noyan dar roil shaper

Borderland Explorer – Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper

Borderland Explorer – Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper

Ezra Sassaman
Ezra Sassaman
Noyan Dar is the star of Ezra's debut article on underplayed commanders!
Mechanically Minded - Addendum

Mechanically Minded - Addendum

Kyle Massa
Kyle Massa
Building a deck around the Azorius's Addendum mechanic!
Ultra Budget Brews - Noyan Dar

Ultra Budget Brews - Noyan Dar

Andrew Cummings
Andrew Cummings
Annoyin' Noyan Hello, and welcome back to another edition of Ultra Budget Brews, the monthly column that firmly believes that August is the worst month of the year. Seriously, think about it. There are no holidays, you're right in the middle of summer (objectively the worst season of the year), school starts back up, my […]