Average Deck for Rosie Cotton of South Lane - Core Lifegain

Rosie Cotton of South Lane
6 decks (0.000%) Rank #1886
Ciel Collins
One Theme, Three Techs: +1/+1 Counters
Start counting counters and growing your creatures to unnatural sizes with this analysis of the +1/+1 counter theme in Commander.
Unsummoned Skull
Hurska Sweet-Tooth Commander Deck Tech
Pump creatures and gain life with this Hurska Sweet-Tooth Commander deck tech from Unsummoned Skull!
Commander Spellbook

1 Rosie Cotton of South Lane 1 Ajani Goldmane 1 Ajani's Chosen 1 Ajani's Mantra 1 Ajani's Pridemate 1 Ajani, Caller of the Pride 1 Angelic Sell-Sword 1 Attentive Sunscribe 1 Authority of the Consuls 1 Barrow-Blade 1 Beacon of Immortality 1 Bill the Pony 1 Builder's Talent 1 Careening Mine Cart 1 Cat Collector 1 Celestial Mantle 1 Corrupted Grafstone 1 Cut a Deal 1 Dauntless Veteran 1 Dazzling Angel 1 Eastfarthing Farmer 1 Eerie Interference 1 Felidar Retreat 1 Felidar Sovereign 1 Fishing Pole 1 Gird for Battle 1 Gold Myr 1 Goldvein Pick 1 Haazda Marshal 1 Hobbit's Sting 1 Inspiring Paladin 1 Intangible Virtue 1 Kabira Takedown 1 Leyline Axe 1 Mighty Leap 1 Murmuration 1 Muster the Departed 1 Myriad Landscape 1 Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation 1 Opaline Unicorn 1 Oppressive Rays 1 Oreskos Sun Guide 1 Pearl Medallion 31 Plains 1 Queen's Commission 1 Razorgrass Ambush 1 Rest for the Weary 1 Reverent Hoplite 1 Second Breakfast 1 Secret Rendezvous 1 Serra Angel 1 Shire Shirriff 1 Shire Terrace 1 Sierra, Nuka's Biggest Fan 1 Sigarda's Summons 1 Sol Ring 1 Solemn Offering 1 Stone Haven Medic 1 Stone of Erech 1 Stroke of Midnight 1 Sun-Blessed Healer 1 Swiftfoot Boots 1 Swords to Plowshares 1 Sworn Companions 1 Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender 1 Toby, Beastie Befriender 1 Vanguard Seraph 1 Whiskervale Forerunner 1 Wojek Investigator 1 Wyrm's Crossing Patrol
Ajani's Chosen
Ajani's Chosen
Ajani's Pridemate
Ajani's Pridemate
Angelic Sell-Sword
Angelic Sell-Sword
Attentive Sunscribe
Attentive Sunscribe
Bill the Pony
Bill the Pony
Cat Collector
Cat Collector
Dauntless Veteran
Dauntless Veteran
Dazzling Angel
Dazzling Angel
Eastfarthing Farmer
Eastfarthing Farmer
Felidar Sovereign
Felidar Sovereign
Gold Myr
Gold Myr
Haazda Marshal
Haazda Marshal
Inspiring Paladin
Inspiring Paladin
Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation
Ojer Taq, Deepest Foundation
Opaline Unicorn
Opaline Unicorn
Oreskos Sun Guide
Oreskos Sun Guide
Reverent Hoplite
Reverent Hoplite
Serra Angel
Serra Angel
Shire Shirriff
Shire Shirriff
Sierra, Nuka's Biggest Fan
Sierra, Nuka's Biggest Fan
Stone Haven Medic
Stone Haven Medic
Sun-Blessed Healer
Sun-Blessed Healer
Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender
Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender
Toby, Beastie Befriender
Toby, Beastie Befriender
Vanguard Seraph
Vanguard Seraph
Whiskervale Forerunner
Whiskervale Forerunner
Wojek Investigator
Wojek Investigator
Wyrm's Crossing Patrol
Wyrm's Crossing Patrol
Instants (10)
Beacon of Immortality
Beacon of Immortality
Eerie Interference
Eerie Interference
Hobbit's Sting
Hobbit's Sting
Kabira Takedown
Kabira Takedown
Mighty Leap
Mighty Leap
Razorgrass Ambush
Razorgrass Ambush
Rest for the Weary
Rest for the Weary
Second Breakfast
Second Breakfast
Stroke of Midnight
Stroke of Midnight
Swords to Plowshares
Swords to Plowshares
Sorceries (6)
Cut a Deal
Cut a Deal
Gird for Battle
Gird for Battle
Queen's Commission
Queen's Commission
Secret Rendezvous
Secret Rendezvous
Solemn Offering
Solemn Offering
Sworn Companions
Sworn Companions
Artifacts (10)
Careening Mine Cart
Careening Mine Cart
Corrupted Grafstone
Corrupted Grafstone
Fishing Pole
Fishing Pole
Goldvein Pick
Goldvein Pick
Leyline Axe
Leyline Axe
Pearl Medallion
Pearl Medallion
Sol Ring
Sol Ring
Stone of Erech
Stone of Erech
Swiftfoot Boots
Swiftfoot Boots
Enchantments (10)
Ajani's Mantra
Ajani's Mantra
Authority of the Consuls
Authority of the Consuls
Builder's Talent
Builder's Talent
Celestial Mantle
Celestial Mantle
Felidar Retreat
Felidar Retreat
Intangible Virtue
Intangible Virtue
Muster the Departed
Muster the Departed
Oppressive Rays
Oppressive Rays
Sigarda's Summons
Sigarda's Summons
Planeswalkers (2)
Ajani Goldmane
Ajani Goldmane
Ajani, Caller of the Pride
Ajani, Caller of the Pride
Lands (2)
Myriad Landscape
Myriad Landscape
Shire Terrace
Shire Terrace
Basics (1)
31 Plains