Talisman of Dominance (Card)

Talisman of Dominance
In 424467 decks 32% of 1319058 decks
Jeff Dunn
Legends Legends - Princess Lucrezia
Ever wanted a Dimir mana dork? Well for the bargain bin price of six whole mana, Princess Lucrezia is your answer!
Jeff Dunn
Legends Legends - Nebuchadnezzar
Find out what cards your opponents are holding and then force them to discard them with this Nebuchadnezzar Commander deck!
Commander Spellbook
Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver
73.09% of 19272 decks 14086 decks
Sauron, the Dark Lord
45.44% of 24444 decks 11107 decks
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow
37.49% of 24538 decks 9200 decks
Alela, Cunning Conqueror
78.65% of 11670 decks 9179 decks
Captain N'ghathrod
67.78% of 12985 decks 8801 decks
Be'lakor, the Dark Master
74.01% of 11395 decks 8434 decks
Marneus Calgar
77.04% of 10908 decks 8404 decks
The Wise Mothman
51.54% of 15614 decks 8047 decks
Nekusar, the Mindrazer
40.35% of 19882 decks 8022 decks
Tivit, Seller of Secrets
63.36% of 11965 decks 7581 decks
Lord of the Nazgûl
61.83% of 11876 decks 7343 decks
Ulalek, Fused Atrocity
50.75% of 13447 decks 6825 decks
The Scarab God
58.28% of 10876 decks 6339 decks
Talion, the Kindly Lord
80.94% of 7477 decks 6052 decks
Satoru Umezawa
55.34% of 10905 decks 6035 decks
Obeka, Splitter of Seconds
50.19% of 11521 decks 5782 decks
Alela, Artful Provocateur
43.97% of 12637 decks 5556 decks
Zur the Enchanter
46.14% of 11522 decks 5316 decks
New Cards
Renewed Solidarity
20% of 21409 decks +17% synergy
On Wings of Gold
18% of 21409 decks +15% synergy
Hashaton, Scarab's Fist
12% of 22032 decks +6% synergy
Wizened Mentor
11% of 21409 decks +10% synergy
Priest of the Crossing
9% of 21409 decks +7% synergy
High Synergy Cards
Titans' Vanguard
31% of 13516 decks +30% synergy
Glowing One
20% of 38644 decks +19% synergy
Snapping Voidcraw
21% of 30985 decks +18% synergy
Chittering Dispatcher
19% of 30988 decks +18% synergy
Azlask, the Swelling Scourge
20% of 12751 decks +17% synergy
Esper Sentinel
37% of 127284 decks +17% synergy
Writhing Chrysalis
18% of 13791 decks +17% synergy
Tato Farmer
17% of 38644 decks +16% synergy
20% of 38640 decks +15% synergy
Wastescape Battlemage
17% of 30985 decks +15% synergy
Top Cards
Swords to Plowshares
71% of 127284 decks +8% synergy
47% of 420842 decks +4% synergy
Blasphemous Act
44% of 141986 decks +11% synergy
Path to Exile
43% of 127284 decks -4% synergy
Chaos Warp
37% of 141986 decks +5% synergy
Birds of Paradise
36% of 49145 decks +9% synergy
35% of 49145 decks +1% synergy
Cyclonic Rift
34% of 420842 decks +6% synergy
Dark Ritual
33% of 420837 decks +10% synergy
An Offer You Can't Refuse
31% of 420842 decks +10% synergy
Game Changers
Smothering Tithe
40% of 127284 decks +16% synergy
Rhystic Study
35% of 420842 decks +8% synergy
Enlightened Tutor
31% of 127284 decks +13% synergy
Vampiric Tutor
25% of 420837 decks +7% synergy
Ancient Tomb
18% of 420856 decks +8% synergy
Underworld Breach
16% of 141986 decks +11% synergy
Drannith Magistrate
16% of 127284 decks +10% synergy
Thassa's Oracle
14% of 420842 decks +7% synergy
Chrome Mox
13% of 420856 decks +7% synergy
Mana Vault
13% of 420856 decks +7% synergy
Morophon, the Boundless
29% of 16487 decks +15% synergy
Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff
24% of 117068 decks +11% synergy
Deathrite Shaman
21% of 49141 decks +9% synergy
Grand Abolisher
20% of 127284 decks +11% synergy
Noble Hierarch
19% of 21613 decks +3% synergy
Eternal Witness
18% of 49145 decks -2% synergy
The Master, Transcendent
17% of 38639 decks +14% synergy
Dockside Extortionist
17% of 141986 decks +7% synergy
Delighted Halfling
17% of 47036 decks +5% synergy
Baleful Strix
17% of 420828 decks +4% synergy
Orcish Bowmasters
16% of 387809 decks +7% synergy
Agent Frank Horrigan
16% of 38869 decks +14% synergy
Strong, the Brutish Thespian
16% of 38644 decks +15% synergy
Ignoble Hierarch
15% of 18569 decks -10% synergy
Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer
15% of 141986 decks +7% synergy
Ranger-Captain of Eos
14% of 127284 decks +10% synergy
Corpsejack Menace
14% of 49141 decks +9% synergy
Marcus, Mutant Mayor
14% of 38641 decks +12% synergy
Winding Constrictor
13% of 49141 decks +9% synergy
Solemn Simulacrum
13% of 420856 decks -1% synergy
Rampaging Yao Guai
13% of 38644 decks +11% synergy
Dauthi Voidwalker
13% of 420837 decks +5% synergy
Opposition Agent
13% of 420837 decks +6% synergy
Seedborn Muse
12% of 49145 decks +4% synergy
Elvish Spirit Guide
12% of 49145 decks +8% synergy
Simian Spirit Guide
12% of 141986 decks +6% synergy
World Breaker
11% of 49145 decks +11% synergy
Elves of Deep Shadow
11% of 49141 decks +1% synergy
Sowing Mycospawn
11% of 31802 decks +10% synergy
Bloom Tender
11% of 49145 decks +3% synergy
Notion Thief
11% of 420828 decks +4% synergy
Alpha Deathclaw
11% of 42793 decks +9% synergy
Roaming Throne
11% of 329450 decks +4% synergy
Phyrexian Metamorph
11% of 420842 decks +4% synergy
Archivist of Oghma
10% of 127284 decks +5% synergy
Faerie Mastermind
10% of 420842 decks +4% synergy
Corpse Knight
10% of 127280 decks +4% synergy
Cathedral Acolyte
10% of 38644 decks +10% synergy
Muldrotha, the Gravetide
10% of 49140 decks +4% synergy
Hullbreaker Horror
10% of 420842 decks +3% synergy
Evolution Sage
10% of 49145 decks +3% synergy
Llanowar Elves
10% of 49145 decks -11% synergy
Changeling Outcast
10% of 420837 decks +5% synergy
Watchful Radstag
9% of 38644 decks +9% synergy
Spark Double
9% of 420842 decks +2% synergy
Mondrak, Glory Dominus
9% of 127284 decks +1% synergy
Syr Konrad, the Grim
8% of 420837 decks -1% synergy
Hideous Taskmaster
8% of 78909 decks +7% synergy
Talion, the Kindly Lord
8% of 362839 decks +3% synergy
Temmet, Naktamun's Will
8% of 22032 decks +5% synergy
Assassin's Trophy
28% of 49141 decks -2% synergy
Arcane Denial
26% of 420842 decks +6% synergy
Void Rend
25% of 127278 decks +11% synergy
Swan Song
25% of 420842 decks +8% synergy
Dovin's Veto
24% of 127280 decks +6% synergy
24% of 420842 decks +1% synergy
Fierce Guardianship
24% of 420842 decks +6% synergy
24% of 420842 decks +3% synergy
Anguished Unmaking
23% of 127280 decks -1% synergy
23% of 141981 decks +2% synergy
Deflecting Swat
23% of 141986 decks +6% synergy
Mana Drain
20% of 420842 decks +5% synergy
Mystical Tutor
19% of 420842 decks +5% synergy
Worldly Tutor
19% of 49145 decks +5% synergy
Abrupt Decay
19% of 49141 decks +8% synergy
Mutational Advantage
19% of 38641 decks +15% synergy
19% of 127284 decks +12% synergy
18% of 49141 decks +2% synergy
Teferi's Protection
17% of 127284 decks -2% synergy
Force of Will
17% of 420842 decks +6% synergy
Beast Within
16% of 49145 decks -21% synergy
16% of 141981 decks +2% synergy
Deadly Rollick
15% of 420837 decks +4% synergy
Frantic Search
15% of 420842 decks +3% synergy
Generous Gift
15% of 127284 decks -10% synergy
Heroic Intervention
15% of 49145 decks -15% synergy
Inspiring Call
15% of 49145 decks +7% synergy
Force of Negation
14% of 420842 decks +5% synergy
Veil of Summer
14% of 49145 decks +8% synergy
13% of 127280 decks -2% synergy
Noxious Revival
13% of 49145 decks +7% synergy
Sink into Stupor
12% of 229900 decks +3% synergy
Pact of Negation
12% of 420842 decks +5% synergy
Demonic Consultation
12% of 420837 decks +8% synergy
Rakdos Charm
12% of 141981 decks -3% synergy
12% of 420842 decks +5% synergy
Tainted Pact
11% of 420837 decks +7% synergy
Withering Torment
11% of 158581 decks +3% synergy
Mental Misstep
11% of 420842 decks +5% synergy
Drown in the Loch
11% of 420828 decks +5% synergy
Fell the Profane
11% of 229895 decks +2% synergy
Return of the Wildspeaker
10% of 49145 decks -3% synergy
10% of 420842 decks -1% synergy
Reality Shift
10% of 420842 decks +1% synergy
Infernal Grasp
10% of 420837 decks +3% synergy
Red Elemental Blast
10% of 141986 decks +3% synergy
Fact or Fiction
9% of 420842 decks +3% synergy
9% of 420842 decks +2% synergy
Final Fortune
9% of 141986 decks +7% synergy
Go for the Throat
9% of 420837 decks +2% synergy
30% of 49145 decks -15% synergy
Feed the Swarm
28% of 420837 decks +11% synergy
Demonic Tutor
28% of 420837 decks +6% synergy
Toxic Deluge
27% of 420837 decks +10% synergy
Rampant Growth
27% of 49145 decks -8% synergy
22% of 420837 decks +6% synergy
21% of 127280 decks +5% synergy
20% of 420842 decks +7% synergy
Nature's Lore
20% of 49145 decks -12% synergy
Jeska's Will
19% of 141986 decks +2% synergy
Culling Ritual
19% of 49141 decks +7% synergy
Three Visits
17% of 49145 decks -7% synergy
16% of 141986 decks +0% synergy
16% of 141986 decks +6% synergy
Faithless Looting
15% of 141986 decks -2% synergy
Sevinne's Reclamation
14% of 127284 decks +7% synergy
Wheel of Fortune
14% of 141986 decks +9% synergy
Supreme Verdict
13% of 127280 decks -0% synergy
Kodama's Reach
13% of 49145 decks -18% synergy
12% of 420842 decks -0% synergy
Eldritch Evolution
12% of 49145 decks +7% synergy
Finale of Devastation
11% of 49145 decks +3% synergy
11% of 127284 decks -2% synergy
Imperial Seal
11% of 420837 decks +5% synergy
Casualties of War
11% of 49141 decks +6% synergy
10% of 420837 decks -2% synergy
Rite of Flame
9% of 141986 decks +6% synergy
Diabolic Intent
9% of 420837 decks +1% synergy
Rishkar's Expertise
9% of 49145 decks -1% synergy
9% of 420837 decks +1% synergy
9% of 49142 decks +4% synergy
8% of 420842 decks -2% synergy
Distant Melody
8% of 420842 decks +3% synergy
Blasphemous Edict
8% of 116158 decks -0% synergy
Ancient Stirrings
8% of 49145 decks +7% synergy
Find // Finality
7% of 49141 decks +6% synergy
Austere Command
7% of 127284 decks -6% synergy
Gitaxian Probe
7% of 420842 decks +1% synergy
Mnemonic Betrayal
7% of 420828 decks +3% synergy
7% of 49145 decks -2% synergy
Breach the Multiverse
6% of 420837 decks +3% synergy
Villainous Wealth
6% of 49140 decks -2% synergy
Kindred Dominance
6% of 420837 decks +2% synergy
Redress Fate
6% of 54090 decks +4% synergy
Wheel of Misfortune
6% of 141986 decks +2% synergy
Treasure Cruise
6% of 420842 decks +1% synergy
Beseech the Mirror
6% of 359770 decks +2% synergy
Night's Whisper
5% of 420837 decks -4% synergy
5% of 387800 decks +1% synergy
Buried Alive
5% of 420837 decks -0% synergy
Utility Artifacts
Lightning Greaves
28% of 420856 decks +3% synergy
Mind Stone
24% of 420856 decks +7% synergy
Swiftfoot Boots
23% of 420856 decks -5% synergy
Commander's Sphere
16% of 420856 decks +1% synergy
Wayfarer's Bauble
15% of 420856 decks +5% synergy
The One Ring
14% of 413292 decks +6% synergy
Lotus Petal
14% of 420856 decks +7% synergy
Wishclaw Talisman
11% of 420837 decks +6% synergy
Power Fist
11% of 38644 decks +9% synergy
11% of 420856 decks -1% synergy
Ashnod's Altar
9% of 420856 decks +1% synergy
Sensei's Divining Top
9% of 420856 decks +3% synergy
Herald's Horn
8% of 420856 decks +2% synergy
Bident of Thassa
8% of 420842 decks +1% synergy
Jeweled Lotus
8% of 420856 decks +3% synergy
Hedge Shredder
7% of 20755 decks +4% synergy
7% of 420856 decks +5% synergy
Bolas's Citadel
7% of 420837 decks -2% synergy
Shorikai, Genesis Engine
6% of 127280 decks +3% synergy
Phyrexian Altar
5% of 420856 decks +2% synergy
Mystic Remora
26% of 420842 decks +8% synergy
Guardian Project
16% of 49145 decks +8% synergy
Hardened Scales
16% of 49145 decks +6% synergy
Branching Evolution
14% of 49145 decks +8% synergy
Garruk's Uprising
14% of 49145 decks -2% synergy
Path of Annihilation
14% of 31802 decks +13% synergy
Ghostly Prison
13% of 127284 decks +2% synergy
Awakening Zone
13% of 49145 decks +11% synergy
Blind Obedience
13% of 127284 decks +6% synergy
Animate Dead
13% of 420837 decks +3% synergy
12% of 420842 decks +0% synergy
Phyrexian Arena
12% of 420837 decks -4% synergy
Black Market Connections
11% of 420837 decks +1% synergy
Sylvan Library
11% of 49145 decks +0% synergy
Kindred Discovery
11% of 420842 decks +3% synergy
Carpet of Flowers
10% of 49145 decks +7% synergy
Anointed Procession
9% of 127284 decks +1% synergy
Rhythm of the Wild
9% of 18570 decks -14% synergy
Reconnaissance Mission
8% of 420842 decks +4% synergy
Vault 87: Forced Evolution
8% of 38641 decks +7% synergy
Reflections of Littjara
7% of 420842 decks +3% synergy
7% of 420837 decks +2% synergy
Food Chain
7% of 49145 decks +5% synergy
Trouble in Pairs
7% of 92479 decks +2% synergy
All That Glitters
7% of 127284 decks +2% synergy
Warstorm Surge
7% of 141986 decks +1% synergy
Rooftop Storm
7% of 420842 decks +5% synergy
Darksteel Mutation
6% of 127284 decks -0% synergy
Wild Growth
6% of 49145 decks -5% synergy
From Beyond
6% of 49145 decks +5% synergy
6% of 420837 decks +2% synergy
Grasp of Fate
6% of 127284 decks +2% synergy
Sphere of Safety
6% of 127284 decks +1% synergy
Bloodchief Ascension
6% of 420837 decks +2% synergy
Sneak Attack
6% of 141986 decks +3% synergy
Goblin Bombardment
5% of 141986 decks -1% synergy
Dreadhorde Invasion
5% of 420837 decks +3% synergy
Secret Arcade // Dusty Parlor
5% of 54090 decks +3% synergy
Teferi, Time Raveler
11% of 127280 decks +5% synergy
Utility Lands
Reliquary Tower
33% of 420856 decks +3% synergy
Bojuka Bog
32% of 420837 decks +2% synergy
Boseiju, Who Endures
23% of 49145 decks +5% synergy
Otawara, Soaring City
23% of 420842 decks +7% synergy
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
18% of 420856 decks +8% synergy
Rogue's Passage
17% of 420856 decks -3% synergy
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
11% of 420837 decks +1% synergy
Mystic Sanctuary
10% of 420842 decks -2% synergy
Hall of Heliod's Generosity
9% of 127284 decks +3% synergy
Ancient Den
9% of 127284 decks +4% synergy
Urza's Saga
9% of 420856 decks +2% synergy
Accursed Duneyard
8% of 52119 decks +7% synergy
Temple of the False God
8% of 420856 decks -1% synergy
Shifting Woodland
8% of 31802 decks +1% synergy
Cabal Coffers
7% of 420837 decks -4% synergy
Gaea's Cradle
6% of 49145 decks +0% synergy
Phyrexian Tower
6% of 420837 decks -3% synergy
Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire
6% of 127284 decks -3% synergy
Three Tree City
6% of 200450 decks +0% synergy
Great Furnace
5% of 141986 decks -0% synergy
Seat of the Synod
5% of 420842 decks -1% synergy
Mortuary Mire
5% of 420837 decks +0% synergy
Vault of Whispers
5% of 420837 decks +1% synergy
Mana Artifacts
Arcane Signet
95% of 420856 decks +23% synergy
Sol Ring
94% of 420856 decks +10% synergy
Talisman of Curiosity
75% of 49142 decks +63% synergy
Talisman of Creativity
75% of 141981 decks +47% synergy
Talisman of Progress
71% of 127280 decks +47% synergy
Talisman of Indulgence
71% of 141981 decks +44% synergy
Talisman of Resilience
68% of 49141 decks +56% synergy
Talisman of Hierarchy
67% of 127280 decks +42% synergy
Talisman of Impulse
60% of 18570 decks +50% synergy
Dimir Signet
54% of 420828 decks +24% synergy
Fellwar Stone
46% of 420856 decks +25% synergy
Rakdos Signet
37% of 141981 decks +8% synergy
Izzet Signet
36% of 141981 decks +8% synergy
Azorius Signet
34% of 127280 decks +8% synergy
Orzhov Signet
34% of 127280 decks +7% synergy
Talisman of Conviction
28% of 26891 decks +4% synergy
Talisman of Unity
26% of 21614 decks +19% synergy
Thought Vessel
26% of 420856 decks +9% synergy
Relic of Sauron
17% of 130511 decks +8% synergy
Simic Signet
13% of 49142 decks -2% synergy
Mana Crypt
12% of 420856 decks +5% synergy
Mox Opal
11% of 420856 decks +7% synergy
Golgari Signet
11% of 49141 decks -2% synergy
Chromatic Lantern
11% of 420856 decks +1% synergy
Mox Diamond
10% of 420856 decks +5% synergy
Patchwork Banner
6% of 197202 decks +1% synergy
Mox Amber
6% of 420856 decks +2% synergy
Boros Signet
6% of 26891 decks -17% synergy
Everflowing Chalice
6% of 420856 decks +1% synergy
Midnight Clock
6% of 420842 decks +0% synergy
Thran Dynamo
5% of 420856 decks +0% synergy
Timeless Lotus
5% of 16487 decks -7% synergy
Grim Monolith
5% of 420856 decks +3% synergy
Command Tower
94% of 420856 decks +20% synergy
Exotic Orchard
58% of 420856 decks +22% synergy
Hallowed Fountain
55% of 127280 decks +15% synergy
Watery Grave
54% of 420828 decks +14% synergy
Godless Shrine
52% of 127280 decks +12% synergy
Steam Vents
51% of 141981 decks +12% synergy
Blood Crypt
51% of 141981 decks +12% synergy
Sunken Hollow
50% of 420828 decks +15% synergy
Crumbling Necropolis
45% of 141978 decks +14% synergy
Karplusan Forest
43% of 18570 decks +26% synergy
Drowned Catacomb
43% of 420828 decks +16% synergy
Morphic Pool
42% of 420828 decks +16% synergy
Xander's Lounge
41% of 141978 decks +15% synergy
Breeding Pool
41% of 49142 decks +0% synergy
Overgrown Tomb
41% of 49141 decks -1% synergy
Sea of Clouds
40% of 127280 decks +14% synergy
Caves of Koilos
39% of 127280 decks +11% synergy
Polluted Delta
39% of 420856 decks +28% synergy
Arcane Sanctum
39% of 127278 decks +11% synergy
Raffine's Tower
39% of 127278 decks +12% synergy
Training Center
38% of 141981 decks +11% synergy
38% of 21614 decks +22% synergy
Dragonskull Summit
38% of 141981 decks +6% synergy
Luxury Suite
37% of 141981 decks +11% synergy
Twisted Landscape
37% of 13589 decks +24% synergy
Underground River
37% of 420828 decks +17% synergy
Sulfur Falls
36% of 141981 decks +5% synergy
Shivan Reef
36% of 141981 decks +9% synergy
Yavimaya Coast
36% of 49142 decks +9% synergy
Vault of Champions
35% of 127280 decks +9% synergy
Llanowar Wastes
34% of 49141 decks +9% synergy
Tranquil Landscape
33% of 15291 decks +23% synergy
Battlefield Forge
33% of 26891 decks +7% synergy
Adarkar Wastes
32% of 127280 decks +14% synergy
Shipwreck Marsh
32% of 420828 decks +13% synergy
Sulfurous Springs
31% of 141981 decks +10% synergy
Prairie Stream
31% of 127280 decks -3% synergy
Opulent Palace
30% of 49140 decks +3% synergy
Path of Ancestry
30% of 420856 decks +8% synergy
Hinterland Harbor
29% of 49142 decks +1% synergy
Smoldering Marsh
29% of 141981 decks -4% synergy
Woodland Cemetery
28% of 49141 decks -0% synergy
Choked Estuary
28% of 420828 decks +11% synergy
Glacial Fortress
28% of 127280 decks +1% synergy
Isolated Chapel
27% of 127280 decks -2% synergy
Darkwater Catacombs
26% of 420828 decks +11% synergy
Rejuvenating Springs
25% of 49142 decks -4% synergy
Temple of Deceit
24% of 420828 decks +8% synergy
Zagoth Triome
24% of 49140 decks -6% synergy
Scalding Tarn
23% of 420856 decks +12% synergy