Average Deck for Jerrard of the Closed Fist - Power

Jerrard of the Closed Fist
6 decks (0.000%) Rank #2698
Commander Spellbook

1 Jerrard of the Closed Fist 1 Abrade 1 Ancient Brontodon 1 Arcane Signet 1 Artifact Mutation 1 Balduvian Bears 1 Barbary Apes 1 Blighted Woodland 1 Centaur Courser 1 Command Tower 1 Cultivate 1 Defiant Khenra 1 Enormous Baloth 1 Feral Maaka 1 Field Creeper 21 Forest 1 Frenzied Raptor 1 Garruk's Gorehorn 1 Gigantosaurus 1 Goblin Assailant 1 Goblin Bully 1 Goblin Cavaliers 1 Goblin Roughrider 1 Greater Good 1 Grizzly Bears 1 Gruul Turf 1 Harrier Naga 1 Harrow 1 Kalonian Tusker 1 Leatherback Baloth 1 Legolas's Quick Reflexes 1 Loamdragger Giant 1 Mons's Goblin Raiders 1 Monstrous Vortex 8 Mountain 1 Murasa Brute 1 Myriad Landscape 1 Natural Order 1 Nature's Claim 1 Nature's Lore 1 Nessian Courser 1 Norwood Ranger 1 Nyxborn Brute 1 Nyxborn Colossus 1 Omega Myr 1 Onakke Ogre 1 Orazca Frillback 1 Panther Warriors 1 Pheres-Band Centaurs 1 Prizefighter Construct 1 Rampant Growth 1 Regrowth 1 Reliquary Tower 1 Return to Nature 1 Rhox Brute 1 Riot Devils 1 Ruination Wurm 1 Runeclaw Bear 1 Scaled Wurm 1 Spined Karok 1 Stomping Ground 1 Stonework Puma 1 Streetbreaker Wurm 1 Swab Goblin 1 Swordwise Centaur 1 Terrain Elemental 1 Terror of the Fairgrounds 1 Trained Jackal 1 Vorstclaw 1 Whiptail Wurm 1 Willow Elf 1 Woodland Druid 1 Yavimaya Hollow
Ancient Brontodon
Ancient Brontodon
Balduvian Bears
Balduvian Bears
Barbary Apes
Barbary Apes
Centaur Courser
Centaur Courser
Defiant Khenra
Defiant Khenra
Enormous Baloth
Enormous Baloth
Feral Maaka
Feral Maaka
Field Creeper
Field Creeper
Frenzied Raptor
Frenzied Raptor
Garruk's Gorehorn
Garruk's Gorehorn
Goblin Assailant
Goblin Assailant
Goblin Bully
Goblin Bully
Goblin Cavaliers
Goblin Cavaliers
Goblin Roughrider
Goblin Roughrider
Grizzly Bears
Grizzly Bears
Harrier Naga
Harrier Naga
Kalonian Tusker
Kalonian Tusker
Leatherback Baloth
Leatherback Baloth
Loamdragger Giant
Loamdragger Giant
Mons's Goblin Raiders
Mons's Goblin Raiders
Murasa Brute
Murasa Brute
Nessian Courser
Nessian Courser
Norwood Ranger
Norwood Ranger
Nyxborn Brute
Nyxborn Brute
Nyxborn Colossus
Nyxborn Colossus
Omega Myr
Omega Myr
Onakke Ogre
Onakke Ogre
Orazca Frillback
Orazca Frillback
Panther Warriors
Panther Warriors
Pheres-Band Centaurs
Pheres-Band Centaurs
Prizefighter Construct
Prizefighter Construct
Rhox Brute
Rhox Brute
Riot Devils
Riot Devils
Ruination Wurm
Ruination Wurm
Runeclaw Bear
Runeclaw Bear
Scaled Wurm
Scaled Wurm
Spined Karok
Spined Karok
Stonework Puma
Stonework Puma
Streetbreaker Wurm
Streetbreaker Wurm
Swab Goblin
Swab Goblin
Swordwise Centaur
Swordwise Centaur
Terrain Elemental
Terrain Elemental
Terror of the Fairgrounds
Terror of the Fairgrounds
Trained Jackal
Trained Jackal
Whiptail Wurm
Whiptail Wurm
Willow Elf
Willow Elf
Woodland Druid
Woodland Druid
Instants (6)
Artifact Mutation
Artifact Mutation
Legolas's Quick Reflexes
Legolas's Quick Reflexes
Nature's Claim
Nature's Claim
Return to Nature
Return to Nature
Sorceries (5)
Natural Order
Natural Order
Nature's Lore
Nature's Lore
Rampant Growth
Rampant Growth
Artifacts (1)
Arcane Signet
Arcane Signet
Enchantments (2)
Greater Good
Greater Good
Monstrous Vortex
Monstrous Vortex
Lands (7)
Blighted Woodland
Blighted Woodland
Command Tower
Command Tower
Gruul Turf
Gruul Turf
Myriad Landscape
Myriad Landscape
Reliquary Tower
Reliquary Tower
Stomping Ground
Stomping Ground
Yavimaya Hollow
Yavimaya Hollow
Basics (2)
8 Mountains
21 Forests