Christian Alexander

Playgroup Brews - War of the Spark (Pt 1)

Playgroup Brews - War of the Spark (Pt 1)

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander
Five new Gods have entered EDH... which means it's time for five new deck techs!
War of the Spark Set Review - Colorless/Colorful

War of the Spark Set Review - Colorless/Colorful

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander
Colorless cards? Three colors or more? War of the Spark has amazing EDH cards everywhere!
Ravnica Allegiance Set Review – Simic

Ravnica Allegiance Set Review – Simic

Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander
Simic Ascendancy by Izzy (@izzymedrano) Welcome to the Combine Hey readers! I am super stoked to be writing the Simic review for Ravnica Allegiance! If I had to pick a single guild that best represents me as a person, it's most deifnitely the Simic Combine, full of aquatic organisms, a desire to explore and experiment, […]
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