Down // Dirty (Card)
Down // Dirty
In 690 decks
0% of 1125659 decks
Sliver Overlord
0.69% of 6713 decks
46 decks
Codie, Vociferous Codex
0.74% of 5792 decks
43 decks
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
0.79% of 4047 decks
32 decks
Nath of the Gilt-Leaf
1.55% of 1292 decks
20 decks
Niv-Mizzet Reborn
0.46% of 4116 decks
19 decks
Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder
0.21% of 6734 decks
14 decks
The Mycotyrant
0.15% of 8025 decks
12 decks
Zask, Skittering Swarmlord
0.29% of 4154 decks
12 decks
Shelob, Child of Ungoliant
0.09% of 11584 decks
11 decks
Glarb, Calamity's Augur
0.15% of 7530 decks
11 decks
Nethroi, Apex of Death
0.19% of 5945 decks
11 decks
Slimefoot, the Stowaway
0.22% of 4915 decks
11 decks
Lathril, Blade of the Elves
0.04% of 23677 decks
10 decks
Old Stickfingers
0.35% of 2866 decks
10 decks
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant
0.15% of 6660 decks
10 decks
Esika, God of the Tree
0.05% of 18885 decks
10 decks
Meren of Clan Nel Toth
0.06% of 15755 decks
9 decks
The Gitrog Monster
0.14% of 6287 decks
9 decks
High Synergy Cards
Treasured Find
27% of 684 decks
+27% synergy
Naya Charm
29% of 195 decks
+22% synergy
Turn // Burn
21% of 205 decks
+21% synergy
Reconstruct History
23% of 195 decks
+21% synergy
Toil // Trouble
21% of 266 decks
+21% synergy
Discovery // Dispersal
21% of 283 decks
+20% synergy
Far // Away
20% of 283 decks
+20% synergy
Expansion // Explosion
21% of 205 decks
+19% synergy
Shaman of the Great Hunt
19% of 205 decks
+18% synergy
Spring // Mind
18% of 283 decks
+18% synergy
Top Cards
31% of 684 decks
-15% synergy
25% of 684 decks
+9% synergy
Rampant Growth
25% of 684 decks
-10% synergy
20% of 684 decks
+17% synergy
Eternal Witness
19% of 684 decks
-1% synergy
Shields of Velis Vel
18% of 241 decks
+18% synergy
Sylvan Reclamation
18% of 241 decks
+17% synergy
Dryad's Revival
18% of 684 decks
+18% synergy
Breaking // Entering
18% of 205 decks
+18% synergy
Beck // Call
18% of 195 decks
+18% synergy
Game Changers
Demonic Tutor
8% of 684 decks
-14% synergy
Enlightened Tutor
6% of 241 decks
-12% synergy
Amoeboid Changeling
16% of 283 decks
+15% synergy
Zirda, the Dawnwaker
14% of 195 decks
+12% synergy
Faerie Formation
14% of 283 decks
+14% synergy
Oread of Mountain's Blaze
14% of 266 decks
+14% synergy
Merchant of the Vale
14% of 266 decks
+14% synergy
Kefnet the Mindful
13% of 283 decks
+13% synergy
Sakura-Tribe Elder
13% of 684 decks
-5% synergy
Llanowar Elves
13% of 684 decks
-8% synergy
Elvish Mystic
11% of 684 decks
-6% synergy
Deathrite Shaman
11% of 684 decks
-1% synergy
Golgari Findbroker
10% of 684 decks
+9% synergy
Golgari Grave-Troll
9% of 684 decks
+7% synergy
Colossal Skyturtle
8% of 283 decks
+6% synergy
Nyx Weaver
8% of 684 decks
+4% synergy
Corpsejack Menace
8% of 684 decks
+3% synergy
Coiling Oracle
8% of 283 decks
+0% synergy
Korozda Guildmage
8% of 684 decks
+7% synergy
Elves of Deep Shadow
8% of 684 decks
-3% synergy
Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
7% of 684 decks
+4% synergy
Golgari Thug
7% of 684 decks
+6% synergy
Timeless Witness
7% of 684 decks
+4% synergy
Skull Prophet
7% of 684 decks
+2% synergy
Ramunap Excavator
7% of 684 decks
+0% synergy
Syr Konrad, the Grim
7% of 684 decks
-2% synergy
Birds of Paradise
7% of 684 decks
-20% synergy
Aftermath Analyst
7% of 455 decks
+4% synergy
Izoni, Thousand-Eyed
7% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Underrealm Lich
6% of 684 decks
+3% synergy
Ignoble Hierarch
6% of 266 decks
-19% synergy
Sapphire Dragon
6% of 283 decks
+6% synergy
Reclamation Sage
6% of 684 decks
-4% synergy
Niv-Mizzet Reborn
6% of 191 decks
+4% synergy
Honest Rutstein
6% of 400 decks
+0% synergy
6% of 283 decks
+0% synergy
Stinkweed Imp
6% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Niv-Mizzet, Parun
6% of 205 decks
-2% synergy
Rhizome Lurcher
6% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Tatyova, Benthic Druid
6% of 283 decks
-7% synergy
6% of 266 decks
-0% synergy
Diligent Farmhand
6% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Glowspore Shaman
6% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Scute Swarm
6% of 684 decks
-4% synergy
Acidic Slime
5% of 684 decks
+2% synergy
Poison-Tip Archer
5% of 684 decks
+0% synergy
Etali, Primal Storm
5% of 266 decks
-4% synergy
General Ferrous Rokiric
5% of 195 decks
+3% synergy
Golgari Guildmage
5% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Lotleth Troll
5% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Forsake the Worldly
17% of 241 decks
+17% synergy
Wear // Tear
17% of 195 decks
+9% synergy
Blades of Velis Vel
17% of 266 decks
+16% synergy
Depose // Deploy
16% of 195 decks
+16% synergy
Ready // Willing
16% of 241 decks
+15% synergy
Countervailing Winds
16% of 283 decks
+15% synergy
Wings of Velis Vel
15% of 283 decks
+15% synergy
Said // Done
14% of 283 decks
+14% synergy
Golgari Charm
14% of 684 decks
+9% synergy
Invert // Invent
14% of 205 decks
+14% synergy
Grisly Salvage
14% of 684 decks
+9% synergy
14% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Assassin's Trophy
14% of 684 decks
-16% synergy
Beast Within
14% of 684 decks
-24% synergy
14% of 283 decks
+13% synergy
Protect // Serve
13% of 195 decks
+13% synergy
Profit // Loss
13% of 241 decks
+13% synergy
Assure // Assemble
13% of 241 decks
+13% synergy
Bound // Determined
13% of 283 decks
+13% synergy
13% of 283 decks
+12% synergy
Fire // Ice
13% of 205 decks
+12% synergy
Hit // Run
12% of 266 decks
+12% synergy
Status // Statue
12% of 684 decks
+11% synergy
Growth Spiral
12% of 283 decks
-10% synergy
Incubation // Incongruity
11% of 283 decks
+11% synergy
11% of 283 decks
-31% synergy
11% of 684 decks
+7% synergy
Refuse // Cooperate
11% of 205 decks
+11% synergy
Odds // Ends
10% of 191 decks
+10% synergy
Order // Chaos
10% of 195 decks
+10% synergy
Abrupt Decay
10% of 684 decks
-0% synergy
Integrity // Intervention
10% of 195 decks
+10% synergy
Gallifrey Falls // No More
10% of 147 decks
+9% synergy
Once and Future
9% of 684 decks
+9% synergy
Collision // Colossus
9% of 266 decks
+9% synergy
Spite // Malice
9% of 283 decks
+9% synergy
Izzet Charm
9% of 205 decks
+3% synergy
9% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
8% of 283 decks
-14% synergy
Roiling Regrowth
8% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Bedeck // Bedazzle
8% of 266 decks
+8% synergy
Drag to the Roots
8% of 247 decks
+5% synergy
Rakdos Charm
8% of 266 decks
-7% synergy
Swords to Plowshares
8% of 241 decks
-55% synergy
Sultai Charm
7% of 283 decks
+3% synergy
7% of 684 decks
+4% synergy
Trial // Error
7% of 195 decks
+7% synergy
Hide // Seek
7% of 195 decks
+7% synergy
Dovin's Veto
7% of 195 decks
-11% synergy
Eureka Moment
7% of 283 decks
+3% synergy
Catch // Release
18% of 191 decks
+18% synergy
Ondu Inversion
17% of 241 decks
+16% synergy
Dismantling Wave
16% of 241 decks
+15% synergy
Kodama's Reach
16% of 684 decks
-15% synergy
Bala Ged Recovery
15% of 684 decks
+6% synergy
Road // Ruin
15% of 266 decks
+14% synergy
Repudiate // Replicate
14% of 283 decks
+14% synergy
14% of 684 decks
-20% synergy
Consign // Oblivion
14% of 283 decks
+13% synergy
Connive // Concoct
14% of 283 decks
+13% synergy
Flotsam // Jetsam
14% of 194 decks
+13% synergy
Flesh // Blood
14% of 266 decks
+14% synergy
Alive // Well
14% of 241 decks
+14% synergy
14% of 684 decks
+13% synergy
Diabolic Tutor
14% of 684 decks
+7% synergy
Armed // Dangerous
14% of 266 decks
+13% synergy
Find // Finality
13% of 684 decks
+12% synergy
Consecrate // Consume
13% of 241 decks
+13% synergy
Warrant // Warden
13% of 195 decks
+13% synergy
Leave // Chance
13% of 195 decks
+13% synergy
Give // Take
13% of 283 decks
+12% synergy
Aether Gale
13% of 283 decks
+12% synergy
Supply // Demand
12% of 195 decks
+12% synergy
Response // Resurgence
12% of 195 decks
+10% synergy
12% of 684 decks
+3% synergy
Flower // Flourish
12% of 241 decks
+11% synergy
Urban Evolution
11% of 283 decks
+7% synergy
Thrash // Threat
11% of 266 decks
+11% synergy
Cease // Desist
11% of 152 decks
+11% synergy
Cut // Ribbons
11% of 266 decks
+10% synergy
Fuss // Bother
11% of 120 decks
+11% synergy
Search for Tomorrow
11% of 684 decks
+7% synergy
Push // Pull
11% of 122 decks
+11% synergy
Prepare // Fight
10% of 241 decks
+10% synergy
Gaze of Granite
10% of 684 decks
+9% synergy
Nature's Lore
10% of 684 decks
-22% synergy
Circuitous Route
10% of 684 decks
+8% synergy
Grind // Dust
10% of 241 decks
+10% synergy
Migration Path
10% of 684 decks
+7% synergy
Rags // Riches
10% of 283 decks
+9% synergy
Healing Technique
10% of 684 decks
+9% synergy
Jarad's Orders
10% of 684 decks
+8% synergy
Stump Stomp
9% of 127 decks
+3% synergy
Time Wipe
9% of 195 decks
+3% synergy
Crime // Punishment
9% of 241 decks
+9% synergy
Assault // Battery
9% of 266 decks
+9% synergy
Fast // Furious
9% of 266 decks
+9% synergy
Commit // Memory
9% of 283 decks
+7% synergy
Start // Finish
9% of 241 decks
+9% synergy
Carnival // Carnage
9% of 266 decks
+9% synergy
Utility Artifacts
Commander's Sphere
13% of 684 decks
-2% synergy
Swiftfoot Boots
12% of 684 decks
-15% synergy
Golgari Cluestone
11% of 684 decks
+11% synergy
Golgari Locket
8% of 684 decks
+7% synergy
Lightning Greaves
7% of 684 decks
-19% synergy
Arcane Encyclopedia
6% of 684 decks
+6% synergy
Hedron Archive
6% of 684 decks
+3% synergy
Conduit of Worlds
6% of 684 decks
+0% synergy
Dreamstone Hedron
6% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Ashnod's Altar
5% of 684 decks
-2% synergy
Astral Drift
15% of 241 decks
+15% synergy
Reconnaissance Mission
14% of 283 decks
+10% synergy
Tectonic Reformation
13% of 266 decks
+13% synergy
Deadbridge Chant
12% of 684 decks
+10% synergy
Roaring Furnace // Steaming Sauna
11% of 66 decks
+8% synergy
Moldervine Reclamation
10% of 684 decks
+1% synergy
Insidious Roots
7% of 453 decks
+1% synergy
Bonds of Mortality
7% of 684 decks
+6% synergy
Font of Fertility
7% of 684 decks
+6% synergy
Restricted Office // Lecture Hall
7% of 60 decks
+4% synergy
Doubling Season
6% of 684 decks
-3% synergy
Leyline of the Guildpact
6% of 122 decks
-10% synergy
Arguel's Blood Fast
6% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Binding the Old Gods
6% of 684 decks
-0% synergy
Golgari Germination
6% of 684 decks
+4% synergy
Charred Foyer // Warped Space
6% of 90 decks
+4% synergy
Vraska, Golgari Queen
6% of 684 decks
+3% synergy
Vraska the Unseen
6% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Utility Lands
Rogue's Passage
14% of 684 decks
-6% synergy
Drifting Meadow
12% of 241 decks
+11% synergy
Bojuka Bog
11% of 684 decks
-19% synergy
Smoldering Crater
11% of 266 decks
+10% synergy
Reliquary Tower
11% of 684 decks
-19% synergy
Remote Isle
9% of 283 decks
+8% synergy
Temple of the False God
9% of 684 decks
-1% synergy
Svogthos, the Restless Tomb
7% of 684 decks
+6% synergy
Mortuary Mire
7% of 684 decks
+2% synergy
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
6% of 684 decks
-4% synergy
Slippery Karst
6% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Polluted Mire
6% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Dakmor Salvage
5% of 684 decks
+3% synergy
Tranquil Thicket
5% of 684 decks
+2% synergy
Grim Backwoods
5% of 684 decks
+1% synergy
Mana Artifacts
Sol Ring
49% of 684 decks
-36% synergy
Arcane Signet
36% of 684 decks
-36% synergy
Ketria Crystal
20% of 205 decks
+19% synergy
Savai Crystal
20% of 195 decks
+19% synergy
Raugrin Crystal
20% of 191 decks
+18% synergy
Golgari Signet
18% of 684 decks
+6% synergy
Indatha Crystal
18% of 241 decks
+17% synergy
Zagoth Crystal
16% of 283 decks
+15% synergy
Chromatic Lantern
10% of 684 decks
+1% synergy
Golgari Keyrune
8% of 684 decks
+8% synergy
Fellwar Stone
7% of 684 decks
-14% synergy
Dimir Signet
7% of 283 decks
-22% synergy
Simic Signet
6% of 283 decks
-8% synergy
Gruul Signet
6% of 266 decks
-6% synergy
Bonder's Ornament
5% of 684 decks
+5% synergy
Command Tower
64% of 684 decks
-10% synergy
Evolving Wilds
37% of 684 decks
+16% synergy
Golgari Rot Farm
30% of 684 decks
+12% synergy
Exotic Orchard
28% of 684 decks
-7% synergy
Golgari Guildgate
27% of 684 decks
+21% synergy
Terramorphic Expanse
27% of 684 decks
+11% synergy
The World Tree
25% of 191 decks
-8% synergy
Jungle Hollow
24% of 684 decks
+15% synergy
Opulent Palace
23% of 283 decks
-4% synergy
Overgrown Tomb
23% of 684 decks
-19% synergy
Path of Ancestry
22% of 684 decks
+0% synergy
Temple of Malady
20% of 684 decks
+4% synergy
Temple Garden
19% of 241 decks
-21% synergy
Thriving Heath
18% of 241 decks
+15% synergy
Savage Lands
18% of 266 decks
-5% synergy
Stomping Ground
18% of 266 decks
-23% synergy
Irrigated Farmland
18% of 195 decks
+10% synergy
Breeding Pool
18% of 283 decks
-23% synergy
Watery Grave
17% of 283 decks
-24% synergy
Sandsteppe Citadel
17% of 241 decks
-9% synergy
Frontier Bivouac
17% of 205 decks
-11% synergy
Blood Crypt
17% of 266 decks
-22% synergy
Myriad Landscape
16% of 684 decks
-3% synergy
Woodland Cemetery
16% of 684 decks
-13% synergy
Steam Vents
16% of 205 decks
-23% synergy
Llanowar Wastes
15% of 684 decks
-10% synergy
Thriving Bluff
15% of 266 decks
+13% synergy
Godless Shrine
15% of 241 decks
-25% synergy
Orzhov Guildgate
15% of 241 decks
+10% synergy
Indatha Triome
15% of 241 decks
-16% synergy
Simic Guildgate
14% of 283 decks
+8% synergy
Sacred Foundry
14% of 195 decks
-21% synergy
Hallowed Fountain
14% of 195 decks
-26% synergy
Thriving Isle
14% of 283 decks
+11% synergy
Simic Growth Chamber
14% of 283 decks
-6% synergy
Selesnya Guildgate
14% of 241 decks
+9% synergy
Zagoth Triome
13% of 283 decks
-16% synergy
Azorius Guildgate
13% of 195 decks
+9% synergy
Ketria Triome
13% of 205 decks
-19% synergy
Dimir Guildgate
13% of 283 decks
+8% synergy
Boros Guildgate
13% of 195 decks
+8% synergy
Cinder Glade
13% of 266 decks
-26% synergy
Gruul Turf
12% of 266 decks
-3% synergy
Izzet Guildgate
12% of 205 decks
+7% synergy
Crumbling Necropolis
12% of 205 decks
-19% synergy
Tainted Wood
12% of 684 decks
-1% synergy
Rakdos Carnarium
12% of 266 decks
-2% synergy
Dimir Aqueduct
12% of 283 decks
-5% synergy
Seaside Citadel
12% of 195 decks
-15% synergy
Sunken Hollow
11% of 283 decks
-23% synergy