Tilling Treefolk (Card)
Tilling Treefolk
In 1885 decks
0% of 2490778 decks
Doran, the Siege Tower
5.05% of 5282 decks
267 decks
Borborygmos Enraged
7.74% of 2855 decks
221 decks
16.54% of 1318 decks
218 decks
Fangorn, Tree Shepherd
10.06% of 1800 decks
181 decks
The Gitrog Monster
1.22% of 6287 decks
77 decks
Titania, Protector of Argoth
2.59% of 2549 decks
66 decks
Colfenor, the Last Yew
5.21% of 1056 decks
55 decks
Borborygmos and Fblthp
2.32% of 1984 decks
46 decks
Sapling of Colfenor
9.50% of 463 decks
44 decks
Omnath, Locus of Rage
0.41% of 7305 decks
30 decks
Kirri, Talented Sprout
3.43% of 845 decks
29 decks
Lord Windgrace
0.30% of 9455 decks
28 decks
Soul of Windgrace
0.83% of 2876 decks
24 decks
Thalia and The Gitrog Monster
0.15% of 13839 decks
21 decks
Seton, Krosan Protector
1.76% of 1022 decks
18 decks
The Necrobloom
0.14% of 12330 decks
17 decks
Yedora, Grave Gardener
0.53% of 2999 decks
16 decks
Quickbeam, Upstart Ent
25.40% of 63 decks
16 decks
New Cards
Aatchik, Emerald Radian
4% of 78 decks
+3% synergy
Monument to Endurance
3% of 163 decks
+2% synergy
Dredger's Insight
3% of 170 decks
+3% synergy
Pothole Mole
2% of 140 decks
+2% synergy
High Synergy Cards
Colfenor, the Last Yew
51% of 457 decks
+50% synergy
Mina and Denn, Wildborn
48% of 525 decks
+43% synergy
Indomitable Ancients
41% of 585 decks
+40% synergy
Sapling of Colfenor
38% of 765 decks
+38% synergy
Treebeard, Gracious Host
39% of 520 decks
+37% synergy
Surly Badgersaur
34% of 525 decks
+33% synergy
Ancient Lumberknot
33% of 765 decks
+33% synergy
Faeburrow Elder
44% of 585 decks
+32% synergy
Bosk Banneret
32% of 1880 decks
+32% synergy
Black Poplar Shaman
32% of 765 decks
+32% synergy
Top Cards
50% of 1880 decks
+4% synergy
Kodama's Reach
39% of 1880 decks
+8% synergy
Swords to Plowshares
35% of 585 decks
-28% synergy
Life from the Loam
34% of 1880 decks
+30% synergy
Rampant Growth
32% of 1880 decks
-2% synergy
Treefolk Harbinger
31% of 1880 decks
+31% synergy
31% of 1880 decks
+21% synergy
Living Twister
30% of 525 decks
+29% synergy
Ramunap Excavator
30% of 1880 decks
+23% synergy
Beast Within
30% of 1880 decks
-8% synergy
Game Changers
Rhystic Study
9% of 233 decks
-19% synergy
Enlightened Tutor
8% of 585 decks
-9% synergy
Cyclonic Rift
8% of 233 decks
-19% synergy
Demonic Tutor
8% of 765 decks
-14% synergy
Vampiric Tutor
5% of 765 decks
-13% synergy
Glacial Chasm
5% of 1880 decks
+4% synergy
Timber Protector
29% of 1880 decks
+28% synergy
Orcish Lumberjack
29% of 525 decks
+27% synergy
Glint-Horn Buccaneer
29% of 525 decks
+27% synergy
Rielle, the Everwise
28% of 116 decks
+27% synergy
Orchard Warden
28% of 1880 decks
+28% synergy
Leaf-Crowned Elder
28% of 1880 decks
+27% synergy
Nemata, Primeval Warden
28% of 765 decks
+25% synergy
Eternal Witness
27% of 1880 decks
+7% synergy
Quickbeam, Upstart Ent
27% of 1684 decks
+27% synergy
27% of 1880 decks
+27% synergy
Dauntless Dourbark
26% of 1880 decks
+26% synergy
Thorntooth Witch
25% of 765 decks
+25% synergy
Goblin Anarchomancer
25% of 525 decks
+12% synergy
Gavi, Nest Warden
25% of 56 decks
+25% synergy
Sakura-Tribe Elder
25% of 1880 decks
+6% synergy
Dungrove Elder
25% of 1880 decks
+24% synergy
Old Man Willow
24% of 647 decks
+24% synergy
Slogurk, the Overslime
24% of 233 decks
+23% synergy
Tatyova, Benthic Druid
24% of 233 decks
+12% synergy
Fangorn, Tree Shepherd
23% of 1684 decks
+23% synergy
23% of 972 decks
+17% synergy
Ulvenwald Observer
23% of 1880 decks
+22% synergy
Coiling Oracle
23% of 233 decks
+15% synergy
Turntimber Sower
22% of 1880 decks
+22% synergy
Woodfall Primus
22% of 1880 decks
+21% synergy
Ruination Rioter
22% of 525 decks
+22% synergy
Seedguide Ash
22% of 1880 decks
+21% synergy
Kalonian Twingrove
21% of 1880 decks
+21% synergy
Unstoppable Ash
21% of 1880 decks
+21% synergy
Aftermath Analyst
21% of 1207 decks
+18% synergy
Omnath, Locus of Rage
21% of 525 decks
+16% synergy
Everbark Shaman
20% of 1880 decks
+20% synergy
Heartwood Storyteller
20% of 1880 decks
+19% synergy
Yavimaya Elder
20% of 1880 decks
+18% synergy
Torbran, Thane of Red Fell
20% of 525 decks
+16% synergy
Verdeloth the Ancient
20% of 1880 decks
+19% synergy
Battlewand Oak
19% of 1880 decks
+19% synergy
Llanowar Elves
19% of 1880 decks
-2% synergy
World Shaper
19% of 1880 decks
+16% synergy
Azusa, Lost but Seeking
19% of 1880 decks
+11% synergy
Rampaging Baloths
19% of 1880 decks
+11% synergy
Avenger of Zendikar
18% of 1880 decks
+9% synergy
Generous Ent
18% of 1684 decks
+17% synergy
Springbloom Druid
17% of 1880 decks
+13% synergy
Wickerbough Elder
17% of 1880 decks
+17% synergy
Yedora, Grave Gardener
17% of 1880 decks
+16% synergy
Great Oak Guardian
17% of 1880 decks
+16% synergy
Ezzaroot Channeler
16% of 1880 decks
+16% synergy
Ironroot Warlord
16% of 585 decks
+16% synergy
Titania, Protector of Argoth
16% of 1880 decks
+13% synergy
Path to Exile
29% of 585 decks
-17% synergy
Entish Restoration
25% of 1677 decks
+18% synergy
23% of 765 decks
+7% synergy
23% of 233 decks
-20% synergy
Crop Rotation
22% of 1880 decks
+12% synergy
Reach of Branches
22% of 1880 decks
+21% synergy
Growth Spiral
21% of 233 decks
-1% synergy
21% of 120 decks
+0% synergy
Abzan Charm
19% of 457 decks
+15% synergy
Chaos Warp
19% of 525 decks
-12% synergy
Assassin's Trophy
19% of 765 decks
-11% synergy
17% of 1880 decks
+17% synergy
16% of 233 decks
-6% synergy
Heroic Intervention
15% of 1880 decks
-14% synergy
Barrel Down Sokenzan
15% of 525 decks
+15% synergy
Grisly Salvage
13% of 765 decks
+8% synergy
Krosan Grip
13% of 1880 decks
+6% synergy
Roiling Regrowth
12% of 1880 decks
+9% synergy
12% of 91 decks
+11% synergy
Ghostly Flicker
12% of 233 decks
+7% synergy
12% of 765 decks
+8% synergy
Boros Charm
12% of 119 decks
-13% synergy
Return to Nature
12% of 1880 decks
+6% synergy
12% of 233 decks
+11% synergy
Anguished Unmaking
11% of 457 decks
-13% synergy
Nature's Claim
11% of 1880 decks
+2% synergy
11% of 457 decks
-1% synergy
10% of 457 decks
+3% synergy
Generous Gift
10% of 585 decks
-15% synergy
You Happen On a Glade
10% of 1880 decks
+9% synergy
Thrill of Possibility
10% of 525 decks
-1% synergy
Return of the Wildspeaker
9% of 1880 decks
-4% synergy
Countervailing Winds
9% of 233 decks
+9% synergy
Pair o' Dice Lost
9% of 1880 decks
+9% synergy
Tower Defense
9% of 1880 decks
+8% synergy
Realms Uncharted
9% of 1880 decks
+8% synergy
Grapple with the Past
9% of 1880 decks
+8% synergy
Golgari Charm
9% of 765 decks
+3% synergy
Arcane Denial
9% of 233 decks
-11% synergy
9% of 233 decks
-11% synergy
Sprouting Vines
9% of 1880 decks
+9% synergy
Mythos of Nethroi
8% of 457 decks
+6% synergy
Akroma's Will
8% of 585 decks
-1% synergy
Eladamri's Call
8% of 585 decks
-3% synergy
Constant Mists
8% of 1880 decks
+6% synergy
Bar the Door
8% of 585 decks
+7% synergy
Ready // Willing
7% of 457 decks
+6% synergy
Zenith Flare
7% of 119 decks
+6% synergy
Archdruid's Charm
7% of 1207 decks
+2% synergy
Momentary Blink
7% of 90 decks
+4% synergy
Splendid Reclamation
26% of 1880 decks
+23% synergy
Nature's Lore
25% of 1880 decks
-7% synergy
Blasphemous Act
24% of 525 decks
-10% synergy
Change of Fortune
22% of 525 decks
+21% synergy
22% of 1880 decks
+12% synergy
Last March of the Ents
20% of 1684 decks
+16% synergy
Creeping Renaissance
19% of 1880 decks
+19% synergy
Eerie Ultimatum
18% of 457 decks
+5% synergy
17% of 525 decks
+9% synergy
17% of 1880 decks
+8% synergy
17% of 1880 decks
-17% synergy
Worldsoul's Rage
16% of 322 decks
+14% synergy
Three Visits
16% of 1880 decks
-8% synergy
Reap the Past
16% of 525 decks
+16% synergy
16% of 1880 decks
+15% synergy
Faithless Looting
15% of 525 decks
-1% synergy
Nahiri's Lithoforming
14% of 525 decks
+13% synergy
Hull Breach
14% of 525 decks
+9% synergy
Skyshroud Claim
14% of 1880 decks
+5% synergy
Imposing Grandeur
14% of 525 decks
+13% synergy
Nylea's Intervention
13% of 1880 decks
+12% synergy
Wave of Reckoning
12% of 585 decks
+12% synergy
Nissa's Pilgrimage
12% of 1880 decks
+11% synergy
Worm Harvest
12% of 765 decks
+11% synergy
Urban Evolution
12% of 233 decks
+7% synergy
Fell the Mighty
11% of 585 decks
+8% synergy
Sylvan Scrying
10% of 1880 decks
+7% synergy
Praetor's Counsel
10% of 1880 decks
+9% synergy
10% of 1880 decks
+6% synergy
Slaughter the Strong
10% of 585 decks
+8% synergy
Seek the Horizon
9% of 1880 decks
+9% synergy
Magmatic Insight
9% of 525 decks
+9% synergy
Bala Ged Recovery
9% of 1880 decks
+1% synergy
9% of 525 decks
-7% synergy
Winding Way
9% of 1880 decks
+9% synergy
9% of 90 decks
+6% synergy
Toxic Deluge
9% of 765 decks
-9% synergy
Shamanic Revelation
8% of 1880 decks
-1% synergy
Explosive Vegetation
8% of 1880 decks
+5% synergy
Expel the Interlopers
8% of 448 decks
+7% synergy
8% of 1880 decks
+5% synergy
Rites of Spring
8% of 1880 decks
+8% synergy
Edge of Autumn
8% of 1880 decks
+7% synergy
Flare of Cultivation
8% of 1142 decks
+6% synergy
Rishkar's Expertise
8% of 1880 decks
-3% synergy
Chain Reaction
8% of 525 decks
+3% synergy
Green Sun's Zenith
8% of 1880 decks
+2% synergy
Dread Return
7% of 765 decks
+2% synergy
Austere Command
7% of 585 decks
-6% synergy
7% of 1880 decks
+5% synergy
Utility Artifacts
Conduit of Worlds
21% of 1880 decks
+15% synergy
Crucible of Worlds
17% of 1880 decks
+14% synergy
Swiftfoot Boots
16% of 1880 decks
-12% synergy
Zuran Orb
15% of 1880 decks
+14% synergy
Lightning Greaves
14% of 1880 decks
-11% synergy
Emerald Medallion
13% of 1880 decks
+11% synergy
Herald's Horn
11% of 1880 decks
+4% synergy
The Great Henge
9% of 1880 decks
-1% synergy
Hedge Shredder
9% of 634 decks
+6% synergy
Expedition Map
8% of 1880 decks
+5% synergy
Bag of Holding
7% of 1880 decks
+6% synergy
Rhonas's Monument
7% of 1880 decks
+6% synergy
Commander's Sphere
6% of 1880 decks
-9% synergy
Vanquisher's Banner
6% of 1880 decks
+2% synergy
Lifecrafter's Bestiary
6% of 1880 decks
+2% synergy
Hammer of Purphoros
6% of 525 decks
+4% synergy
Storm Cauldron
5% of 1880 decks
+5% synergy
Seer's Sundial
5% of 1880 decks
+5% synergy
Armillary Sphere
5% of 1880 decks
+5% synergy
24% of 1880 decks
+22% synergy
20% of 585 decks
+19% synergy
Behind the Scenes
19% of 457 decks
+18% synergy
Trade Routes
18% of 233 decks
+17% synergy
17% of 1880 decks
+9% synergy
Seismic Assault
16% of 525 decks
+15% synergy
Dormant Grove
15% of 1880 decks
+15% synergy
Escape Protocol
15% of 233 decks
+14% synergy
New Perspectives
15% of 233 decks
+14% synergy
Brave the Sands
14% of 585 decks
+12% synergy
Annie Joins Up
14% of 84 decks
+2% synergy
14% of 1880 decks
+12% synergy
Fiery Emancipation
14% of 525 decks
+10% synergy
The Mending of Dominaria
14% of 1880 decks
+12% synergy
Valakut Exploration
13% of 525 decks
+11% synergy
Tectonic Reformation
13% of 525 decks
+12% synergy
Assemble the Entmoot
13% of 1663 decks
+12% synergy
Wild Growth
12% of 1880 decks
+1% synergy
Mirari's Wake
12% of 585 decks
-1% synergy
Astral Drift
12% of 585 decks
+12% synergy
Assault Formation
12% of 1880 decks
+11% synergy
Kenrith's Transformation
12% of 1880 decks
+6% synergy
Garruk's Uprising
12% of 1880 decks
-4% synergy
Astral Slide
12% of 585 decks
+11% synergy
Druid Class
11% of 1880 decks
+8% synergy
City on Fire
11% of 505 decks
+7% synergy
Dictate of the Twin Gods
11% of 525 decks
+9% synergy
Snake Umbra
11% of 1880 decks
+8% synergy
Song of Creation
10% of 116 decks
+8% synergy
Retreat to Coralhelm
10% of 233 decks
+8% synergy
Teferi's Ageless Insight
10% of 233 decks
+5% synergy
Sylvan Library
10% of 1880 decks
-1% synergy
Guardian Project
9% of 1880 decks
+1% synergy
Gratuitous Violence
9% of 525 decks
+7% synergy
Drake Haven
9% of 233 decks
+9% synergy
Retreat to Hagra
9% of 765 decks
+7% synergy
Aura Shards
9% of 585 decks
-0% synergy
Keen Sense
9% of 1880 decks
+7% synergy
9% of 1350 decks
+4% synergy
Folk Hero
8% of 585 decks
+7% synergy
8% of 1880 decks
+5% synergy
Virtue of Strength
8% of 1475 decks
+5% synergy
Rhythm of the Wild
8% of 525 decks
-16% synergy
Felidar Retreat
8% of 585 decks
+1% synergy
Treefolk Umbra
8% of 1880 decks
+7% synergy
Tribute to the World Tree
7% of 1809 decks
+0% synergy
Song of the Dryads
7% of 1880 decks
+5% synergy
Boseiju Reaches Skyward
7% of 1880 decks
+7% synergy
Undergrowth Recon
7% of 1207 decks
+6% synergy
Unnatural Growth
7% of 1880 decks
+1% synergy
Invasion of Kaldheim
11% of 502 decks
+10% synergy
Wrenn and Seven
23% of 1880 decks
+21% synergy
Wrenn and Six
20% of 525 decks
+18% synergy
Lord Windgrace
18% of 120 decks
+16% synergy
Huatli, the Sun's Heart
14% of 585 decks
+13% synergy
Nissa, Who Shakes the World
9% of 1880 decks
+6% synergy
Koth, Fire of Resistance
7% of 525 decks
+6% synergy
Utility Lands
Forgotten Cave
28% of 525 decks
+24% synergy
Lonely Sandbar
25% of 233 decks
+22% synergy
Bojuka Bog
24% of 765 decks
-6% synergy
Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth
23% of 1880 decks
+14% synergy
Tranquil Thicket
22% of 1880 decks
+18% synergy
Reliquary Tower
21% of 1880 decks
-8% synergy
Remote Isle
19% of 233 decks
+18% synergy
Barren Moor
18% of 765 decks
+15% synergy
Kessig Wolf Run
16% of 525 decks
+1% synergy
Boseiju, Who Endures
16% of 1880 decks
-3% synergy
Dakmor Salvage
14% of 765 decks
+12% synergy
Secluded Steppe
14% of 585 decks
+11% synergy
Shifting Woodland
14% of 968 decks
+7% synergy
Smoldering Crater
14% of 525 decks
+13% synergy
Rogue's Passage
13% of 1880 decks
-7% synergy
Vault of the Archangel
12% of 457 decks
+1% synergy
Slippery Karst
12% of 1880 decks
+11% synergy
Drifting Meadow
12% of 585 decks
+11% synergy
Desert of the True
12% of 585 decks
+10% synergy
Desert of the Fervent
11% of 525 decks
+10% synergy
Castle Garenbrig
11% of 1880 decks
+6% synergy
Mosswort Bridge
11% of 1880 decks
+1% synergy
Dryad Arbor
11% of 1880 decks
+7% synergy
Polluted Mire
11% of 765 decks
+10% synergy
Argoth, Sanctum of Nature
11% of 1880 decks
+9% synergy
Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle
10% of 525 decks
+8% synergy
Temple of the False God
10% of 1880 decks
+0% synergy
Desert of the Mindful
9% of 233 decks
+8% synergy
Arid Archway
9% of 1082 decks
+8% synergy
Mystic Sanctuary
9% of 233 decks
-3% synergy
Otawara, Soaring City
9% of 233 decks
-7% synergy
Drownyard Temple
9% of 1880 decks
+8% synergy
Lotus Field
9% of 1880 decks
+7% synergy
Ghost Quarter
8% of 1880 decks
+6% synergy
Desert of the Indomitable
8% of 1880 decks
+7% synergy
Guildless Commons
8% of 1880 decks
+7% synergy
Field of the Dead
8% of 1880 decks
+4% synergy
Tolaria West
8% of 233 decks
+7% synergy
Dormant Volcano
8% of 525 decks
+7% synergy
Jungle Basin
8% of 1880 decks
+7% synergy
Thespian's Stage
8% of 1880 decks
+5% synergy
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
7% of 1880 decks
-2% synergy
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
7% of 1880 decks
+2% synergy
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
7% of 765 decks
-3% synergy
Strip Mine
7% of 1880 decks
+4% synergy
Three Tree City
6% of 788 decks
+1% synergy
Desert of the Glorified
6% of 765 decks
+5% synergy
Raging Ravine
6% of 525 decks
+3% synergy
Command Beacon
6% of 1880 decks
+1% synergy
Petrified Field
6% of 1880 decks
+6% synergy
Mana Artifacts
Sol Ring
55% of 1880 decks
-30% synergy
Arcane Signet
31% of 1880 decks
-41% synergy
Savai Crystal
22% of 46 decks
+21% synergy
Raugrin Crystal
18% of 56 decks
+16% synergy
Gruul Signet
15% of 525 decks
+3% synergy
Golgari Signet
14% of 765 decks
+1% synergy
Firewild Borderpost
13% of 525 decks
+13% synergy
Ketria Crystal
13% of 116 decks
+12% synergy
Simic Signet
13% of 233 decks
-1% synergy
Zagoth Crystal
12% of 91 decks
+11% synergy
Orzhov Signet
10% of 457 decks
-17% synergy
Dimir Signet
9% of 91 decks
-20% synergy
Selesnya Signet
8% of 585 decks
-0% synergy
Izzet Signet
8% of 116 decks
-20% synergy
Talisman of Unity
7% of 585 decks
-1% synergy
Talisman of Impulse
7% of 525 decks
-3% synergy
Talisman of Resilience
6% of 765 decks
-6% synergy
Indatha Crystal
6% of 457 decks
+5% synergy
Talisman of Curiosity
5% of 233 decks
-8% synergy
Murmuring Bosk
56% of 457 decks
+49% synergy
Gruul Turf
55% of 525 decks
+39% synergy
Command Tower
48% of 1880 decks
-26% synergy
Irrigated Farmland
48% of 90 decks
+40% synergy
Simic Growth Chamber
45% of 233 decks
+25% synergy
Indatha Triome
44% of 457 decks
+14% synergy
Izzet Boilerworks
42% of 116 decks
+26% synergy
Spara's Headquarters
42% of 90 decks
+12% synergy
Canopy Vista
42% of 585 decks
+5% synergy
Temple Garden
41% of 585 decks
+2% synergy
Overgrown Tomb
41% of 765 decks
-1% synergy
Raffine's Tower
37% of 57 decks
+10% synergy
Evolving Wilds
36% of 1880 decks
+15% synergy
Cinder Glade
36% of 525 decks
-2% synergy
Jetmir's Garden
36% of 119 decks
+5% synergy
Fetid Pools
35% of 91 decks
+29% synergy
Zagoth Triome
34% of 91 decks
+4% synergy
Ketria Triome
33% of 116 decks
+1% synergy
Sandsteppe Citadel
33% of 457 decks
+7% synergy
Rakdos Carnarium
31% of 120 decks
+16% synergy
Ziatora's Proving Ground
31% of 120 decks
+1% synergy
Savage Lands
30% of 120 decks
+7% synergy
Godless Shrine
30% of 457 decks
-11% synergy
Golgari Rot Farm
29% of 765 decks
+11% synergy
Canyon Slough
29% of 120 decks
+23% synergy
Terramorphic Expanse
29% of 1880 decks
+13% synergy
Breeding Pool
28% of 233 decks
-12% synergy
Stomping Ground
28% of 525 decks
-13% synergy
Woodland Cemetery
28% of 765 decks
-1% synergy
Tranquil Landscape
27% of 37 decks
+17% synergy
Frontier Bivouac
27% of 116 decks
-1% synergy
Xander's Lounge
27% of 45 decks
+1% synergy
Abraded Bluffs
26% of 84 decks
+23% synergy
Deceptive Landscape
26% of 195 decks
+18% synergy
Scattered Groves
26% of 585 decks
+18% synergy
Sheltered Thicket
26% of 525 decks
+18% synergy
Bountiful Landscape
25% of 51 decks
+16% synergy
Raugrin Triome
25% of 56 decks
-1% synergy
Sacred Foundry
24% of 119 decks
-11% synergy
Jungle Shrine
24% of 119 decks
-9% synergy
Hallowed Fountain
23% of 90 decks
-17% synergy
Myriad Landscape
23% of 1880 decks
+4% synergy
Sheltering Landscape
22% of 67 decks
+14% synergy
Azorius Chancery
22% of 90 decks
+8% synergy
Savai Triome
22% of 46 decks
-5% synergy
Steam Vents
22% of 116 decks
-17% synergy
Selesnya Sanctuary
22% of 585 decks
+7% synergy
Sunpetal Grove
22% of 585 decks
-2% synergy
Hinterland Harbor
21% of 233 decks
-7% synergy
Seething Landscape
21% of 19 decks
+12% synergy