Average Deck for Gilraen, Dúnedain Protector - Budget Core Blink

Gilraen, Dúnedain Protector
1 decks (0.000%) Rank #2446
Michael Celani
How They Brew It - Niko's Untap Dancing
Love tapping? How about untapping? Meet Niko, Light of Hope, your new untap dancing partner!
Jonathan Zucchetti
May 29, 2024
Recross the Paths - Build a Wizard Deck with Yorion, Sky Nomad
Build Yorion as a commander with this blink value strategy!
Commander Spellbook

1 Gilraen, Dúnedain Protector 1 Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward 1 Angel of the Ruins 1 Azorius Arrester 1 Brave the Elements 1 Bronzebeak Foragers 1 Charge Across the Araba 1 Charming Prince 1 Cloudshift 1 Court Street Denizen 1 Dawnbringer Cleric 1 Daxos, Blessed by the Sun 1 Dictate of Heliod 1 Distinguished Conjurer 1 Ethereal Haze 1 Evangel of Heliod 1 Felidar Guardian 1 Fiend Hunter 1 Fortune, Loyal Steed 1 Getaway Glamer 1 Githzerai Monk 1 Glorious Protector 1 Goldnight Commander 1 Hammers of Moradin 1 Helpful Hunter 1 Icewind Stalwart 1 Inspiring Overseer 1 Intrepid Adversary 1 Kabira Takedown 1 Knight of the White Orchid 1 Kor Cartographer 1 Kutzil's Flanker 1 Lena, Selfless Champion 1 Lossarnach Captain 1 Loyal Warhound 1 Lunarch Veteran 1 Makindi Stampede 1 Mass Calcify 1 Mentor of the Meek 1 Mirror Entity 1 Ondu Inversion 1 Parting Gust 33 Plains 1 Priest of Ancient Lore 1 Restoration Angel 1 Reverent Hoplite 1 Rumor Gatherer 1 Sanguine Evangelist 1 Scampering Surveyor 1 Scavenger Grounds 1 Scouting Hawk 1 Seht's Tiger 1 Selfless Squire 1 Skyboon Evangelist 1 Solemn Simulacrum 1 Space Marine Scout 1 Spirited Companion 1 Splitskin Doll 1 Springjack Shepherd 1 Storm of Souls 1 Stroke of Midnight 1 Sunstrike Legionnaire 1 Toby, Beastie Befriender 1 Unwanted Remake 1 Valor in Akros 1 Welcoming Vampire 1 Werefox Bodyguard
Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward
Abdel Adrian, Gorion's Ward
Angel of the Ruins
Angel of the Ruins
Azorius Arrester
Azorius Arrester
Bronzebeak Foragers
Bronzebeak Foragers
Charming Prince
Charming Prince
Court Street Denizen
Court Street Denizen
Dawnbringer Cleric
Dawnbringer Cleric
Daxos, Blessed by the Sun
Daxos, Blessed by the Sun
Distinguished Conjurer
Distinguished Conjurer
Evangel of Heliod
Evangel of Heliod
Felidar Guardian
Felidar Guardian
Fiend Hunter
Fiend Hunter
Fortune, Loyal Steed
Fortune, Loyal Steed
Githzerai Monk
Githzerai Monk
Glorious Protector
Glorious Protector
Goldnight Commander
Goldnight Commander
Hammers of Moradin
Hammers of Moradin
Helpful Hunter
Helpful Hunter
Icewind Stalwart
Icewind Stalwart
Inspiring Overseer
Inspiring Overseer
Intrepid Adversary
Intrepid Adversary
Knight of the White Orchid
Knight of the White Orchid
Kor Cartographer
Kor Cartographer
Kutzil's Flanker
Kutzil's Flanker
Lena, Selfless Champion
Lena, Selfless Champion
Lossarnach Captain
Lossarnach Captain
Loyal Warhound
Loyal Warhound
Lunarch Veteran
Lunarch Veteran
Mentor of the Meek
Mentor of the Meek
Mirror Entity
Mirror Entity
Priest of Ancient Lore
Priest of Ancient Lore
Restoration Angel
Restoration Angel
Reverent Hoplite
Reverent Hoplite
Rumor Gatherer
Rumor Gatherer
Sanguine Evangelist
Sanguine Evangelist
Scampering Surveyor
Scampering Surveyor
Scouting Hawk
Scouting Hawk
Seht's Tiger
Seht's Tiger
Selfless Squire
Selfless Squire
Skyboon Evangelist
Skyboon Evangelist
Solemn Simulacrum
Solemn Simulacrum
Space Marine Scout
Space Marine Scout
Spirited Companion
Spirited Companion
Splitskin Doll
Splitskin Doll
Springjack Shepherd
Springjack Shepherd
Sunstrike Legionnaire
Sunstrike Legionnaire
Toby, Beastie Befriender
Toby, Beastie Befriender
Welcoming Vampire
Welcoming Vampire
Werefox Bodyguard
Werefox Bodyguard
Instants (9)
Brave the Elements
Brave the Elements
Charge Across the Araba
Charge Across the Araba
Ethereal Haze
Ethereal Haze
Getaway Glamer
Getaway Glamer
Kabira Takedown
Kabira Takedown
Parting Gust
Parting Gust
Stroke of Midnight
Stroke of Midnight
Unwanted Remake
Unwanted Remake
Sorceries (4)
Makindi Stampede
Makindi Stampede
Mass Calcify
Mass Calcify
Ondu Inversion
Ondu Inversion
Storm of Souls
Storm of Souls
Enchantments (2)
Dictate of Heliod
Dictate of Heliod
Valor in Akros
Valor in Akros
Lands (1)
Scavenger Grounds
Scavenger Grounds
Basics (1)
33 Plains