Composite Golem art by Mark Tedin
Double or Nothing
Many moons ago, we here at Low Market made a brief double-foray into Pauper Commander, a Commander subformat where any Uncommon creature can be at the helm of deck composed entirely of Commons. My love for this obscure little format has not diminished, so we're bringing you the triumphant (?) return of the Pauper Commander Double Feature. Our decks this time around: Composite Golem Zubera Combo, and Nyx Weaver Dredge! Let's start things off in five colors with Composite GolemComposite Golem.
Putting It All Together
The broad workings of this Composite Golem Zubera deck should smell faintly familiar, for those who recall my five-color Hondens Enchantress article. Each Honden triggers an ability at each of your upkeeps, and these abilities scale with the number of Hondens you control. The five common Zubera (Zuberas?) have the same abilities as their Honden counterparts, but scale off of the number of Zubera that died this turn. Whereas Hondens thrive in a grindy, pillowfort deck, Zubera lean towards combo and reanimation. Our commander, Composite GolemComposite Golem, exists primarily as a way to build up mana for an explosive turn.
Necessarily, we are playing all five of these Zubera... and then some. There are only five Commons with "Zubera" written on the typeline, but for more, we turn to our old friends the Changelings from Lorwyn, who are simultaneously every creature type. Our usual gameplan involves building a boardstate of at least one honest-to-goodness Zubera and as many additional Changelings / Zubera as possible, and sacrificing them all at once for maximum damage / card draw / et cetera.
Turning Chaff into Gold
In Pauper Commander, tutor effects are few and far between. This makes the mechanic Transmute especially valuable: a card with Transmute can be discarded to search for a card with the same converted mana cost. Conveniently, there are three Transmute cards with a converted mana cost of two: Muddle the MixtureMuddle the Mixture, Dimir InfiltratorDimir Infiltrator, and Shred MemoryShred Memory. These act as our sixth-through-eighth copies of our favorite Zubera, since we require a minimum of one Zubera to do anything impactful.
If we're already going to play all those Transmute spells, we might as well build a small package around them. Creature recursion like Disturbed BurialDisturbed Burial or Death DeniedDeath Denied helps pump up our bursty combo, or rebuild if it went awry. Occasionally, we can use one-off sacrifice effects such as FlingFling or Altar's ReapAltar's Reap. If we need repeatable sacrifice outlets, we go for one of our creature sac outlets, most notably Bloodthrone VampireBloodthrone Vampire.
Smells Like Green Spirits
We would do well to recall that the second half of a Zubera's typeline is "Spirit". Kamigawa block is rife with Spirit-matters effects, and is home to the mechanic Soulshift, which is all about recurring our Spirits. Elder Pine of JukaiElder Pine of Jukai is efficient for providing excellent land-securing for the duration of its life, followed by probable Zubera recursion upon its death. Ribbons of the ReikaiRibbons of the Reikai and Distant MelodyDistant Melody are nearly identical for us, providing huge bursts of card draw (especially in a creature-heavy format like this one). Devouring GreedDevouring Greed is one of the most niche cards that works fantastically in this particular deck, and contributes to some of our most destruction game-conclusions.
Checking Out - Composite Golem
Composite Golem Zubera
View on ArchidektCommander (1)
- 1 Composite GolemComposite Golem
Creatures (35)
- 1 Ashen-Skin ZuberaAshen-Skin Zubera
- 1 Avian ChangelingAvian Changeling
- 1 Bloodthrone VampireBloodthrone Vampire
- 1 Burr GrafterBurr Grafter
- 1 Dimir House GuardDimir House Guard
- 1 Dimir InfiltratorDimir Infiltrator
- 1 DreamcatcherDreamcatcher
- 1 Drift of PhantasmsDrift of Phantasms
- 1 Dripping-Tongue ZuberaDripping-Tongue Zubera
- 1 Driver of the DeadDriver of the Dead
- 1 Elder Pine of JukaiElder Pine of Jukai
- 1 Ember-Fist ZuberaEmber-Fist Zubera
- 1 Floating-Dream ZuberaFloating-Dream Zubera
- 1 Game-Trail ChangelingGame-Trail Changeling
- 1 Gatecreeper VineGatecreeper Vine
- 1 Ghostly ChangelingGhostly Changeling
- 1 Gibbering KamiGibbering Kami
- 1 Gnawing ZombieGnawing Zombie
- 1 Kami of Ancient LawKami of Ancient Law
- 1 Kami of Empty GravesKami of Empty Graves
- 1 Kami of False HopeKami of False Hope
- 1 Moonlit StriderMoonlit Strider
- 1 Mothdust ChangelingMothdust Changeling
- 1 Nantuko HuskNantuko Husk
- 1 Petalmane BakuPetalmane Baku
- 1 Pilgrim's EyePilgrim's Eye
- 1 Promised KannushiPromised Kannushi
- 1 Scuttling DeathScuttling Death
- 1 Silent-Chant ZuberaSilent-Chant Zubera
- 1 Teller of TalesTeller of Tales
- 1 Thief of HopeThief of Hope
- 1 War-Spike ChangelingWar-Spike Changeling
- 1 Waxmane BakuWaxmane Baku
- 1 Woodland ChangelingWoodland Changeling
- 1 Yavimaya GrangerYavimaya Granger
Artifacts (4)
- 1 Prismatic LensPrismatic Lens
- 1 Prophetic PrismProphetic Prism
- 1 Springleaf DrumSpringleaf Drum
- 1 Wayfarer's BaubleWayfarer's Bauble
Instants (12)
- 1 Altar's ReapAltar's Reap
- 1 Death DeniedDeath Denied
- 1 FlingFling
- 1 Grisly SalvageGrisly Salvage
- 1 Luminescent RainLuminescent Rain
- 1 Nameless InversionNameless Inversion
- 1 NegateNegate
- 1 Pack's DisdainPack's Disdain
- 1 Perilous ResearchPerilous Research
- 1 PerplexPerplex
- 1 Pulse of MurasaPulse of Murasa
- 1 Shields of Velis VelShields of Velis Vel
Sorceries (9)
- 1 Devouring GreedDevouring Greed
- 1 Distant MelodyDistant Melody
- 1 FarseekFarseek
- 1 ForeseeForesee
- 1 Ribbons of the ReikaiRibbons of the Reikai
- 1 Roar of the CrowdRoar of the Crowd
- 1 Rush of KnowledgeRush of Knowledge
- 1 Stir the GraveStir the Grave
- 1 Terashi's GraspTerashi's Grasp
Lands (39)
- 1 Azorius GuildgateAzorius Guildgate
- 1 Boros GuildgateBoros Guildgate
- 1 Dimir GuildgateDimir Guildgate
- 1 Evolving WildsEvolving Wilds
- 1 Golgari GuildgateGolgari Guildgate
- 1 Gruul GuildgateGruul Guildgate
- 1 Haunted FengrafHaunted Fengraf
- 1 Izzet GuildgateIzzet Guildgate
- 1 Orzhov GuildgateOrzhov Guildgate
- 1 Rakdos GuildgateRakdos Guildgate
- 1 Rupture SpireRupture Spire
- 1 Selesnya GuildgateSelesnya Guildgate
- 1 Shimmering GrottoShimmering Grotto
- 1 Simic GuildgateSimic Guildgate
- 1 Terramorphic ExpanseTerramorphic Expanse
- 1 Transguild PromenadeTransguild Promenade
- 1 Unknown ShoresUnknown Shores
- 3 PlainsPlains
- 5 IslandIsland
- 5 SwampSwamp
- 3 MountainMountain
- 6 ForestForest
Weaving a Tale
We're not done with Pauper Commander yet: we're not even done playing in the mud (that is, the graveyard). Nyx WeaverNyx Weaver is the perfect card for a Dredge-themed deck. It self-mills, it's in the most prominent self-mill colors, and it provides unconditional recursion, an effect that is extraordinarily hard to come by in Pauper Commander. (Also, I have a soft spot for enchantment creatures). Let's get to the deck!
Back to the Grind
A word of warning for the Weaver: this is one grindy, control-y deck. It tends to slowly build up its graveyard while landing bigger and bigger threats, efficiently employing its endless removal to keep the game going long. Even its alpha strikes take forever to build up to. Two of the more prominent win conditions are Undergrowth ScavengerUndergrowth Scavenger or SoulshriekSoulshriek, both of which scale with the number of creatures in our graveyard. If we've been filling our 'yard for long enough, then we can flashback Traitor's ClutchTraitor's Clutch to turn either of the previous cards into near-guaranteed direct hits.
The other sure(ish) way to defeat your opponents–potentially by making them concede from boredom, is to dismantle their access to resources. Y'know, like cards in hand. A surprising number of commons creatures like MournwhelkMournwhelk and Augur of SkullsAugur of Skulls cause a player to discard multiple cards, which is further helped by creatures being the easiest card type to recur in this format. If you're worried about feeding into opposing graveyard decks (like, I don't know, 5C Zubera Combo), Nihil SpellbombNihil Spellbomb is just one piece of excellnt graveyard-hate available.
Cleaning Up
Pauper Commander is so boardstate-focused since mass removal is (understandably) difficult to come by at common. Fortunately for Nyx Weaver, at least two quasi-boardwipes exist at common: Evincar's JusticeEvincar's Justice (which is by no means efficient) and PestilencePestilence (which belongs firmly in the category of, "WHO THOUGHT THIS MADE SENSE TO PRINT AT COMMON?!") If you happen to find yourself besieged by auras–more common in PDH than in EDH–then HushHush should address your concerns.
Checking Out - Nyx Weaver
Nyx Weaver Dredge
View on ArchidektCommander (1)
- 1 Nyx WeaverNyx Weaver
Creatures (29)
- 1 Augur of SkullsAugur of Skulls
- 1 Caustic CaterpillarCaustic Caterpillar
- 1 Crypt RatsCrypt Rats
- 1 Diligent FarmhandDiligent Farmhand
- 1 Dimir House GuardDimir House Guard
- 1 Elvish AberrationElvish Aberration
- 1 Golgari BrownscaleGolgari Brownscale
- 1 Gray Merchant of AsphodelGray Merchant of Asphodel
- 1 Greater MossdogGreater Mossdog
- 1 Krosan RestorerKrosan Restorer
- 1 Krosan TuskerKrosan Tusker
- 1 Mold ShamblerMold Shambler
- 1 Moriok ReplicaMoriok Replica
- 1 MournwhelkMournwhelk
- 1 Pit KeeperPit Keeper
- 1 Sakura-Tribe ElderSakura-Tribe Elder
- 1 Satyr WayfinderSatyr Wayfinder
- 1 Shambling ShellShambling Shell
- 1 Spore FrogSpore Frog
- 1 Stinkweed ImpStinkweed Imp
- 1 Sylvok ReplicaSylvok Replica
- 1 Thrull SurgeonThrull Surgeon
- 1 Tilling TreefolkTilling Treefolk
- 1 Twisted AbominationTwisted Abomination
- 1 Undergrowth ScavengerUndergrowth Scavenger
- 1 Vulturous AvenVulturous Aven
- 1 Wild MongrelWild Mongrel
- 1 Yavimaya ElderYavimaya Elder
- 1 Yavimaya GrangerYavimaya Granger
Artifacts (2)
- 1 Golgari SignetGolgari Signet
- 1 Nihil SpellbombNihil Spellbomb
Enchantments (5)
- 1 Death's ApproachDeath's Approach
- 1 Font of ReturnFont of Return
- 1 LignifyLignify
- 1 PestilencePestilence
- 1 Tortured ExistenceTortured Existence
Instants (13)
- 1 Altar's ReapAltar's Reap
- 1 Death DeniedDeath Denied
- 1 Death RattleDeath Rattle
- 1 Ghastly DemiseGhastly Demise
- 1 Gnaw to the BoneGnaw to the Bone
- 1 GravepurgeGravepurge
- 1 Grisly SalvageGrisly Salvage
- 1 Merciless ResolveMerciless Resolve
- 1 Nature's ClaimNature's Claim
- 1 RepopulateRepopulate
- 1 Scour from ExistenceScour from Existence
- 1 SoulshriekSoulshriek
- 1 Traitor's ClutchTraitor's Clutch
Sorceries (13)
- 1 Disturbed BurialDisturbed Burial
- 1 Drown in FilthDrown in Filth
- 1 Elven CacheElven Cache
- 1 Evincar's JusticeEvincar's Justice
- 1 Far WanderingsFar Wanderings
- 1 HushHush
- 1 Innocent BloodInnocent Blood
- 1 Morgue TheftMorgue Theft
- 1 Restless DreamsRestless Dreams
- 1 Sign in BloodSign in Blood
- 1 SkulltapSkulltap
- 1 Stir the GraveStir the Grave
- 1 Tasigur's CrueltyTasigur's Cruelty
Lands (37)
- 1 Ash BarrensAsh Barrens
- 1 Bant PanoramaBant Panorama
- 1 Barren MoorBarren Moor
- 1 Esper PanoramaEsper Panorama
- 1 Evolving WildsEvolving Wilds
- 1 Golgari GuildgateGolgari Guildgate
- 1 Golgari Rot FarmGolgari Rot Farm
- 1 Grixis PanoramaGrixis Panorama
- 1 Haunted FengrafHaunted Fengraf
- 1 Jund PanoramaJund Panorama
- 1 Jungle HollowJungle Hollow
- 1 Mortuary MireMortuary Mire
- 1 Naya PanoramaNaya Panorama
- 1 Polluted MirePolluted Mire
- 1 Slippery KarstSlippery Karst
- 1 Terramorphic ExpanseTerramorphic Expanse
- 1 Tranquil ThicketTranquil Thicket
- 1 Warped LandscapeWarped Landscape
- 10 SwampSwamp
- 9 ForestForest
Broke from the Holidays?
My gift to you this holiday season: a pair of fun decks in an odd little subformat. Composite Golem checks out for $14.00 by TCG Mid pricing, and Nyx Weaver checks out for $24.00. Here are the two decklists on TappedOut. Care to chat about PDH, or share your own killer decks? Find me on Twitter, or shoot me an email. And, until next we meet, enjoy your time browsing the Low Market.
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