Reconstruct History — White Board Wipes
Have these board wipes gotten more or less popular over time?
How to play the Aura of Courage Precon in EDH
This is the comprehensive guide to playing the Aura of Courage precon, led by This guide contains all the secrets to piloting Aura of Courage to victory straight out of the box! The main strategy of the Aura of Courage deck is to use Auras and Equipment to suit up one creature into an unstoppable […]
EDHREC Collab - Dragon Shield MTG Card Manager Announcement
Dragon Shield's MTG Card Manager app has updated with EDHREC integration!
How to Play the Undead Unleashed Precon in EDH
This is the complete guide to piloting the Undead Unleashed precon deck, led by . This guide contains all the secrets to maneuvering the deck to victory straight out of the box! The main strategy that Undead Unleashed is going to employ will be to flood the board with Zombies and close out the game […]
How to Play the Planar Portal Precon in EDH
This is the comprehensive guide to playing the Planar Portal precon, helmed by This guide holds all the secrets to piloting Planar Portal to victory straight out of the box. Planar Portal’s main strategy is to utilize Prosper’s treasure-making ability to snowball into explosive turns of spellslinging that generate large boardstates and overwhelm its opponents. […]
How to Play the Dungeon of Death Precon in EDH
This is the comprehensive guide to playing the Dungeon of Death precon, overseen by This guide holds all the useful information needed to pilot Dungeon of Death to victory straight out of the box! This deck’s overall game plan is to venture into the dungeon continuously by filling its graveyard and to reanimate massive threats […]
How to play the Draconic Rage Precon in EDH
This is the comprehensive guide to playing the Draconic Rage precon, commanded by This guide contains all the information needed to ride Draconic Rage to victory straight out of the box! Draconic Rage is interested in just one thing: flooding the board with dragons and dishing out large, lethal attacks to its opponents. This is […]
How to play the Coven Counters Precon in EDH
This is the comprehensive guide to using the Coven Counters preconstructed deck, commanded by . This guide has all the information needed to pilot the deck to victory straight out of the box! The primary game plan of Coven Counters is to achieve Coven early, take advantage of Leinore’s draw ability, and then pump its […]