
EDHRECast Ep95 - Your Deck's Achilles Heel

EDHRECast Ep95 - Your Deck's Achilles Heel

Community Spotlight
Community Spotlight
Just like Achilles, every Commander deck has a secret weakness. It's not about opponents having the perfect answer to your strategy - sometimes there's a hidden weak point in the deck itself... one the deck brewer may not even know, that can be the deck's downfall. Today the EDHRECast digs through tons of deck archetypes […]
Shape Anew - Karador's X=0

Shape Anew - Karador's X=0

Willem-Jan Rensink
Willem-Jan Rensink
A Karador deck that intentionally pays 0 for X?
Dual Shot - Dynamic Stall

Dual Shot - Dynamic Stall

Can we hide a flying deck within a counterspell deck? Or vice-versa?
Conditions Allow - Akuta, Born of Ash

Conditions Allow - Akuta, Born of Ash

Ben Doolittle
Ben Doolittle
This Akuta deck is going to rat you out.
Epic Experiment - Kalemne Angel Tribal

Epic Experiment - Kalemne Angel Tribal

Bernardo Melibeu
Bernardo Melibeu
Kalemne isn't the best experience counter commander, but maybe some Angels can save her!
The 600 – Predicting the Popularity of Theros Beyond Death Commanders

The 600 – Predicting the Popularity of Theros Beyond Death Commanders

Kyle Massa
Kyle Massa
Which commanders from the new Theros set will rise to the top?
Archetune-Up - Keep on Yarok-ing on! ?

Archetune-Up - Keep on Yarok-ing on! ?

Angelo Guerrera
Angelo Guerrera
Does this Yarok deck hit all the right notes? Find out in this week's Arche-tune up!