Brew For Your Buck - Zhulodok on a Budget
Huge Eldrazi often come with huge costs, but what if you could get a better Eldrazi brew for your buck?
Eldrazi Incursion Upgrade Guide - Modern Horizons 3
How should we upgrade the Eldrazi Incursion deck from Modern Horizons 3? Are the titans the right call? Find out here.
Eldrazi Incursion Precon Review - Modern Horizons 3
MH3 precon reviews continue with Eldrazi Incursion, the five-color deck led by Ulalek. Does this deck beat Eldrazi Unbound from last year? Find out here.
Recross the Paths - Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes
Build an Eldrazi typal deck led by a Baldur's Gate commander!
Eldrazi Unbound - Upgrade Guide
Can the Scrap Trawlers upgrade the Eldrazi Unbound precon, from Commander Masters, without wrecking their budget? Find out here!
Eldrazi Unbound - Precon Primer
What do the Scrap Trawlers think of the first colorless preconstructed Commander deck? Tune in here for their Primer for Eldrazi Unbound, from Commander Masters.
Evasive Maneuvers - Fear and Intimidate
How effective are evasive keywords in Commander? Let's sneak through and find out!
Diabolic Intent - Infinity Gauntlet
In which we build a deck around a pop culture villain! First up: Thanos!
Commander Showdown - Aminatou vs Yennett
Master of Your Own Fate Commander 2018 has brought us some of the craziest new commanders we've ever seen. We have three new blue-red Artificers, one of whom duplicates your tokens; three new Bantchantresses, masters of card advantage; a Jund lands commander who's so cool I had already sleeved up my 99 in anticipation of his […]
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