Average Deck for Silas Renn, Seeker Adept - Budget Core

Silas Renn, Seeker Adept
1 decks (0.000%) Rank #2840
Harvey McGuinness
Say Goodbye to Drannith Magistrate in cEDH
With the banning of Jeweled Lotus, is Drannith Magistrate as powerful in cEDH as it used to be? Harvey McGuinness digs in.
Nick Price
Oct 14, 2024
Back to Basics - The Top 10 Most Played Dimir Cards in Commander
Find the best Dimir staples for your decks, with Zombies, Pirates, theft effects and more!
Commander Spellbook

1 Silas Renn, Seeker Adept 1 Amorphous Axe 1 Armory of Iroas 1 Assassin's Ink 1 Blackblade Reforged 1 Bladebrand 1 Broken Concentration 1 Charcoal Diamond 1 Command Tower 1 Crossroads Candleguide 1 Dampening Pulse 1 Depart the Realm 1 Dimir Guildgate 1 Dismal Backwater 1 Dutiful Return 1 Emry, Lurker of the Loch 1 Epitaph Golem 1 Evolving Wilds 1 Explosive Apparatus 1 Foundry Inspector 1 Ghastly Demise 1 Glacian, Powerstone Engineer 1 Haunted Cloak 1 Hedron Blade 1 Howling Golem 1 Ice Tunnel 21 Island 1 Kappa Cannoneer 1 Katsumasa, the Animator 1 Maelstrom Colossus 1 Master of Etherium 1 Memory Drain 1 Meteor Golem 1 Murderer's Axe 1 Murderous Compulsion 1 Murderous Cut 1 Okiba Salvage 1 Palladium Myr 1 Parasitic Grasp 1 Perilous Myr 1 Pilgrim's Eye 1 Pithing Needle 1 Power Word Kill 1 Professor's Warning 1 Research Thief 1 Runaway Carriage 1 Sandstone Oracle 1 Sarcomite Myr 1 Shimmer Myr 1 Sky Diamond 1 Skyclave Sentinel 1 Spectral Searchlight 1 Spotter Thopter 1 Staunch Throneguard 15 Swamp 1 Syncopate 1 The Surgical Bay 1 Thirst for Discovery 1 Thraben Gargoyle 1 Thriving Isle 1 Thriving Moor 1 True-Faith Censer 1 Wicker Witch 1 Workshop Assistant
Crossroads Candleguide
Crossroads Candleguide
Emry, Lurker of the Loch
Emry, Lurker of the Loch
Epitaph Golem
Epitaph Golem
Foundry Inspector
Foundry Inspector
Glacian, Powerstone Engineer
Glacian, Powerstone Engineer
Howling Golem
Howling Golem
Kappa Cannoneer
Kappa Cannoneer
Katsumasa, the Animator
Katsumasa, the Animator
Maelstrom Colossus
Maelstrom Colossus
Master of Etherium
Master of Etherium
Meteor Golem
Meteor Golem
Palladium Myr
Palladium Myr
Perilous Myr
Perilous Myr
Pilgrim's Eye
Pilgrim's Eye
Research Thief
Research Thief
Runaway Carriage
Runaway Carriage
Sandstone Oracle
Sandstone Oracle
Sarcomite Myr
Sarcomite Myr
Shimmer Myr
Shimmer Myr
Skyclave Sentinel
Skyclave Sentinel
Spotter Thopter
Spotter Thopter
Staunch Throneguard
Staunch Throneguard
Thraben Gargoyle
Thraben Gargoyle
Wicker Witch
Wicker Witch
Workshop Assistant
Workshop Assistant
Instants (12)
Assassin's Ink
Assassin's Ink
Broken Concentration
Broken Concentration
Depart the Realm
Depart the Realm
Ghastly Demise
Ghastly Demise
Memory Drain
Memory Drain
Murderous Cut
Murderous Cut
Parasitic Grasp
Parasitic Grasp
Power Word Kill
Power Word Kill
Professor's Warning
Professor's Warning
Thirst for Discovery
Thirst for Discovery
Sorceries (3)
Dutiful Return
Dutiful Return
Murderous Compulsion
Murderous Compulsion
Okiba Salvage
Okiba Salvage
Artifacts (12)
Amorphous Axe
Amorphous Axe
Armory of Iroas
Armory of Iroas
Blackblade Reforged
Blackblade Reforged
Charcoal Diamond
Charcoal Diamond
Explosive Apparatus
Explosive Apparatus
Haunted Cloak
Haunted Cloak
Hedron Blade
Hedron Blade
Murderer's Axe
Murderer's Axe
Pithing Needle
Pithing Needle
Sky Diamond
Sky Diamond
Spectral Searchlight
Spectral Searchlight
True-Faith Censer
True-Faith Censer
Enchantments (1)
Dampening Pulse
Dampening Pulse
Lands (8)
Command Tower
Command Tower
Dimir Guildgate
Dimir Guildgate
Dismal Backwater
Dismal Backwater
Evolving Wilds
Evolving Wilds
Ice Tunnel
Ice Tunnel
The Surgical Bay
The Surgical Bay
Thriving Isle
Thriving Isle
Thriving Moor
Thriving Moor
Basics (2)
21 Islands
15 Swamps