yuriko the tigers shadow

Commander Showdown - Vela vs Yuriko

Commander Showdown - Vela vs Yuriko

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Lurking in the Shadows Happy Halloween to all! In honor of this dark and spooky holiday, let's take a look at Magic's deadliest shadow-dwelling commanders! Commander 2018 introduced one of the craziest legends we've ever seen: . At long last, our wishes for a Ninja Tribal commander were fulfilled! Does the term "Commander ninjutsu" still crack me […]
EDHREC Guilds of Ravnica Preview Card

EDHREC Guilds of Ravnica Preview Card

Mason Brantley
Mason Brantley
Discovery/Dispersal Hello everyone! Today is an exciting day, as I have the distinct pleasure of bringing you EDHREC's preview card for Guilds of Ravnica! Thanks to Wizards of the Coast for the exclusive free preview! Since I know you're all here to see the card, let's skip the pleasantries and take a look! is one of the the new […]
The Knowledge Pool - Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow

The Knowledge Pool - Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow

Scot Sutton
Scot Sutton
Go Ninja Go! Hi everyone! Welcome back to The Knowledge Pool! This week we get to finally talk about the long awaited Commander 2018 set! For me, the yearly Commander sets tend to be the most exciting product Wizards releases. While people seem to have varying opinions on this year's offering, I think it's fairly […]
Commander 2018 Set Review — Gold (Pt 2), Artifacts, and Lands

Commander 2018 Set Review — Gold (Pt 2), Artifacts, and Lands

Dean Gootee
Dean Gootee
Commander Treasures It's that time of year again! August, the birthday month for many an EDHREC author including Joey Schultz, Sam Alpert and yours truly. For our birthdays, Wizards has decided to release the yearly commander product in August again! Now there may have been a bit of a kerfuffle about what exactly a "Jund lands" […]
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