Nine-Tail White Fox (Card)
Nine-Tail White Fox
In 624 decks
0% of 2610693 decks
Sun Quan, Lord of Wu
18.13% of 943 decks
171 decks
Mr. Foxglove
3.70% of 2571 decks
95 decks
Millicent, Restless Revenant
0.52% of 6336 decks
33 decks
Kamiz, Obscura Oculus
0.55% of 3655 decks
20 decks
Dalakos, Crafter of Wonders
1.67% of 780 decks
13 decks
Bria, Riptide Rogue
0.19% of 5134 decks
10 decks
Volo, Guide to Monsters
0.13% of 7696 decks
10 decks
Garth One-Eye
0.17% of 4232 decks
7 decks
Satoru Umezawa
0.06% of 10905 decks
7 decks
Queza, Augur of Agonies
0.09% of 6713 decks
6 decks
Morophon, the Boundless
0.06% of 10249 decks
6 decks
Esika, God of the Tree
0.03% of 18885 decks
5 decks
Cloudhoof Kirin
5.43% of 92 decks
5 decks
Nine-Fingers Keene
0.09% of 5761 decks
5 decks
Minn, Wily Illusionist
0.09% of 5617 decks
5 decks
Ranar the Ever-Watchful
0.12% of 3458 decks
4 decks
Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive
0.24% of 1662 decks
4 decks
Firkraag, Cunning Instigator
0.12% of 3205 decks
4 decks
High Synergy Cards
Golden-Tail Trainer
45% of 129 decks
+44% synergy
Vulpine Goliath
38% of 209 decks
+38% synergy
Werefox Bodyguard
38% of 236 decks
+37% synergy
34% of 267 decks
+34% synergy
Soulknife Spy
34% of 622 decks
+34% synergy
34% of 267 decks
+34% synergy
Mischievous Catgeist
32% of 622 decks
+32% synergy
Silverchase Fox
32% of 267 decks
+32% synergy
Reconnaissance Mission
35% of 622 decks
+30% synergy
Bident of Thassa
36% of 622 decks
+30% synergy
Top Cards
47% of 622 decks
+4% synergy
42% of 209 decks
-4% synergy
Swords to Plowshares
42% of 267 decks
-21% synergy
Path to Exile
34% of 267 decks
-12% synergy
Swiftfoot Boots
32% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Pearl-Ear, Imperial Advisor
31% of 188 decks
+29% synergy
Inquisitive Glimmer
31% of 131 decks
+26% synergy
Stealer of Secrets
29% of 622 decks
+29% synergy
Lightning Greaves
29% of 622 decks
+3% synergy
Zirda, the Dawnwaker
29% of 56 decks
+26% synergy
Game Changers
Rhystic Study
18% of 622 decks
-9% synergy
Cyclonic Rift
18% of 622 decks
-9% synergy
Smothering Tithe
12% of 267 decks
-12% synergy
Fierce Guardianship
10% of 622 decks
-8% synergy
Enlightened Tutor
8% of 267 decks
-10% synergy
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow
7% of 121 decks
+6% synergy
Jeska's Will
7% of 108 decks
-10% synergy
Force of Will
6% of 622 decks
-5% synergy
Mystical Tutor
6% of 622 decks
-9% synergy
Ferocious Werefox
28% of 195 decks
+28% synergy
Thieving Otter
27% of 622 decks
+27% synergy
Blade-Blizzard Kitsune
26% of 267 decks
+26% synergy
Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant
25% of 267 decks
+25% synergy
Mila, Crafty Companion
25% of 56 decks
+24% synergy
Neurok Commando
25% of 622 decks
+25% synergy
Marchesa's Infiltrator
25% of 622 decks
+25% synergy
Golden-Tail Disciple
24% of 267 decks
+24% synergy
Enduring Curiosity
24% of 251 decks
+20% synergy
Broodbirth Viper
23% of 622 decks
+23% synergy
Psychosis Crawler
23% of 622 decks
+20% synergy
Sea-Dasher Octopus
22% of 622 decks
+21% synergy
Scroll Thief
22% of 622 decks
+22% synergy
Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar
21% of 622 decks
+19% synergy
Chasm Skulker
21% of 622 decks
+17% synergy
21% of 267 decks
+21% synergy
Selfless Samurai
21% of 267 decks
+20% synergy
Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice
21% of 267 decks
+20% synergy
Shadowmage Infiltrator
21% of 121 decks
+19% synergy
Felix Five-Boots
21% of 34 decks
+18% synergy
21% of 622 decks
+20% synergy
Pious Kitsune
20% of 267 decks
+20% synergy
Mist-Syndicate Naga
20% of 622 decks
+19% synergy
Bright-Palm, Soul Awakener
20% of 41 decks
+18% synergy
Kitsune Healer
19% of 267 decks
+19% synergy
Lu Xun, Scholar General
19% of 622 decks
+19% synergy
Sensei Golden-Tail
19% of 267 decks
+19% synergy
Seven-Tail Mentor
19% of 267 decks
+19% synergy
Jhessian Thief
18% of 622 decks
+18% synergy
Schema Thief
18% of 595 decks
+18% synergy
Devilthorn Fox
18% of 267 decks
+18% synergy
Drogskol Captain
18% of 267 decks
+17% synergy
Acquisition Octopus
18% of 622 decks
+17% synergy
Stormcatch Mentor
17% of 52 decks
+11% synergy
Kitsune Blademaster
17% of 267 decks
+17% synergy
Ninja of the Deep Hours
17% of 622 decks
+16% synergy
Mothrider Patrol
17% of 267 decks
+17% synergy
16% of 622 decks
+16% synergy
Cephalid Constable
16% of 622 decks
+16% synergy
Two-Headed Hellkite
16% of 38 decks
+8% synergy
Opal-Eye, Konda's Yojimbo
16% of 267 decks
+16% synergy
Mistblade Shinobi
16% of 622 decks
+14% synergy
Baleful Strix
15% of 121 decks
+2% synergy
Vanguard Suppressor
15% of 622 decks
+14% synergy
Cecily, Haunted Mage
15% of 41 decks
+14% synergy
Thada Adel, Acquisitor
15% of 622 decks
+14% synergy
Filigree Familiar
14% of 622 decks
+14% synergy
Defiler of Dreams
14% of 622 decks
+13% synergy
Samurai of the Pale Curtain
14% of 267 decks
+14% synergy
Ancient Silver Dragon
14% of 622 decks
+11% synergy
28% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Arcane Denial
22% of 622 decks
+2% synergy
Heroic Intervention
21% of 209 decks
-9% synergy
High Tide
20% of 622 decks
+16% synergy
Chaos Warp
19% of 108 decks
-12% synergy
Beast Within
19% of 209 decks
-19% synergy
18% of 622 decks
+7% synergy
18% of 622 decks
-2% synergy
Growth Spiral
18% of 209 decks
-4% synergy
Dawn's Truce
17% of 173 decks
+9% synergy
An Offer You Can't Refuse
16% of 622 decks
-5% synergy
Rapid Hybridization
15% of 622 decks
+6% synergy
Mana Drain
15% of 622 decks
-0% synergy
Spontaneous Flight
15% of 267 decks
+15% synergy
Void Rend
14% of 76 decks
+1% synergy
Generous Gift
14% of 267 decks
-11% synergy
14% of 622 decks
+8% synergy
Reality Shift
13% of 622 decks
+4% synergy
13% of 209 decks
+13% synergy
Lightning Bolt
11% of 108 decks
+0% synergy
11% of 622 decks
+6% synergy
Swan Song
11% of 622 decks
-6% synergy
Obscura Charm
11% of 76 decks
+8% synergy
10% of 622 decks
+1% synergy
Akroma's Will
9% of 267 decks
-0% synergy
9% of 108 decks
-2% synergy
Anguished Unmaking
9% of 76 decks
-15% synergy
Dovin's Veto
9% of 267 decks
-9% synergy
Teferi's Protection
9% of 267 decks
-11% synergy
Stroke of Midnight
9% of 238 decks
-1% synergy
Temur Battle Rage
8% of 108 decks
+6% synergy
Deflecting Swat
8% of 108 decks
-8% synergy
Go for the Throat
8% of 121 decks
+1% synergy
Fell the Profane
8% of 63 decks
-0% synergy
Peerless Recycling
8% of 144 decks
+6% synergy
8% of 53 decks
+7% synergy
7% of 41 decks
-13% synergy
7% of 56 decks
-9% synergy
Assassin's Trophy
7% of 56 decks
-23% synergy
Flawless Maneuver
7% of 267 decks
-3% synergy
7% of 622 decks
+4% synergy
Pledge of Unity
7% of 156 decks
+6% synergy
Dreadmaw's Ire
7% of 88 decks
+6% synergy
Obscura Confluence
7% of 76 decks
+6% synergy
Utter End
7% of 76 decks
-0% synergy
6% of 108 decks
+5% synergy
Fists of Flame
6% of 108 decks
+5% synergy
Izzet Charm
6% of 108 decks
+1% synergy
6% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Infernal Grasp
6% of 121 decks
-1% synergy
Rampant Growth
27% of 209 decks
-8% synergy
26% of 209 decks
-8% synergy
Kodama's Reach
25% of 209 decks
-6% synergy
Nature's Lore
19% of 209 decks
-13% synergy
Three Visits
18% of 209 decks
-7% synergy
Blasphemous Act
15% of 108 decks
-19% synergy
15% of 267 decks
+2% synergy
Austere Command
13% of 267 decks
+1% synergy
Starfall Invocation
13% of 173 decks
+11% synergy
13% of 622 decks
+1% synergy
Curse of the Werefox
13% of 195 decks
+13% synergy
12% of 622 decks
+1% synergy
11% of 108 decks
-5% synergy
Stolen Identity
10% of 622 decks
+9% synergy
Wear Down
9% of 144 decks
+7% synergy
Supreme Verdict
9% of 267 decks
-5% synergy
Curse of the Swine
9% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Golden Ratio
9% of 209 decks
+8% synergy
Writ of Return
8% of 121 decks
+8% synergy
Feed the Swarm
8% of 121 decks
-9% synergy
Tempt with Bunnies
8% of 170 decks
+6% synergy
Meeting of the Five
8% of 38 decks
+7% synergy
8% of 53 decks
+6% synergy
Reckless Crew
7% of 108 decks
+7% synergy
Expressive Iteration
7% of 108 decks
+1% synergy
7% of 209 decks
-2% synergy
Storm of Souls
7% of 267 decks
+6% synergy
7% of 622 decks
+4% synergy
6% of 622 decks
-7% synergy
Capture of Jingzhou
6% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Spectral Deluge
6% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
6% of 121 decks
-10% synergy
Genesis Ultimatum
6% of 53 decks
+0% synergy
Winds of Rath
6% of 267 decks
+3% synergy
Faithless Looting
6% of 108 decks
-11% synergy
Sea Gate Restoration
5% of 622 decks
+1% synergy
5% of 209 decks
-3% synergy
Utility Artifacts
Sapphire Medallion
21% of 622 decks
+18% synergy
Mind Stone
20% of 622 decks
+3% synergy
Commander's Sphere
19% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Quietus Spike
16% of 622 decks
+15% synergy
Kefnet's Monument
14% of 622 decks
+13% synergy
Sword of the Animist
14% of 622 decks
+9% synergy
Wayfarer's Bauble
13% of 622 decks
+3% synergy
13% of 622 decks
+12% synergy
10% of 622 decks
+9% synergy
The Key to the Vault
9% of 407 decks
+8% synergy
Mask of Riddles
9% of 121 decks
+8% synergy
Fist of Suns
8% of 38 decks
+1% synergy
Two-Handed Axe
7% of 108 decks
+6% synergy
Herald's Horn
7% of 622 decks
+1% synergy
The Indomitable
7% of 494 decks
+5% synergy
7% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Lifecrafter's Bestiary
6% of 209 decks
+2% synergy
Dowsing Dagger
6% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Venser's Journal
6% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Blade of Selves
6% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Vanquisher's Banner
6% of 622 decks
+2% synergy
Empyrial Plate
5% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Icon of Ancestry
5% of 622 decks
+4% synergy
Commander's Plate
5% of 622 decks
+3% synergy
Neurok Stealthsuit
5% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Coastal Piracy
28% of 622 decks
+27% synergy
Wizard Class
21% of 622 decks
+17% synergy
The Restoration of Eiganjo
20% of 267 decks
+19% synergy
19% of 622 decks
+7% synergy
All That Glitters
16% of 267 decks
+10% synergy
13% of 209 decks
+9% synergy
Communal Brewing
13% of 142 decks
+12% synergy
Teferi's Ageless Insight
13% of 622 decks
+8% synergy
Ominous Seas
12% of 622 decks
+10% synergy
Ghostly Prison
12% of 267 decks
+1% synergy
Finest Hour
12% of 156 decks
+10% synergy
Nerd Rage
11% of 432 decks
+10% synergy
Bear Umbra
11% of 209 decks
+6% synergy
Ethereal Armor
10% of 267 decks
+7% synergy
Feather of Flight
10% of 173 decks
+9% synergy
Imprisoned in the Moon
10% of 622 decks
+7% synergy
10% of 622 decks
+6% synergy
Ancestral Mask
9% of 209 decks
+7% synergy
Combat Research
8% of 622 decks
+7% synergy
Utopia Sprawl
8% of 209 decks
+0% synergy
The Kami War
8% of 38 decks
+1% synergy
Maelstrom Nexus
8% of 38 decks
+1% synergy
Strength of the Harvest
8% of 130 decks
+3% synergy
Mirari's Wake
8% of 156 decks
-6% synergy
Aqueous Form
8% of 622 decks
+4% synergy
Rhythm of the Wild
8% of 53 decks
-16% synergy
Five-Alarm Fire
7% of 108 decks
+7% synergy
Sheltered by Ghosts
7% of 129 decks
+4% synergy
Mystic Remora
7% of 622 decks
-11% synergy
Field of Souls
7% of 267 decks
+6% synergy
Snake Umbra
7% of 209 decks
+4% synergy
Wild Growth
7% of 209 decks
-4% synergy
Kindred Discovery
7% of 622 decks
-1% synergy
Haunted Library
6% of 267 decks
+6% synergy
6% of 267 decks
+4% synergy
Alpha Status
6% of 209 decks
+6% synergy
Beastmaster Ascension
6% of 209 decks
+1% synergy
Radiant Destiny
6% of 267 decks
+5% synergy
Corrupted Conscience
6% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Rogue Class
6% of 121 decks
+4% synergy
One with Nature
6% of 209 decks
+5% synergy
Guardian Project
6% of 209 decks
-3% synergy
Garruk's Uprising
6% of 209 decks
-10% synergy
Dissipation Field
5% of 622 decks
+4% synergy
Sixth Sense
5% of 209 decks
+5% synergy
Military Intelligence
5% of 622 decks
+4% synergy
Tamiyo, Field Researcher
13% of 156 decks
+9% synergy
Ral, Crackling Wit
12% of 52 decks
+8% synergy
Wrenn and Six
11% of 53 decks
+10% synergy
Jace, Wielder of Mysteries
8% of 622 decks
+4% synergy
Teferi, Temporal Pilgrim
7% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Kaito, Cunning Infiltrator
6% of 178 decks
+5% synergy
Utility Lands
Reliquary Tower
50% of 622 decks
+21% synergy
Rogue's Passage
19% of 622 decks
-1% synergy
Mystic Sanctuary
18% of 622 decks
+6% synergy
Temple of the False God
11% of 622 decks
+1% synergy
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
10% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Otawara, Soaring City
10% of 622 decks
-7% synergy
Bojuka Bog
9% of 121 decks
-21% synergy
Three Tree City
9% of 323 decks
+3% synergy
Castle Embereth
8% of 108 decks
+5% synergy
Desolate Lighthouse
8% of 108 decks
+4% synergy
Moorland Haunt
8% of 267 decks
+7% synergy
Restless Spire
8% of 93 decks
+6% synergy
Halimar Depths
7% of 622 decks
+4% synergy
The Black Gate
7% of 109 decks
+4% synergy
Castle Vantress
7% of 622 decks
+3% synergy
Creeping Tar Pit
7% of 121 decks
+4% synergy
Terrain Generator
7% of 622 decks
+6% synergy
Boseiju, Who Endures
6% of 209 decks
-13% synergy
Rockface Village
6% of 53 decks
+5% synergy
Mana Artifacts
Sol Ring
72% of 622 decks
-13% synergy
Arcane Signet
61% of 622 decks
-11% synergy
Thought Vessel
38% of 622 decks
+21% synergy
Dimir Signet
26% of 121 decks
-3% synergy
Izzet Signet
26% of 108 decks
-2% synergy
Azorius Signet
24% of 267 decks
-2% synergy
Decanter of Endless Water
23% of 622 decks
+18% synergy
Orzhov Signet
21% of 76 decks
-6% synergy
Talisman of Creativity
20% of 108 decks
-8% synergy
Boros Signet
20% of 56 decks
-3% synergy
Sky Diamond
15% of 622 decks
+11% synergy
Fellwar Stone
15% of 622 decks
-6% synergy
Patchwork Banner
14% of 323 decks
+8% synergy
Talisman of Dominance
12% of 121 decks
-20% synergy
Caged Sun
11% of 622 decks
+9% synergy
Talisman of Progress
10% of 267 decks
-13% synergy
Simic Signet
10% of 209 decks
-4% synergy
Thran Dynamo
8% of 622 decks
+3% synergy
Talisman of Hierarchy
8% of 76 decks
-17% synergy
Gruul Signet
8% of 53 decks
-4% synergy
Golgari Signet
7% of 56 decks
-5% synergy
Talisman of Conviction
7% of 56 decks
-16% synergy
Strixhaven Stadium
7% of 622 decks
+7% synergy
Selesnya Signet
7% of 156 decks
-1% synergy
Charcoal Diamond
7% of 121 decks
+2% synergy
Marble Diamond
6% of 267 decks
+2% synergy
Midnight Clock
6% of 622 decks
+1% synergy
Gauntlet of Power
5% of 622 decks
+5% synergy
Heraldic Banner
5% of 622 decks
+3% synergy
Chromatic Lantern
5% of 622 decks
-4% synergy
Talisman of Unity
5% of 156 decks
-2% synergy
Command Tower
51% of 622 decks
-23% synergy
Arcane Sanctum
41% of 76 decks
+13% synergy
Seaside Citadel
39% of 156 decks
+13% synergy
Prairie Stream
37% of 267 decks
+4% synergy
Spara's Headquarters
33% of 156 decks
+3% synergy
Zagoth Triome
30% of 56 decks
+1% synergy
Sulfur Falls
30% of 108 decks
-2% synergy
Canopy Vista
29% of 156 decks
-8% synergy
Glacial Fortress
28% of 267 decks
+2% synergy
Jetmir's Garden
28% of 43 decks
-3% synergy
Hallowed Fountain
28% of 267 decks
-13% synergy
Watery Grave
27% of 121 decks
-13% synergy
Temple Garden
27% of 156 decks
-13% synergy
Raugrin Triome
27% of 56 decks
+1% synergy
Azorius Chancery
26% of 267 decks
+11% synergy
Sunken Hollow
26% of 121 decks
-9% synergy
Savai Triome
24% of 38 decks
-3% synergy
Raffine's Tower
24% of 76 decks
-3% synergy
The World Tree
24% of 38 decks
-9% synergy
Godless Shrine
24% of 76 decks
-17% synergy
Mystic Monastery
23% of 56 decks
-4% synergy
Temple of Epiphany
23% of 108 decks
+5% synergy
Temple of Enlightenment
23% of 267 decks
+6% synergy
Ketria Triome
23% of 53 decks
-9% synergy
Indatha Triome
22% of 40 decks
-8% synergy
Skycloud Expanse
22% of 267 decks
+10% synergy
Shivan Reef
21% of 108 decks
-6% synergy
Steam Vents
21% of 108 decks
-17% synergy
Simic Growth Chamber
21% of 209 decks
+1% synergy
Frontier Bivouac
21% of 53 decks
-7% synergy
Myriad Landscape
21% of 622 decks
+2% synergy
Selesnya Sanctuary
21% of 156 decks
+6% synergy
Swiftwater Cliffs
20% of 108 decks
+14% synergy
Training Center
20% of 108 decks
-7% synergy
Port Town
20% of 267 decks
+5% synergy
Spectator Seating
20% of 56 decks
-5% synergy
Opulent Palace
20% of 56 decks
-7% synergy
Breeding Pool
20% of 209 decks
-21% synergy
Path of Ancestry
20% of 622 decks
-2% synergy
Crumbling Necropolis
20% of 41 decks
-12% synergy
Stormcarved Coast
19% of 108 decks
+2% synergy
Exotic Orchard
19% of 622 decks
-17% synergy
Bountiful Promenade
19% of 156 decks
-5% synergy
Hinterland Harbor
19% of 209 decks
-10% synergy
Temple of Silence
18% of 76 decks
-0% synergy
Ziatora's Proving Ground
18% of 38 decks
-12% synergy
Sea of Clouds
18% of 267 decks
-8% synergy
Morphic Pool
18% of 121 decks
-8% synergy
Overgrown Tomb
18% of 56 decks
-24% synergy
Drowned Catacomb
17% of 121 decks
-9% synergy