
Party Time - Upgrade Guide

Party Time - Upgrade Guide

Scrap Trawlers
Scrap Trawlers
Hello Everyone! This is Bert from the Scrap Trawlers where we do Commander on a budget. Today we are looking at upgrades for the Party Time Preconstructed from Commander Legends: Baldur’s Gate. Like always we have a primer that lists the strategies and synergies that the deck feeds off of and here we are going […]
Party Time - Precon Primer

Party Time - Precon Primer

Scrap Trawlers
Scrap Trawlers
Hello again! This is Bert from the Scrap Trawlers where we do EDH on a budget. I’m back again to take a look at the Party Time Pre constructed deck that hails from the set Commander’s Legend: Battle for Baldur’s Gate. As usual we will go over how it plays, it’s strengths and weaknesses, which […]
Draconic Dissention - Precon Primer

Draconic Dissention - Precon Primer

Scrap Trawlers
Scrap Trawlers
| Art by Andrew Mar Goad Tell it on the Mountain Welcome back. This is Lenny from the Scrap Trawlers with the primer for the Draconic Dissention deck from Commander Legends: Battle for Baldur's Gate. This deck is led by . Firkraag comes down at five mana and goads one of an opponent's creatures when you […]
Too-Specific Top 10 - Multitudinous Mana Dorks

Too-Specific Top 10 - Multitudinous Mana Dorks

We all know Llanowar Elves & Elvish Mystic, but what about the lesser-known mana dorks?
Exit from Exile - Upgrade Guide

Exit from Exile - Upgrade Guide

Scrap Trawlers
Scrap Trawlers
Today the Scrap Trawlers are upgrading the Exit from Exile Commander precon deck from Baldurs Gate!
Exit from Exile - Precon Primer

Exit from Exile - Precon Primer

Scrap Trawlers
Scrap Trawlers
Join the Scrap Trawlers for a review of the Exit from Exile precon Commander deck from Baldurs Gate!
Assembled Alphas: Alphabetizing EDHREC for Fun and Profit

Assembled Alphas: Alphabetizing EDHREC for Fun and Profit

Looking at EDH through an extremely alphabetical lens!