
Llanowar Elves
Sunder Shaman
Sunder Shaman
Taunting Kobold
Taunting Kobold
Vengeful Ancestor
Vengeful Ancestor
Instants (4)
Gruul Charm
Gruul Charm
Hunter's Insight
Hunter's Insight
Psychotic Fury
Psychotic Fury
Return to Nature
Return to Nature
Sorceries (8)
Coronation of Chaos
Coronation of Chaos
Hull Breach
Hull Breach
Rampant Growth
Rampant Growth
Soul's Might
Soul's Might
Spectacular Showdown
Spectacular Showdown
Stump Stomp
Stump Stomp
Artifacts (14)
Arcane Signet
Arcane Signet
Assault Suit
Assault Suit
Beamtown Beatstick
Beamtown Beatstick
Bloodthirsty Blade
Bloodthirsty Blade
Gimli's Axe
Gimli's Axe
Goldvein Pick
Goldvein Pick
Gruul Signet
Gruul Signet
Hero's Blade
Hero's Blade
Lavaspur Boots
Lavaspur Boots
Mask of Memory
Mask of Memory
Prying Blade
Prying Blade
Rogue's Gloves
Rogue's Gloves
Tenza, Godo's Maul
Tenza, Godo's Maul
Thran Power Suit
Thran Power Suit
Enchantments (24)
Boar Umbra
Boar Umbra
Colossal Majesty
Colossal Majesty
Convenient Target
Convenient Target
Curse of the Nightly Hunt
Curse of the Nightly Hunt
Demonic Ruckus
Demonic Ruckus
Fertile Ground
Fertile Ground
Frenzied Rage
Frenzied Rage
Furor of the Bitten
Furor of the Bitten
Giant Spectacle
Giant Spectacle
Imposing Visage
Imposing Visage
Madcap Skills
Madcap Skills
Predatory Impetus
Predatory Impetus
Rite of the Raging Storm
Rite of the Raging Storm
Runes of the Deus
Runes of the Deus
Shiny Impetus
Shiny Impetus
Sixth Sense
Sixth Sense
Snake Umbra
Snake Umbra
Spider Umbra
Spider Umbra
Sticky Fingers
Sticky Fingers
The Sound of Drums
The Sound of Drums
Vow of Wildness
Vow of Wildness
Wild Growth
Wild Growth
Lands (8)
Cinder Glade
Cinder Glade
Command Tower
Command Tower
Game Trail
Game Trail
Gruul Guildgate
Gruul Guildgate
Gruul Turf
Gruul Turf
Mossfire Valley
Mossfire Valley
Rugged Highlands
Rugged Highlands
Temple of Abandon
Temple of Abandon
Basics (2)
15 Mountains
12 Forests