(Pledge of UnityPledge of Unity | Art by Chris Rallis)
It Takes a Village
For some time, I've been interested in building a Commander deck with a rotating group of commanders. The simplest version of this would be to take two similar commanders with the same color identity, like Brokkos, Apex of ForeverBrokkos, Apex of Forever and Otrimi, the Ever-PlayfulOtrimi, the Ever-Playful, find 99 cards that work well for either, and you're done.
The Magic: the Gathering Data Science version of this is to use EDHREC data to find bundles of ten similar commanders, start your deck with those ten, and then find the 90 other cards that appear most often in decks helmed by those commanders.
The trick is in identifying similar commanders. I decided to do it on the basis of cards in the 99. For each commander, I looked at the EDHREC data to see what proportion of decks featured a given card. As an example, consider the fun new commander Ivy, Gleeful SpellthiefIvy, Gleeful Spellthief.
You can see on the "Table View" on her EDHREC page that Command TowerCommand Tower appears in 86.2% of Ivy decks, GemrazerGemrazer in 76.0%, Sol RingSol Ring 75.7%, Shielding PlaxShielding Plax 75.1%, and so on. You can represent each commander as a vector of these inclusion rates for all cards (there will be lots of zeros!), and represent all commanders as a #commanders × #cards
matrix of these inclusion rates.
From there, it's a matter of a "simple" matrix multiplication to get a distance metric between each pair of commanders; essentially, a weighted sum of inclusions rates for cards they have in common.
As I said, I want to try building a deck around ten swappable commanders, so for each individual commander, I looked at the 10th most-similar commander, sorted by this distance, and picked one for each color identity. This will make more sense when you see the lists below.
UR is the color identity with the most cohesive bundle of 10 commanders, where the central commander is Veyran, Voice of DualityVeyran, Voice of Duality. These are all variations on Spellslinger decks, and they tend to start with a fairly consistent set of spellsling-y staples: cheap cantrips, Storm facilitators, and nonlegendary creatures that also carry instant and sorcery triggers.
The next five most-closely-bundled commander/colors are all monocolored, followed by the remaining two-color pairs, then three colors, then five. This is pretty much what I expected, given that expanding a deck's color identity increases the number of cards it has access to.
This table lists, for each non-colorless, non-four-color color identity, the commander at the center of the tightest bundle, the 9 other commanders in that bundle, and the 15 cards that appear the most frequently in their collective 99. Some observations follow, but for now, enjoy a huge list!
primary commander | similar 10 | common in the 99 |
Veyran, Voice of Duality | Veyran, Voice of DualityVeyran, Voice of Duality Zaffai, Thunder ConductorZaffai, Thunder Conductor Eruth, Tormented ProphetEruth, Tormented Prophet Mizzix of the IzmagnusMizzix of the Izmagnus Jori En, Ruin DiverJori En, Ruin Diver Melek, Izzet ParagonMelek, Izzet Paragon Neera, Wild MageNeera, Wild Mage Niv-Mizzet, ParunNiv-Mizzet, Parun Rootha, Mercurial ArtistRootha, Mercurial Artist Vadrik, Astral ArchmageVadrik, Astral Archmage | Izzet SignetIzzet Signet BrainstormBrainstorm Talisman of CreativityTalisman of Creativity PonderPonder Storm-Kiln ArtistStorm-Kiln Artist Frantic SearchFrantic Search PreordainPreordain GuttersnipeGuttersnipe Archmage EmeritusArchmage Emeritus Faithless LootingFaithless Looting OptOpt Goblin ElectromancerGoblin Electromancer Blasphemous ActBlasphemous Act Talrand, Sky SummonerTalrand, Sky Summoner Mana GeyserMana Geyser |
God-Eternal Kefnet | God-Eternal KefnetGod-Eternal Kefnet Fblthp, the LostFblthp, the Lost Jacob Hauken, InspectorJacob Hauken, Inspector Lier, Disciple of the DrownedLier, Disciple of the Drowned Teferi, Temporal ArchmageTeferi, Temporal Archmage Kaho, Minamo HistorianKaho, Minamo Historian Baral, Chief of ComplianceBaral, Chief of Compliance Naru Meha, Master WizardNaru Meha, Master Wizard Azami, Lady of ScrollsAzami, Lady of Scrolls Kairi, the Swirling SkyKairi, the Swirling Sky | CounterspellCounterspell BrainstormBrainstorm Cyclonic RiftCyclonic Rift High TideHigh Tide PonderPonder Mystical TutorMystical Tutor PreordainPreordain Rhystic StudyRhystic Study PongifyPongify Thought VesselThought Vessel NegateNegate Sapphire MedallionSapphire Medallion Isochron ScepterIsochron Scepter Mind StoneMind Stone Reality ShiftReality Shift |
Chainer, Dementia Master | Chainer, Dementia MasterChainer, Dementia Master Kokusho, the Evening StarKokusho, the Evening Star Junji, the Midnight SkyJunji, the Midnight Sky Balthor the DefiledBalthor the Defiled Gonti, Lord of LuxuryGonti, Lord of Luxury Sheoldred, Whispering OneSheoldred, Whispering One Xiahou Dun, the One-EyedXiahou Dun, the One-Eyed Endrek Sahr, Master BreederEndrek Sahr, Master Breeder Lorcan, Warlock CollectorLorcan, Warlock Collector Yawgmoth, Thran PhysicianYawgmoth, Thran Physician | Gray Merchant of AsphodelGray Merchant of Asphodel Crypt GhastCrypt Ghast Dark RitualDark Ritual Zulaport CutthroatZulaport Cutthroat Feed the SwarmFeed the Swarm Blood ArtistBlood Artist ReanimateReanimate Demonic TutorDemonic Tutor Jet MedallionJet Medallion Animate DeadAnimate Dead Ayara, First of LocthwainAyara, First of Locthwain Solemn SimulacrumSolemn Simulacrum Toxic DelugeToxic Deluge Bolas's CitadelBolas's Citadel Nest of ScarabsNest of Scarabs |
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds | Selvala, Heart of the WildsSelvala, Heart of the Wilds Yisan, the Wanderer BardYisan, the Wanderer Bard Marwyn, the NurturerMarwyn, the Nurturer Yeva, Nature's HeraldYeva, Nature's Herald Thrasta, Tempest's RoarThrasta, Tempest's Roar Seton, Krosan ProtectorSeton, Krosan Protector Ashaya, Soul of the WildAshaya, Soul of the Wild Omnath, Locus of ManaOmnath, Locus of Mana Ghalta, Primal HungerGhalta, Primal Hunger Ezuri, Renegade LeaderEzuri, Renegade Leader | Llanowar ElvesLlanowar Elves Elvish MysticElvish Mystic Fyndhorn ElvesFyndhorn Elves Beast WithinBeast Within Arbor ElfArbor Elf Reclamation SageReclamation Sage Beast WhispererBeast Whisperer Eternal WitnessEternal Witness Priest of TitaniaPriest of Titania Heroic InterventionHeroic Intervention Return of the WildspeakerReturn of the Wildspeaker Quirion RangerQuirion Ranger Green Sun's ZenithGreen Sun's Zenith Karametra's AcolyteKarametra's Acolyte Finale of DevastationFinale of Devastation |
Rionya, Fire Dancer | Rionya, Fire DancerRionya, Fire Dancer Birgi, God of StorytellingBirgi, God of Storytelling Delina, Wild MageDelina, Wild Mage Jaxis, the TroublemakerJaxis, the Troublemaker Syr Carah, the BoldSyr Carah, the Bold Kiki-Jiki, Mirror BreakerKiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Captain Ripley VanceCaptain Ripley Vance Neheb, the EternalNeheb, the Eternal Atsushi, the Blazing SkyAtsushi, the Blazing Sky Inferno of the Star MountsInferno of the Star Mounts | Chaos WarpChaos Warp Faithless LootingFaithless Looting Jeska's WillJeska's Will Seething SongSeething Song Thrill of PossibilityThrill of Possibility Mana GeyserMana Geyser Blasphemous ActBlasphemous Act Mind StoneMind Stone Ruby MedallionRuby Medallion VandalblastVandalblast Runaway Steam-KinRunaway Steam-Kin AbradeAbrade Fire DiamondFire Diamond Fanatic of MogisFanatic of Mogis Dockside ExtortionistDockside Extortionist |
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben | Thalia, Guardian of ThrabenThalia, Guardian of Thraben Thalia, Heretic CatharThalia, Heretic Cathar Hokori, Dust DrinkerHokori, Dust Drinker Elesh Norn, Grand CenobiteElesh Norn, Grand Cenobite Adeline, Resplendent CatharAdeline, Resplendent Cathar Heliod, Sun-CrownedHeliod, Sun-Crowned God-Eternal OketraGod-Eternal Oketra Michiko Konda, Truth SeekerMichiko Konda, Truth Seeker Heliod, God of the SunHeliod, God of the Sun Rick, Steadfast LeaderRick, Steadfast Leader | Swords to PlowsharesSwords to Plowshares Path to ExilePath to Exile Knight of the White OrchidKnight of the White Orchid Generous GiftGenerous Gift Mentor of the MeekMentor of the Meek Smothering TitheSmothering Tithe Sun TitanSun Titan Esper SentinelEsper Sentinel Mother of RunesMother of Runes Oketra's MonumentOketra's Monument Land TaxLand Tax Keeper of the AccordKeeper of the Accord Pearl MedallionPearl Medallion Drannith MagistrateDrannith Magistrate Aven MindcensorAven Mindcensor |
Wulfgar of Icewind Dale | Wulfgar of Icewind DaleWulfgar of Icewind Dale Klauth, Unrivaled AncientKlauth, Unrivaled Ancient Xenagos, God of RevelsXenagos, God of Revels Vrondiss, Rage of AncientsVrondiss, Rage of Ancients Zilortha, Strength IncarnateZilortha, Strength Incarnate Neyith of the Dire HuntNeyith of the Dire Hunt Halana and Alena, PartnersHalana and Alena, Partners Hans ErikssonHans Eriksson Atarka, World RenderAtarka, World Render Stonebrow, Krosan HeroStonebrow, Krosan Hero | CultivateCultivate Garruk's UprisingGarruk's Uprising Beast WithinBeast Within Rampant GrowthRampant Growth Rhythm of the WildRhythm of the Wild Return of the WildspeakerReturn of the Wildspeaker Rishkar's ExpertiseRishkar's Expertise Kodama's ReachKodama's Reach Goblin AnarchomancerGoblin Anarchomancer Savage VentmawSavage Ventmaw Heroic InterventionHeroic Intervention Gruul SignetGruul Signet Etali, Primal StormEtali, Primal Storm Goreclaw, Terror of Qal SismaGoreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma Sakura-Tribe ElderSakura-Tribe Elder |
Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait | Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre StraitAesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait Tatyova, Benthic DruidTatyova, Benthic Druid Koma, Cosmos SerpentKoma, Cosmos Serpent Arixmethes, Slumbering IsleArixmethes, Slumbering Isle Slogurk, the OverslimeSlogurk, the Overslime Uro, Titan of Nature's WrathUro, Titan of Nature's Wrath Gretchen TitchwillowGretchen Titchwillow Jadzi, Oracle of ArcaviosJadzi, Oracle of Arcavios Zimone, Quandrix ProdigyZimone, Quandrix Prodigy Esix, Fractal BloomEsix, Fractal Bloom | CultivateCultivate Kodama's ReachKodama's Reach Growth SpiralGrowth Spiral Beast WithinBeast Within Rampant GrowthRampant Growth Avenger of ZendikarAvenger of Zendikar Eternal WitnessEternal Witness Rampaging BalothsRampaging Baloths Tatyova, Benthic DruidTatyova, Benthic Druid Ramunap ExcavatorRamunap Excavator Whelming WaveWhelming Wave Lotus CobraLotus Cobra ExploreExplore Simic SignetSimic Signet Azusa, Lost but SeekingAzusa, Lost but Seeking |
Teysa, Orzhov Scion | Teysa, Orzhov ScionTeysa, Orzhov Scion Teysa KarlovTeysa Karlov Athreos, God of PassageAthreos, God of Passage Elenda, the Dusk RoseElenda, the Dusk Rose Thalisse, Reverent MediumThalisse, Reverent Medium Felisa, Fang of SilverquillFelisa, Fang of Silverquill Lurrus of the Dream-DenLurrus of the Dream-Den Ayli, Eternal PilgrimAyli, Eternal Pilgrim Liesa, Forgotten ArchangelLiesa, Forgotten Archangel Vish Kal, Blood ArbiterVish Kal, Blood Arbiter | Orzhov SignetOrzhov Signet Zulaport CutthroatZulaport Cutthroat SkullclampSkullclamp Cruel CelebrantCruel Celebrant Blood ArtistBlood Artist Viscera SeerViscera Seer Talisman of HierarchyTalisman of Hierarchy Ashnod's AltarAshnod's Altar Bastion of RemembranceBastion of Remembrance Anguished UnmakingAnguished Unmaking Pitiless PlundererPitiless Plunderer DesparkDespark Smothering TitheSmothering Tithe Grim HaruspexGrim Haruspex Village RitesVillage Rites |
Ranar the Ever-Watchful | Ranar the Ever-WatchfulRanar the Ever-Watchful Yorion, Sky NomadYorion, Sky Nomad Brago, King EternalBrago, King Eternal Oji, the Exquisite BladeOji, the Exquisite Blade Ephara, God of the PolisEphara, God of the Polis Vega, the WatcherVega, the Watcher Rasputin DreamweaverRasputin Dreamweaver Hama Pashar, Ruin SeekerHama Pashar, Ruin Seeker Millicent, Restless RevenantMillicent, Restless Revenant Lavinia of the TenthLavinia of the Tenth | Azorius SignetAzorius Signet SoulherderSoulherder MulldrifterMulldrifter Eerie InterludeEerie Interlude CloudblazerCloudblazer EphemerateEphemerate Sun TitanSun Titan Ghostly FlickerGhostly Flicker Restoration AngelRestoration Angel Dovin's VetoDovin's Veto FlickerwispFlickerwisp ArchaeomancerArchaeomancer Wall of OmensWall of Omens Peregrine DrakePeregrine Drake Momentary BlinkMomentary Blink |
Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant | Karazikar, the Eye TyrantKarazikar, the Eye Tyrant Kardur, DoomscourgeKardur, Doomscourge Xantcha, Sleeper AgentXantcha, Sleeper Agent Prosper, Tome-BoundProsper, Tome-Bound Blim, Comedic GeniusBlim, Comedic Genius Valki, God of LiesValki, God of Lies Florian, Voldaren ScionFlorian, Voldaren Scion Raphael, Fiendish SaviorRaphael, Fiendish Savior Kaervek the MercilessKaervek the Merciless Tor Wauki the YoungerTor Wauki the Younger | Rakdos SignetRakdos Signet Chaos WarpChaos Warp Talisman of IndulgenceTalisman of Indulgence Rakdos CharmRakdos Charm BedevilBedevil TerminateTerminate VandalblastVandalblast Blasphemous ActBlasphemous Act Feed the SwarmFeed the Swarm Jeska's WillJeska's Will Hurl Through HellHurl Through Hell Light Up the StageLight Up the Stage Grim HirelingGrim Hireling Theater of HorrorsTheater of Horrors Fevered SuspicionFevered Suspicion |
Wyleth, Soul of Steel | Wyleth, Soul of SteelWyleth, Soul of Steel Akiri, Fearless VoyagerAkiri, Fearless Voyager Bruenor BattlehammerBruenor Battlehammer Reyav, Master SmithReyav, Master Smith Raiyuu, Storm's EdgeRaiyuu, Storm's Edge Risona, Asari CommanderRisona, Asari Commander Tiana, Ship's CaretakerTiana, Ship's Caretaker Aurelia, the WarleaderAurelia, the Warleader Ken, Burning BrawlerKen, Burning Brawler Kalemne, Disciple of IroasKalemne, Disciple of Iroas | Boros SignetBoros Signet Boros CharmBoros Charm Sram, Senior EdificerSram, Senior Edificer Sigarda's AidSigarda's Aid SunforgerSunforger Open the ArmoryOpen the Armory Sword of the AnimistSword of the Animist Blackblade ReforgedBlackblade Reforged Puresteel PaladinPuresteel Paladin Danitha Capashen, ParagonDanitha Capashen, Paragon Generous GiftGenerous Gift Wear // TearWear // Tear Talisman of ConvictionTalisman of Conviction Loxodon WarhammerLoxodon Warhammer Ardenn, Intrepid ArchaeologistArdenn, Intrepid Archaeologist |
Kyler, Sigardian Emissary | Kyler, Sigardian EmissaryKyler, Sigardian Emissary Leinore, Autumn SovereignLeinore, Autumn Sovereign Sigarda, Champion of LightSigarda, Champion of Light Katilda, Dawnhart PrimeKatilda, Dawnhart Prime Torens, Fist of the AngelsTorens, Fist of the Angels Sigarda, Heron's GraceSigarda, Heron's Grace Bess, Soul NourisherBess, Soul Nourisher Hamza, Guardian of ArashinHamza, Guardian of Arashin Cadira, Caller of the SmallCadira, Caller of the Small Drizzt Do'UrdenDrizzt Do'Urden | Champion of LambholtChampion of Lambholt Avacyn's PilgrimAvacyn's Pilgrim Beast WithinBeast Within Inspiring CallInspiring Call Mikaeus, the LunarchMikaeus, the Lunarch Abzan FalconerAbzan Falconer Heronblade EliteHeronblade Elite Cathars' CrusadeCathars' Crusade Eternal WitnessEternal Witness Shamanic RevelationShamanic Revelation Unbreakable FormationUnbreakable Formation Adeline, Resplendent CatharAdeline, Resplendent Cathar Sigarda, Heron's GraceSigarda, Heron's Grace Katilda, Dawnhart PrimeKatilda, Dawnhart Prime Thalia's LieutenantThalia's Lieutenant |
Beledros Witherbloom | Beledros WitherbloomBeledros Witherbloom Dina, Soul SteeperDina, Soul Steeper Willowdusk, Essence SeerWillowdusk, Essence Seer Valentin, Dean of the VeinValentin, Dean of the Vein Savra, Queen of the GolgariSavra, Queen of the Golgari Chatterfang, Squirrel GeneralChatterfang, Squirrel General Gyome, Master ChefGyome, Master Chef Blex, Vexing PestBlex, Vexing Pest Grismold, the DreadsowerGrismold, the Dreadsower Meren of Clan Nel TothMeren of Clan Nel Toth | Zulaport CutthroatZulaport Cutthroat SkullclampSkullclamp Sakura-Tribe ElderSakura-Tribe Elder Viscera SeerViscera Seer Moldervine ReclamationMoldervine Reclamation Blood ArtistBlood Artist Rampant GrowthRampant Growth Ashnod's AltarAshnod's Altar Assassin's TrophyAssassin's Trophy PutrefyPutrefy Llanowar ElvesLlanowar Elves Bastion of RemembranceBastion of Remembrance Village RitesVillage Rites Pest InfestationPest Infestation Golgari SignetGolgari Signet |
Tasha, the Witch Queen | Tasha, the Witch QueenTasha, the Witch Queen Xanathar, Guild KingpinXanathar, Guild Kingpin Captain N'ghathrodCaptain N'ghathrod Dragonlord SilumgarDragonlord Silumgar Lazav, Dimir MastermindLazav, Dimir Mastermind Umbris, Fear ManifestUmbris, Fear Manifest Circu, Dimir LobotomistCircu, Dimir Lobotomist Wrexial, the Risen DeepWrexial, the Risen Deep Gyruda, Doom of DepthsGyruda, Doom of Depths Phenax, God of DeceptionPhenax, God of Deception | Dimir SignetDimir Signet Consuming AberrationConsuming Aberration Talisman of DominanceTalisman of Dominance Maddening CacophonyMaddening Cacophony MindcrankMindcrank Drown in the LochDrown in the Loch Fractured SanityFractured Sanity Nemesis of ReasonNemesis of Reason Feed the SwarmFeed the Swarm Ashiok, Dream RenderAshiok, Dream Render Ruin CrabRuin Crab Mind GrindMind Grind Tasha's Hideous LaughterTasha's Hideous Laughter Memory PlunderMemory Plunder WindfallWindfall |
Kess, Dissident Mage | Kess, Dissident MageKess, Dissident Mage Abaddon the DespoilerAbaddon the Despoiler Cormela, Glamour ThiefCormela, Glamour Thief Zevlor, Elturel ExileZevlor, Elturel Exile Anhelo, the PainterAnhelo, the Painter Jeleva, Nephalia's ScourgeJeleva, Nephalia's Scourge Obeka, Brute ChronologistObeka, Brute Chronologist Inalla, Archmage RitualistInalla, Archmage Ritualist Gwendlyn Di CorciGwendlyn Di Corci Parnesse, the Subtle BrushParnesse, the Subtle Brush | Izzet SignetIzzet Signet Dimir SignetDimir Signet Rakdos SignetRakdos Signet Talisman of CreativityTalisman of Creativity Talisman of DominanceTalisman of Dominance Frantic SearchFrantic Search PonderPonder WindfallWindfall PreordainPreordain Dark RitualDark Ritual Fact or FictionFact or Fiction Talisman of IndulgenceTalisman of Indulgence Mystical TutorMystical Tutor TerminateTerminate Goblin ElectromancerGoblin Electromancer |
Queen Marchesa | Queen MarchesaQueen Marchesa Mathas, Fiend SeekerMathas, Fiend Seeker Piru, the VolatilePiru, the Volatile Isshin, Two Heavens as OneIsshin, Two Heavens as One Kaalia of the VastKaalia of the Vast Ghen, Arcanum WeaverGhen, Arcanum Weaver Kelsien, the PlagueKelsien, the Plague Jirina KudroJirina Kudro Negan, the Cold-BloodedNegan, the Cold-Blooded Extus, Oriq OverlordExtus, Oriq Overlord | Orzhov SignetOrzhov Signet Boros SignetBoros Signet Rakdos SignetRakdos Signet Talisman of HierarchyTalisman of Hierarchy Talisman of ConvictionTalisman of Conviction Ruinous UltimatumRuinous Ultimatum Boros CharmBoros Charm Smothering TitheSmothering Tithe Anguished UnmakingAnguished Unmaking Talisman of IndulgenceTalisman of Indulgence DesparkDespark Crackling DoomCrackling Doom Generous GiftGenerous Gift Phyrexian ArenaPhyrexian Arena DamnDamn |
Kykar, Wind's Fury | Kykar, Wind's FuryKykar, Wind's Fury Elsha of the InfiniteElsha of the Infinite Gnostro, Voice of the CragsGnostro, Voice of the Crags Hinata, Dawn-CrownedHinata, Dawn-Crowned Vadrok, Apex of ThunderVadrok, Apex of Thunder Shu Yun, the Silent TempestShu Yun, the Silent Tempest Narset, Enlightened MasterNarset, Enlightened Master Sevinne, the ChronoclasmSevinne, the Chronoclasm Guile, Sonic SoldierGuile, Sonic Soldier Akim, the Soaring WindAkim, the Soaring Wind | Izzet SignetIzzet Signet Azorius SignetAzorius Signet Whirlwind of ThoughtWhirlwind of Thought Boros SignetBoros Signet Talisman of CreativityTalisman of Creativity BrainstormBrainstorm Talisman of ConvictionTalisman of Conviction PonderPonder Jeskai AscendancyJeskai Ascendancy Dovin's VetoDovin's Veto PreordainPreordain Talisman of ProgressTalisman of Progress Faithless LootingFaithless Looting Archmage EmeritusArchmage Emeritus Storm-Kiln ArtistStorm-Kiln Artist |
Ghired, Conclave Exile | Ghired, Conclave ExileGhired, Conclave Exile Atla Palani, Nest TenderAtla Palani, Nest Tender Jetmir, Nexus of RevelsJetmir, Nexus of Revels Phabine, Boss's ConfidantPhabine, Boss's Confidant Rith, the AwakenerRith, the Awakener Kitt Kanto, Mayhem DivaKitt Kanto, Mayhem Diva Jinnie Fay, Jetmir's SecondJinnie Fay, Jetmir's Second Marisi, Breaker of the CoilMarisi, Breaker of the Coil Gahiji, Honored OneGahiji, Honored One Mayael the AnimaMayael the Anima | CultivateCultivate Beast WithinBeast Within FarseekFarseek Shamanic RevelationShamanic Revelation Boros CharmBoros Charm Sakura-Tribe ElderSakura-Tribe Elder Sundering GrowthSundering Growth Anointed ProcessionAnointed Procession Ohran FrostfangOhran Frostfang HarmonizeHarmonize Elemental BondElemental Bond Rootborn DefensesRootborn Defenses Artifact MutationArtifact Mutation Second HarvestSecond Harvest Beastmaster AscensionBeastmaster Ascension |
Tivit, Seller of Secrets | Tivit, Seller of SecretsTivit, Seller of Secrets Kamiz, Obscura OculusKamiz, Obscura Oculus Aminatou, the FateshifterAminatou, the Fateshifter Raffine, Scheming SeerRaffine, Scheming Seer Sen TripletsSen Triplets NihiloorNihiloor Queza, Augur of AgoniesQueza, Augur of Agonies Alela, Artful ProvocateurAlela, Artful Provocateur Sharuum the HegemonSharuum the Hegemon Bane, Lord of DarknessBane, Lord of Darkness | Azorius SignetAzorius Signet Dimir SignetDimir Signet Orzhov SignetOrzhov Signet Baleful StrixBaleful Strix Dovin's VetoDovin's Veto Talisman of HierarchyTalisman of Hierarchy Talisman of DominanceTalisman of Dominance Esper SentinelEsper Sentinel Talisman of ProgressTalisman of Progress Anguished UnmakingAnguished Unmaking Void RendVoid Rend DamnDamn Supreme VerdictSupreme Verdict DesparkDespark Utter EndUtter End |
Ziatora, the Incinerator | Ziatora, the IncineratorZiatora, the Incinerator Vazi, Keen NegotiatorVazi, Keen Negotiator Henzie "Toolbox" TorreHenzie "Toolbox" Torre Ognis, the Dragon's LashOgnis, the Dragon's Lash Bhaal, Lord of MurderBhaal, Lord of Murder Zangief, the Red CycloneZangief, the Red Cyclone Mr. Orfeo, the BoulderMr. Orfeo, the Boulder Korvold, Fae-Cursed KingKorvold, Fae-Cursed King Kresh the BloodbraidedKresh the Bloodbraided Prossh, Skyraider of KherProssh, Skyraider of Kher | Sakura-Tribe ElderSakura-Tribe Elder Mayhem DevilMayhem Devil Ignoble HierarchIgnoble Hierarch FarseekFarseek Blasphemous ActBlasphemous Act VictimizeVictimize Pitiless PlundererPitiless Plunderer Assassin's TrophyAssassin's Trophy Rhythm of the WildRhythm of the Wild TerminateTerminate Three VisitsThree Visits Goblin BombardmentGoblin Bombardment Deadly DisputeDeadly Dispute Juri, Master of the RevueJuri, Master of the Revue Nature's LoreNature's Lore |
Maelstrom Wanderer | Maelstrom WandererMaelstrom Wanderer Averna, the Chaos BloomAverna, the Chaos Bloom Intet, the DreamerIntet, the Dreamer Surrak DragonclawSurrak Dragonclaw Riku of Two ReflectionsRiku of Two Reflections Omnath, Locus of the RoilOmnath, Locus of the Roil Illuna, Apex of WishesIlluna, Apex of Wishes Miirym, Sentinel WyrmMiirym, Sentinel Wyrm Animar, Soul of ElementsAnimar, Soul of Elements Yasova DragonclawYasova Dragonclaw | CultivateCultivate FarseekFarseek Kodama's ReachKodama's Reach Temur AscendancyTemur Ascendancy Rampant GrowthRampant Growth Rhythm of the WildRhythm of the Wild Garruk's UprisingGarruk's Uprising Nature's LoreNature's Lore Sakura-Tribe ElderSakura-Tribe Elder Growth SpiralGrowth Spiral Rattleclaw MysticRattleclaw Mystic Genesis UltimatumGenesis Ultimatum Terror of the PeaksTerror of the Peaks Reclamation SageReclamation Sage Simic SignetSimic Signet |
Storvald, Frost Giant Jarl | Storvald, Frost Giant JarlStorvald, Frost Giant Jarl Rafiq of the ManyRafiq of the Many Galea, Kindler of HopeGalea, Kindler of Hope Falco Spara, PactweaverFalco Spara, Pactweaver Roon of the Hidden RealmRoon of the Hidden Realm Chulane, Teller of TalesChulane, Teller of Tales Rigo, Streetwise MentorRigo, Streetwise Mentor Jenara, Asura of WarJenara, Asura of War Gorion, Wise MentorGorion, Wise Mentor Kros, Defense ContractorKros, Defense Contractor | Noble HierarchNoble Hierarch Avacyn's PilgrimAvacyn's Pilgrim Dovin's VetoDovin's Veto Eladamri's CallEladamri's Call Knight of AutumnKnight of Autumn Bant CharmBant Charm Holy AvengerHoly Avenger Simic SignetSimic Signet Selesnya SignetSelesnya Signet Time WipeTime Wipe Belt of Giant StrengthBelt of Giant Strength Sovereigns of Lost AlaraSovereigns of Lost Alara Brokers AscendancyBrokers Ascendancy Shalai, Voice of PlentyShalai, Voice of Plenty ThrummingbirdThrummingbird |
Karador, Ghost Chieftain | Karador, Ghost ChieftainKarador, Ghost Chieftain Nethroi, Apex of DeathNethroi, Apex of Death Teneb, the HarvesterTeneb, the Harvester Tayam, Luminous EnigmaTayam, Luminous Enigma Kathril, Aspect WarperKathril, Aspect Warper Myrkul, Lord of BonesMyrkul, Lord of Bones Colfenor, the Last YewColfenor, the Last Yew Ghave, Guru of SporesGhave, Guru of Spores Kethis, the Hidden HandKethis, the Hidden Hand Anafenza, the ForemostAnafenza, the Foremost | Sakura-Tribe ElderSakura-Tribe Elder Eternal WitnessEternal Witness Eerie UltimatumEerie Ultimatum Viscera SeerViscera Seer Zulaport CutthroatZulaport Cutthroat Ashnod's AltarAshnod's Altar Avacyn's PilgrimAvacyn's Pilgrim Blood ArtistBlood Artist Buried AliveBuried Alive Assassin's TrophyAssassin's Trophy Carrion FeederCarrion Feeder Satyr WayfinderSatyr Wayfinder Mythos of NethroiMythos of Nethroi Grisly SalvageGrisly Salvage Altar of DementiaAltar of Dementia |
Yarok, the Desecrated | Yarok, the DesecratedYarok, the Desecrated Damia, Sage of StoneDamia, Sage of Stone Muldrotha, the GravetideMuldrotha, the Gravetide Archelos, Lagoon MysticArchelos, Lagoon Mystic Nine-Fingers KeeneNine-Fingers Keene Tasigur, the Golden FangTasigur, the Golden Fang The MimeoplasmThe Mimeoplasm Sidisi, Brood TyrantSidisi, Brood Tyrant Zaxara, the ExemplaryZaxara, the Exemplary Otrimi, the Ever-PlayfulOtrimi, the Ever-Playful | Eternal WitnessEternal Witness Villainous WealthVillainous Wealth Assassin's TrophyAssassin's Trophy Tatyova, Benthic DruidTatyova, Benthic Druid Simic SignetSimic Signet Ramunap ExcavatorRamunap Excavator PutrefyPutrefy Golgari SignetGolgari Signet Growth SpiralGrowth Spiral Deathrite ShamanDeathrite Shaman The Gitrog MonsterThe Gitrog Monster World ShaperWorld Shaper Life from the LoamLife from the Loam Crop RotationCrop Rotation Muldrotha, the GravetideMuldrotha, the Gravetide |
Jodah, Archmage Eternal | Jodah, Archmage EternalJodah, Archmage Eternal The Ur-DragonThe Ur-Dragon Scion of the Ur-DragonScion of the Ur-Dragon Ramos, Dragon EngineRamos, Dragon Engine TiamatTiamat Esika, God of the TreeEsika, God of the Tree Horde of NotionsHorde of Notions Golos, Tireless PilgrimGolos, Tireless Pilgrim Sisay, Weatherlight CaptainSisay, Weatherlight Captain ProgenitusProgenitus | Chromatic LanternChromatic Lantern FarseekFarseek Faeburrow ElderFaeburrow Elder Temur AscendancyTemur Ascendancy Dryad of the Ilysian GroveDryad of the Ilysian Grove Chromatic OrreryChromatic Orrery Eerie UltimatumEerie Ultimatum Mirari's WakeMirari's Wake Morophon, the BoundlessMorophon, the Boundless Dragonlord DromokaDragonlord Dromoka Ruinous UltimatumRuinous Ultimatum Primevals' Glorious RebirthPrimevals' Glorious Rebirth Fist of SunsFist of Suns Jegantha, the WellspringJegantha, the Wellspring Ramos, Dragon EngineRamos, Dragon Engine |
The decks are instant- and sorcery-focused, with lots of card draw, ways to copy spells, and control elements. The
commander bundle cares more about Devotion to black, and it has some aristocrats elements.
has a bit of Elf tribal, along with tutoring for huge creatures that you can cast thanks to ramp.
wants to copy things, sling spells, burn, and Storm. Finally,
is a collection of every kind of hatebear.
Beyond those single-color themes, the two-color bundles do a great job of showcasing the typical strengths of those guilds. The three-color bundles are a little looser, arguably defined more by what they are not.
Archidekt recently hosted a deckbuilding competition with the prompt:
"...build a Commander-legal deck that showcases something that other players may have never seen before. For instance, it could feature an underutilized commander, be designed around a spicy combo, or offer a new take on a popular deck."
I figured that building a ten-commander-swappable amalgamation might be sufficiently novel, so I started with the cards most frequently found in the collective 99s of the 10 blue-red Spellslinger commanders listed above.
From there, I eliminated many expensive or salty cards and tuned it down to focus less on Storming off and more on cantrips and cards that could, themselves, be cast more than once. Here is what I ended up with:
UR Swappable Spellslinger
View on ArchidektCommander (1)
- 1 Veyran, Voice of DualityVeyran, Voice of Duality
Creatures (31)
- 1 Adeliz, the Cinder WindAdeliz, the Cinder Wind
- 1 ArchaeomancerArchaeomancer
- 1 Archmage EmeritusArchmage Emeritus
- 1 Balmor, Battlemage CaptainBalmor, Battlemage Captain
- 1 Baral, Chief of ComplianceBaral, Chief of Compliance
- 1 Birgi, God of StorytellingBirgi, God of Storytelling
- 1 Crackling DrakeCrackling Drake
- 1 Dualcaster MageDualcaster Mage
- 1 Electrostatic FieldElectrostatic Field
- 1 Electrostatic InfantryElectrostatic Infantry
- 1 Eruth, Tormented ProphetEruth, Tormented Prophet
- 1 Etali, Primal StormEtali, Primal Storm
- 1 Firebrand ArcherFirebrand Archer
- 1 Goblin ElectromancerGoblin Electromancer
- 1 GuttersnipeGuttersnipe
- 1 Harmonic ProdigyHarmonic Prodigy
- 1 Jori En, Ruin DiverJori En, Ruin Diver
- 1 Kessig FlamebreatherKessig Flamebreather
- 1 Melek, Izzet ParagonMelek, Izzet Paragon
- 1 Mizzix of the IzmagnusMizzix of the Izmagnus
- 1 Murmuring MysticMurmuring Mystic
- 1 Neera, Wild MageNeera, Wild Mage
- 1 Niv-Mizzet, ParunNiv-Mizzet, Parun
- 1 Rootha, Mercurial ArtistRootha, Mercurial Artist
- 1 Runaway Steam-KinRunaway Steam-Kin
- 1 Storm-Kiln ArtistStorm-Kiln Artist
- 1 Talrand, Sky SummonerTalrand, Sky Summoner
- 1 Thermo-AlchemistThermo-Alchemist
- 1 Vadrik, Astral ArchmageVadrik, Astral Archmage
- 1 Young PyromancerYoung Pyromancer
- 1 Zaffai, Thunder ConductorZaffai, Thunder Conductor
Sorceries (10)
- 1 Bonus RoundBonus Round
- 1 Faithless LootingFaithless Looting
- 1 GrapeshotGrapeshot
- 1 Mystic RetrievalMystic Retrieval
- 1 Past in FlamesPast in Flames
- 1 PonderPonder
- 1 PreordainPreordain
- 1 Serum VisionsSerum Visions
- 1 Treasure CruiseTreasure Cruise
- 1 VandalblastVandalblast
Instants (16)
- 1 AbradeAbrade
- 1 BrainstormBrainstorm
- 1 Comet StormComet Storm
- 1 ConsiderConsider
- 1 CounterspellCounterspell
- 1 Expansion // ExplosionExpansion // Explosion
- 1 Increasing VengeanceIncreasing Vengeance
- 1 Izzet CharmIzzet Charm
- 1 Lightning BoltLightning Bolt
- 1 NegateNegate
- 1 Pull from TomorrowPull from Tomorrow
- 1 Reality ShiftReality Shift
- 1 ReiterateReiterate
- 1 ResculptResculpt
- 1 Silundi VisionSilundi Vision
- 1 Thrill of PossibilityThrill of Possibility
Enchantments (3)
- 1 Double VisionDouble Vision
- 1 Metallurgic SummoningsMetallurgic Summonings
- 1 Sorcerer ClassSorcerer Class
Artifacts (4)
- 1 Fire DiamondFire Diamond
- 1 Izzet SignetIzzet Signet
- 1 Sky DiamondSky Diamond
- 1 Talisman of CreativityTalisman of Creativity
Lands (35)
- 1 Cascade BluffsCascade Bluffs
- 1 Castle VantressCastle Vantress
- 1 Command TowerCommand Tower
- 1 Desolate LighthouseDesolate Lighthouse
- 1 Evolving WildsEvolving Wilds
- 1 Exotic OrchardExotic Orchard
- 1 Fabled PassageFabled Passage
- 1 Forgotten CaveForgotten Cave
- 1 Frostboil SnarlFrostboil Snarl
- 7 IslandIsland
- 1 Izzet BoilerworksIzzet Boilerworks
- 1 Izzet GuildgateIzzet Guildgate
- 1 Lonely SandbarLonely Sandbar
- 3 MountainMountain
- 1 Myriad LandscapeMyriad Landscape
- 1 Mystic SanctuaryMystic Sanctuary
- 1 Prismari CampusPrismari Campus
- 1 Reliquary TowerReliquary Tower
- 1 Riverglide PathwayRiverglide Pathway
- 1 Scavenger GroundsScavenger Grounds
- 1 Shivan ReefShivan Reef
- 1 Sulfur FallsSulfur Falls
- 1 Swiftwater CliffsSwiftwater Cliffs
- 1 Temple of EpiphanyTemple of Epiphany
- 1 Temple of the False GodTemple of the False God
- 1 Terramorphic ExpanseTerramorphic Expanse
- 1 Training CenterTraining Center
If and when I build this deck in real life, prior to playing, I will pull all of the blue/red legendary creatures out, shuffle them, select one to be my commander, then shuffle the other 9 in as part of the 99.
I think this will run best with Veyran at the helm, since essentially all of the permanents have spell cast triggers, but Niv-Mizzet, Jori En, Mizzix, Melek, and Neera should also run pretty smoothly. I think I included enough cantrips to make Eruth work, although I'm not sure there are enough high-MV cards to really take advantage of Zaffai and Vadrik. At any rate, it should be pretty fun to see what happens!
Thoughts? Questions? Critiques? Suggestions?
Let me hear them! Is this just data-wrangling for the sake of data-wrangling? Are these decks too generic to even compete? Or, is the philosophical satisfaction of playing very near to an archetypal center worth the effort? Let me know what you think, and if you have tried to build a deck like this. As always, if you aren’t already, please follow me on Twitter.
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