Woodcutter's Grit (Card)
Woodcutter's Grit
In 698 decks
0% of 2490778 decks
Xyris, the Writhing Storm
0.52% of 12293 decks
64 decks
Yargle and Multani
0.69% of 6206 decks
43 decks
Grunn, the Lonely King
3.54% of 622 decks
22 decks
Tovolar, Dire Overlord
0.15% of 11570 decks
17 decks
Ivy, Gleeful Spellthief
0.25% of 6379 decks
16 decks
Fynn, the Fangbearer
0.17% of 9624 decks
16 decks
Sergeant John Benton
0.70% of 1987 decks
14 decks
Omnath, Locus of Mana
0.21% of 6674 decks
14 decks
The Howling Abomination
0.31% of 4253 decks
13 decks
Legolas, Master Archer
0.48% of 2513 decks
12 decks
Kalamax, the Stormsire
0.17% of 7136 decks
12 decks
Anzrag, the Quake-Mole
0.25% of 4319 decks
11 decks
Maarika, Brutal Gladiator
0.19% of 5132 decks
10 decks
Ghalta, Primal Hunger
0.16% of 5611 decks
9 decks
Wolverine, Best There Is
0.17% of 5447 decks
9 decks
Gargos, Vicious Watcher
0.14% of 5888 decks
8 decks
Atla Palani, Nest Tender
0.04% of 15789 decks
7 decks
Marwyn, the Nurturer
0.11% of 6157 decks
7 decks
High Synergy Cards
Snakeskin Veil
39% of 692 decks
+35% synergy
Shore Up
35% of 182 decks
+33% synergy
33% of 324 decks
+30% synergy
Blossoming Defense
31% of 692 decks
+30% synergy
Ranger's Guile
29% of 692 decks
+28% synergy
Gaea's Gift
29% of 692 decks
+26% synergy
Simic Charm
27% of 182 decks
+24% synergy
Temur Battle Rage
25% of 279 decks
+23% synergy
Giant Growth
23% of 692 decks
+23% synergy
Temur Charm
21% of 113 decks
+19% synergy
Top Cards
40% of 692 decks
-5% synergy
Rampant Growth
36% of 692 decks
+1% synergy
Llanowar Elves
32% of 692 decks
+11% synergy
Growth Spiral
29% of 182 decks
+7% synergy
Swords to Plowshares
29% of 112 decks
-34% synergy
27% of 182 decks
+5% synergy
Swiftfoot Boots
27% of 692 decks
-1% synergy
Kodama's Reach
26% of 692 decks
-5% synergy
25% of 182 decks
-17% synergy
Tyvar's Stand
23% of 692 decks
+18% synergy
Game Changers
Demonic Tutor
7% of 169 decks
-15% synergy
Smothering Tithe
6% of 112 decks
-18% synergy
Elvish Mystic
22% of 692 decks
+5% synergy
Ink-Treader Nephilim
16% of 19 decks
+15% synergy
Fyndhorn Elves
14% of 692 decks
+2% synergy
Avacyn's Pilgrim
14% of 112 decks
-0% synergy
Noble Hierarch
14% of 35 decks
-2% synergy
Goblin Anarchomancer
14% of 279 decks
+0% synergy
Madrush Cyclops
13% of 45 decks
+13% synergy
Balmor, Battlemage Captain
13% of 113 decks
+10% synergy
Sakura-Tribe Elder
13% of 692 decks
-6% synergy
Goblin Electromancer
12% of 113 decks
+3% synergy
Elves of Deep Shadow
11% of 169 decks
+0% synergy
Coiling Oracle
10% of 182 decks
+3% synergy
Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder
10% of 48 decks
+10% synergy
Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar
10% of 96 decks
-4% synergy
Reclamation Sage
10% of 692 decks
-1% synergy
Arbor Elf
9% of 692 decks
+3% synergy
Zada, Hedron Grinder
9% of 279 decks
+8% synergy
Birds of Paradise
9% of 692 decks
-18% synergy
Mr. Orfeo, the Boulder
9% of 45 decks
+6% synergy
Lagomos, Hand of Hatred
9% of 45 decks
+6% synergy
Ignoble Hierarch
9% of 45 decks
-16% synergy
Cold-Eyed Selkie
9% of 182 decks
+4% synergy
Lagrella, the Magpie
9% of 35 decks
+8% synergy
Jared Carthalion, True Heir
8% of 48 decks
+8% synergy
Huskburster Swarm
8% of 72 decks
+8% synergy
Zhur-Taa Druid
8% of 279 decks
+6% synergy
Stormchaser Drake
7% of 182 decks
+7% synergy
Hero of Iroas
7% of 112 decks
+7% synergy
Archetype of Courage
7% of 112 decks
+6% synergy
Ruthless Technomancer
7% of 169 decks
+5% synergy
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
7% of 169 decks
+4% synergy
Djinn Illuminatus
7% of 113 decks
+7% synergy
Druid of the Cowl
7% of 692 decks
+6% synergy
Beast Whisperer
7% of 692 decks
-5% synergy
Poison Dart Frog
7% of 536 decks
+5% synergy
Dreamtail Heron
7% of 182 decks
+6% synergy
Trygon Predator
7% of 182 decks
+4% synergy
Yargle, Glutton of Urborg
7% of 169 decks
+6% synergy
Disciple of Bolas
7% of 169 decks
+4% synergy
Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma
7% of 692 decks
+2% synergy
Swathcutter Giant
6% of 48 decks
+6% synergy
Sky Terror
6% of 48 decks
+6% synergy
Feather, the Redeemed
6% of 48 decks
+5% synergy
Aurelia, the Warleader
6% of 48 decks
-1% synergy
Ghalta, Primal Hunger
6% of 692 decks
+1% synergy
Nightshade Dryad
6% of 376 decks
+4% synergy
Acidic Slime
6% of 692 decks
+2% synergy
Leyline Prowler
6% of 169 decks
+4% synergy
Eternal Witness
6% of 692 decks
-14% synergy
Etali, Primal Storm
6% of 279 decks
-3% synergy
Beast Within
21% of 692 decks
-17% synergy
Tamiyo's Safekeeping
21% of 692 decks
+15% synergy
Titanic Growth
18% of 692 decks
+18% synergy
Crumb and Get It
18% of 50 decks
+17% synergy
Vines of Vastwood
18% of 692 decks
+17% synergy
Brute Force
18% of 279 decks
+17% synergy
17% of 169 decks
+1% synergy
Royal Treatment
17% of 570 decks
+16% synergy
Titan's Strength
17% of 279 decks
+16% synergy
Sheltering Word
17% of 692 decks
+16% synergy
Ram Through
16% of 692 decks
+13% synergy
Hunter's Insight
16% of 692 decks
+12% synergy
Collision // Colossus
16% of 279 decks
+16% synergy
Adamant Will
16% of 112 decks
+16% synergy
16% of 169 decks
+12% synergy
Return to Nature
16% of 692 decks
+10% synergy
Collective Resistance
15% of 388 decks
+12% synergy
Siege Smash
15% of 159 decks
+14% synergy
Unleash Fury
15% of 279 decks
+13% synergy
15% of 692 decks
+14% synergy
Dive Down
15% of 182 decks
+14% synergy
Heroic Intervention
14% of 692 decks
-15% synergy
Uncaged Fury
14% of 279 decks
+14% synergy
Decisive Denial
14% of 182 decks
+12% synergy
Supernatural Stamina
14% of 169 decks
+12% synergy
Mortal's Resolve
14% of 692 decks
+14% synergy
Return of the Wildspeaker
14% of 692 decks
+1% synergy
14% of 169 decks
+10% synergy
Arcane Denial
13% of 182 decks
-7% synergy
Bulk Up
13% of 70 decks
+11% synergy
13% of 692 decks
+11% synergy
Chaos Warp
13% of 279 decks
-19% synergy
Revitalizing Repast
12% of 80 decks
+4% synergy
12% of 692 decks
+3% synergy
Bombadil's Song
12% of 612 decks
+12% synergy
Colossal Growth
12% of 279 decks
+12% synergy
Soul's Fire
12% of 279 decks
+11% synergy
Mizzium Skin
12% of 182 decks
+12% synergy
12% of 692 decks
+9% synergy
Flare of Faith
12% of 112 decks
+11% synergy
Path to Exile
12% of 112 decks
-35% synergy
11% of 279 decks
+11% synergy
Colossal Might
11% of 279 decks
+11% synergy
Run Amok
11% of 279 decks
+10% synergy
Beaming Defiance
11% of 112 decks
+11% synergy
Blacksmith's Skill
11% of 112 decks
+9% synergy
Jump Scare
11% of 38 decks
+10% synergy
Eureka Moment
10% of 182 decks
+6% synergy
Dreadmaw's Ire
10% of 224 decks
+10% synergy
Become Immense
10% of 692 decks
+10% synergy
17% of 692 decks
+8% synergy
16% of 692 decks
+7% synergy
Nature's Lore
15% of 692 decks
-17% synergy
14% of 692 decks
-20% synergy
Blasphemous Act
12% of 279 decks
-21% synergy
Essence Harvest
11% of 169 decks
+11% synergy
Stump Stomp
11% of 162 decks
+5% synergy
Prey Upon
11% of 692 decks
+10% synergy
Hunter's Prowess
11% of 692 decks
+10% synergy
In Garruk's Wake
11% of 169 decks
+8% synergy
Rishkar's Expertise
10% of 692 decks
-0% synergy
Soul's Majesty
9% of 692 decks
+8% synergy
Rabid Bite
9% of 692 decks
+9% synergy
9% of 279 decks
+1% synergy
Mandate of Abaddon
9% of 169 decks
+8% synergy
Sign in Blood
9% of 169 decks
-1% synergy
Three Visits
9% of 692 decks
-16% synergy
Armed // Dangerous
9% of 279 decks
+8% synergy
Blasphemous Edict
9% of 35 decks
+0% synergy
Read the Bones
8% of 169 decks
+1% synergy
Search for Tomorrow
8% of 692 decks
+5% synergy
Cleansing Nova
8% of 112 decks
+4% synergy
Larger Than Life
8% of 692 decks
+8% synergy
Night's Whisper
8% of 169 decks
-1% synergy
Feed the Swarm
8% of 169 decks
-10% synergy
Explosive Vegetation
8% of 692 decks
+4% synergy
Open the Armory
7% of 112 decks
+2% synergy
Diabolic Tutor
7% of 169 decks
+1% synergy
7% of 692 decks
+5% synergy
Scale the Heights
7% of 692 decks
+6% synergy
7% of 692 decks
+4% synergy
7% of 182 decks
-6% synergy
Culling Ritual
7% of 169 decks
-5% synergy
Broken Bond
7% of 692 decks
+5% synergy
Austere Command
6% of 112 decks
-7% synergy
Grow from the Ashes
6% of 692 decks
+5% synergy
Skyshroud Claim
6% of 692 decks
-3% synergy
Distortion Strike
6% of 182 decks
+6% synergy
Bridgeworks Battle
6% of 388 decks
+2% synergy
Casualties of War
6% of 169 decks
+1% synergy
Chandra's Ignition
6% of 279 decks
+1% synergy
Nature's Way
6% of 692 decks
+5% synergy
Nissa's Pilgrimage
6% of 692 decks
+4% synergy
Artful Dodge
5% of 182 decks
+5% synergy
5% of 182 decks
+3% synergy
5% of 73 decks
+4% synergy
Tormenting Voice
5% of 279 decks
+3% synergy
Migration Path
5% of 692 decks
+2% synergy
Requisition Raid
5% of 75 decks
+3% synergy
Rite of Consumption
5% of 169 decks
+5% synergy
Utility Artifacts
Commander's Sphere
14% of 692 decks
-1% synergy
Two-Handed Axe
10% of 279 decks
+9% synergy
Blackblade Reforged
9% of 692 decks
+5% synergy
Boros Locket
8% of 48 decks
+8% synergy
8% of 692 decks
+6% synergy
Lightning Greaves
7% of 692 decks
-18% synergy
Haunted Cloak
7% of 692 decks
+6% synergy
Mind Stone
7% of 692 decks
-11% synergy
Boros Cluestone
6% of 48 decks
+6% synergy
Whispersilk Cloak
6% of 692 decks
+2% synergy
Loxodon Warhammer
6% of 692 decks
+4% synergy
Selesnya Locket
5% of 112 decks
+5% synergy
Temur Banner
5% of 113 decks
+5% synergy
Emerald Medallion
5% of 692 decks
+3% synergy
Season of Growth
14% of 692 decks
+12% synergy
Kaya's Ghostform
13% of 169 decks
+9% synergy
Wild Growth
12% of 692 decks
+1% synergy
Aqueous Form
12% of 182 decks
+8% synergy
Garruk's Uprising
11% of 692 decks
-4% synergy
Rhythm of the Wild
11% of 279 decks
-12% synergy
Blanchwood Armor
11% of 692 decks
+10% synergy
Demonic Embrace
11% of 169 decks
+10% synergy
Snake Umbra
10% of 692 decks
+7% synergy
Fungal Fortitude
10% of 117 decks
+10% synergy
10% of 692 decks
+5% synergy
Colossal Majesty
9% of 692 decks
+5% synergy
Alpha Authority
9% of 692 decks
+7% synergy
Indomitable Might
8% of 692 decks
+7% synergy
Flaming Fist
8% of 112 decks
+7% synergy
Unnatural Growth
8% of 692 decks
+2% synergy
Impact Tremors
7% of 279 decks
-3% synergy
Holy Strength
7% of 112 decks
+7% synergy
7% of 112 decks
+6% synergy
Boar Umbra
7% of 692 decks
+6% synergy
Utopia Sprawl
7% of 692 decks
-1% synergy
Spider Umbra
7% of 692 decks
+6% synergy
Empyrial Armor
6% of 112 decks
+6% synergy
True Conviction
6% of 112 decks
+4% synergy
Duelist's Heritage
6% of 112 decks
+4% synergy
Bear Umbra
6% of 692 decks
+2% synergy
Combat Research
6% of 182 decks
+4% synergy
Eternal Thirst
6% of 169 decks
+5% synergy
Binding the Old Gods
6% of 169 decks
+0% synergy
Phyrexian Arena
6% of 169 decks
-10% synergy
Leyline of Resonance
6% of 106 decks
+5% synergy
Eel Umbra
5% of 182 decks
+5% synergy
Vesuvan Duplimancy
5% of 182 decks
+4% synergy
Swarm Intelligence
5% of 182 decks
+4% synergy
5% of 182 decks
+2% synergy
Hydra's Growth
5% of 692 decks
+3% synergy
Hope Against Hope
5% of 112 decks
+5% synergy
Gryff's Boon
5% of 112 decks
+5% synergy
5% of 692 decks
+4% synergy
Ajani Vengeant
6% of 48 decks
+6% synergy
Garruk, Primal Hunter
6% of 692 decks
+3% synergy
Garruk, Cursed Huntsman
6% of 169 decks
+4% synergy
Arlinn Kord
5% of 279 decks
+4% synergy
Utility Lands
Rogue's Passage
26% of 692 decks
+7% synergy
Kessig Wolf Run
22% of 279 decks
+6% synergy
Reliquary Tower
15% of 692 decks
-15% synergy
Bojuka Bog
14% of 169 decks
-16% synergy
Sunhome, Fortress of the Legion
10% of 48 decks
+5% synergy
Temple of the False God
8% of 692 decks
-1% synergy
Mosswort Bridge
8% of 692 decks
-3% synergy
Skarrg, the Rage Pits
7% of 279 decks
+4% synergy
The Dross Pits
7% of 169 decks
+6% synergy
Slayers' Stronghold
6% of 48 decks
+0% synergy
Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth
6% of 692 decks
-3% synergy
Shizo, Death's Storehouse
5% of 169 decks
+1% synergy
Mortuary Mire
5% of 169 decks
+1% synergy
Mana Artifacts
Sol Ring
49% of 692 decks
-35% synergy
Arcane Signet
34% of 692 decks
-38% synergy
Simic Signet
20% of 182 decks
+6% synergy
Gruul Signet
19% of 279 decks
+7% synergy
Izzet Signet
17% of 113 decks
-11% synergy
Golgari Signet
17% of 169 decks
+4% synergy
Thought Vessel
10% of 692 decks
-7% synergy
Talisman of Unity
10% of 112 decks
+2% synergy
Selesnya Signet
10% of 112 decks
+1% synergy
Talisman of Resilience
9% of 169 decks
-3% synergy
Sky Diamond
7% of 182 decks
+2% synergy
Moss Diamond
7% of 692 decks
+5% synergy
Ketria Crystal
6% of 113 decks
+6% synergy
Talisman of Creativity
6% of 113 decks
-23% synergy
Talisman of Curiosity
6% of 182 decks
-7% synergy
Talisman of Impulse
5% of 279 decks
-4% synergy
Marble Diamond
5% of 112 decks
+1% synergy
Frontier Bivouac
61% of 113 decks
+33% synergy
Command Tower
43% of 692 decks
-31% synergy
Temple of Epiphany
33% of 113 decks
+14% synergy
Jungle Shrine
31% of 48 decks
-1% synergy
Cinder Glade
30% of 279 decks
-8% synergy
Jungle Hollow
28% of 169 decks
+19% synergy
Evolving Wilds
28% of 692 decks
+7% synergy
Rugged Highlands
25% of 279 decks
+20% synergy
Thornwood Falls
25% of 182 decks
+17% synergy
Blossoming Sands
24% of 112 decks
+17% synergy
Temple of Mystery
24% of 182 decks
+6% synergy
Selesnya Sanctuary
23% of 112 decks
+9% synergy
Gruul Turf
23% of 279 decks
+7% synergy
Game Trail
23% of 279 decks
+6% synergy
Canopy Vista
22% of 112 decks
-14% synergy
Savage Lands
22% of 45 decks
-1% synergy
Ziatora's Proving Ground
22% of 45 decks
-8% synergy
Simic Growth Chamber
22% of 182 decks
+2% synergy
Woodland Cemetery
22% of 169 decks
-7% synergy
Swiftwater Cliffs
21% of 113 decks
+15% synergy
Temple of Abandon
21% of 279 decks
+7% synergy
Yavimaya Coast
21% of 182 decks
-6% synergy
Seaside Citadel
20% of 35 decks
-6% synergy
Izzet Boilerworks
19% of 113 decks
+3% synergy
Sulfur Falls
19% of 113 decks
-12% synergy
Llanowar Wastes
19% of 169 decks
-7% synergy
Boros Guildgate
19% of 48 decks
+14% synergy
Fortified Village
19% of 112 decks
+3% synergy
Temple of Triumph
19% of 48 decks
+2% synergy
Hinterland Harbor
19% of 182 decks
-10% synergy
Terramorphic Expanse
18% of 692 decks
+3% synergy
Golgari Rot Farm
18% of 169 decks
+0% synergy
Temple of Silence
18% of 22 decks
-0% synergy
Caves of Koilos
18% of 22 decks
-10% synergy
Selesnya Guildgate
18% of 112 decks
+13% synergy
Tainted Wood
18% of 169 decks
+4% synergy
Shivan Reef
18% of 113 decks
-9% synergy
Rockfall Vale
18% of 279 decks
-4% synergy
Temple of Malady
17% of 169 decks
+1% synergy
Overgrown Tomb
17% of 169 decks
-25% synergy
Spara's Headquarters
17% of 35 decks
-13% synergy
Temple of Plenty
17% of 112 decks
+4% synergy
Gruul Guildgate
17% of 279 decks
+12% synergy
Izzet Guildgate
17% of 113 decks
+12% synergy
Wind-Scarred Crag
17% of 48 decks
+10% synergy
Rootbound Crag
16% of 279 decks
-8% synergy
Simic Guildgate
16% of 182 decks
+10% synergy
Frostboil Snarl
16% of 113 decks
+2% synergy
Bountiful Landscape
16% of 64 decks
+6% synergy
Dismal Backwater
15% of 26 decks
+9% synergy