Banehound (Card)
In 8286 decks
0% of 2695414 decks
Indominus Rex, Alpha
41.32% of 5615 decks
2320 decks
Umbris, Fear Manifest
20.49% of 6033 decks
1236 decks
Rayami, First of the Fallen
62.82% of 780 decks
490 decks
Willowdusk, Essence Seer
20.84% of 1953 decks
407 decks
Ognis, the Dragon's Lash
5.20% of 5004 decks
260 decks
Dina, Soul Steeper
1.85% of 7883 decks
146 decks
K'rrik, Son of Yawgmoth
0.96% of 14758 decks
141 decks
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow
0.54% of 24538 decks
133 decks
Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose
3.23% of 3249 decks
105 decks
Kunoros, Hound of Athreos
32.40% of 287 decks
93 decks
Goro-Goro and Satoru
1.05% of 8156 decks
86 decks
Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor
2.45% of 2980 decks
73 decks
Gollum, Obsessed Stalker
4.33% of 1616 decks
70 decks
Amalia Benavides Aguirre
1.76% of 3923 decks
69 decks
Kathril, Aspect Warper
1.86% of 3179 decks
59 decks
Karlov of the Ghost Council
1.30% of 4155 decks
54 decks
Lazav, the Multifarious
3.75% of 1386 decks
52 decks
Nethroi, Apex of Death
0.79% of 5945 decks
47 decks
New Cards
Sab-Sunen, Luxa Embodied
16% of 298 decks
+16% synergy
Skyserpent Seeker
6% of 262 decks
+6% synergy
Wastewood Verge
5% of 402 decks
+2% synergy
Willowrush Verge
4% of 298 decks
+1% synergy
Bleachbone Verge
3% of 116 decks
-2% synergy
High Synergy Cards
83% of 3043 decks
+81% synergy
Leyline Prowler
65% of 4205 decks
+63% synergy
Wilson, Refined Grizzly
53% of 4205 decks
+53% synergy
Nightveil Predator
50% of 4898 decks
+50% synergy
Questing Beast
49% of 4205 decks
+47% synergy
End-Raze Forerunners
50% of 4205 decks
+47% synergy
Rhonas the Indomitable
44% of 4205 decks
+44% synergy
Kefnet the Mindful
42% of 4898 decks
+42% synergy
Vampire Nighthawk
39% of 8251 decks
+37% synergy
Baleful Strix
49% of 4898 decks
+36% synergy
Top Cards
58% of 4205 decks
+12% synergy
49% of 4898 decks
+6% synergy
48% of 4205 decks
+14% synergy
Rampant Growth
48% of 4205 decks
+14% synergy
Swords to Plowshares
46% of 1212 decks
-16% synergy
Beast Within
42% of 4205 decks
+4% synergy
Kodama's Reach
42% of 4205 decks
+11% synergy
Glissa Sunslayer
40% of 4205 decks
+36% synergy
Nature's Lore
40% of 4205 decks
+8% synergy
Birds of Paradise
39% of 4205 decks
+12% synergy
Game Changers
Rhystic Study
19% of 4898 decks
-8% synergy
Cyclonic Rift
19% of 4898 decks
-8% synergy
Fierce Guardianship
13% of 4898 decks
-5% synergy
Smothering Tithe
13% of 1212 decks
-11% synergy
Demonic Tutor
13% of 8251 decks
-9% synergy
Vampiric Tutor
9% of 8251 decks
-8% synergy
Bolas's Citadel
9% of 8251 decks
-0% synergy
Enlightened Tutor
7% of 1212 decks
-11% synergy
Jeska's Will
6% of 975 decks
-11% synergy
Nighthawk Scavenger
36% of 8251 decks
+33% synergy
Gurmag Swiftwing
32% of 8251 decks
+32% synergy
Beastcaller Savant
31% of 4205 decks
+30% synergy
Stonehoof Chieftain
31% of 4205 decks
+30% synergy
Bassara Tower Archer
30% of 4205 decks
+30% synergy
Elder Gargaroth
29% of 4205 decks
+28% synergy
Galewind Moose
29% of 1767 decks
+29% synergy
Sylvan Caryatid
29% of 4205 decks
+27% synergy
The Mimeoplasm
28% of 3043 decks
+27% synergy
Mirri the Cursed
28% of 8251 decks
+28% synergy
Ruby, Daring Tracker
28% of 334 decks
+25% synergy
Samut, Vizier of Naktamun
28% of 372 decks
+26% synergy
Scavenged Brawler
28% of 8252 decks
+27% synergy
Atalan Jackal
27% of 404 decks
+25% synergy
Grand Warlord Radha
26% of 404 decks
+25% synergy
Sagu Mauler
26% of 3043 decks
+26% synergy
Goldvein Hydra
26% of 2409 decks
+24% synergy
Toski, Bearer of Secrets
25% of 4205 decks
+18% synergy
Yarok, the Desecrated
25% of 3043 decks
+22% synergy
Ramunap Hydra
25% of 4205 decks
+25% synergy
Vengeful Reaper
25% of 8251 decks
+24% synergy
Carnage Tyrant
24% of 4205 decks
+23% synergy
Deathleaper, Terror Weapon
24% of 404 decks
+23% synergy
Nightshade Dryad
24% of 2011 decks
+22% synergy
Weeping Angel
24% of 4325 decks
+23% synergy
Bontu the Glorified
23% of 8251 decks
+23% synergy
Bloodbraid Elf
23% of 404 decks
+21% synergy
Cragplate Baloth
22% of 4205 decks
+22% synergy
Nullpriest of Oblivion
22% of 8251 decks
+21% synergy
Tower Winder
22% of 2387 decks
+21% synergy
Healer's Hawk
20% of 1212 decks
+19% synergy
Tayam, Luminous Enigma
20% of 266 decks
+20% synergy
Soul Warden
20% of 1212 decks
+15% synergy
Sire of Seven Deaths
20% of 2006 decks
+18% synergy
Captain Lannery Storm
19% of 975 decks
+16% synergy
Loyal Apprentice
19% of 975 decks
+15% synergy
Rin and Seri, Inseparable
19% of 86 decks
+18% synergy
Grazilaxx, Illithid Scholar
18% of 4898 decks
+16% synergy
Phoenix Chick
18% of 975 decks
+17% synergy
Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
18% of 1212 decks
+7% synergy
Kathril, Aspect Warper
17% of 266 decks
+17% synergy
Alpha Deathclaw
17% of 3524 decks
+15% synergy
Sophia, Dogged Detective
17% of 65 decks
+17% synergy
Spark Double
17% of 4898 decks
+10% synergy
Jolene, the Plunder Queen
17% of 404 decks
+15% synergy
Wulfgar of Icewind Dale
17% of 404 decks
+15% synergy
Ignoble Hierarch
16% of 404 decks
-9% synergy
Nethroi, Apex of Death
16% of 266 decks
+14% synergy
Selfless Savior
16% of 1212 decks
+15% synergy
Spirited Companion
16% of 1212 decks
+12% synergy
Path to Exile
36% of 1212 decks
-10% synergy
Assassin's Trophy
35% of 4205 decks
+4% synergy
Growth Spiral
29% of 3043 decks
+7% synergy
27% of 4898 decks
+5% synergy
26% of 974 decks
+5% synergy
25% of 1212 decks
+10% synergy
Dark Ritual
25% of 8251 decks
+2% synergy
Heroic Intervention
24% of 4205 decks
-6% synergy
24% of 4205 decks
+8% synergy
21% of 1212 decks
+9% synergy
Chaos Warp
21% of 975 decks
-11% synergy
Abzan Charm
20% of 266 decks
+15% synergy
Void Rend
19% of 211 decks
+5% synergy
Anguished Unmaking
19% of 1212 decks
-5% synergy
Revitalizing Repast
18% of 2087 decks
+10% synergy
18% of 1212 decks
+11% synergy
Generous Gift
17% of 1212 decks
-8% synergy
Boros Charm
15% of 238 decks
-10% synergy
Riveteers Charm
15% of 404 decks
+11% synergy
Sultai Charm
14% of 3043 decks
+10% synergy
Gift of the Viper
14% of 2011 decks
+12% synergy
Arcane Denial
14% of 4898 decks
-6% synergy
Mythos of Nethroi
14% of 266 decks
+12% synergy
An Offer You Can't Refuse
14% of 4898 decks
-7% synergy
14% of 974 decks
-0% synergy
Lightning Bolt
13% of 975 decks
+2% synergy
13% of 975 decks
+2% synergy
Rakdos Charm
13% of 974 decks
-2% synergy
13% of 4898 decks
-8% synergy
Return of the Wildspeaker
13% of 4205 decks
-1% synergy
12% of 4205 decks
+9% synergy
Dovin's Veto
12% of 211 decks
-6% synergy
Thrill of Possibility
12% of 975 decks
+2% synergy
Crackling Doom
12% of 238 decks
+4% synergy
Reality Shift
12% of 4898 decks
+3% synergy
Shadow of the Grave
11% of 8251 decks
+11% synergy
Deadly Rollick
11% of 8251 decks
+0% synergy
Village Rites
11% of 8251 decks
+1% synergy
10% of 4898 decks
+10% synergy
Teferi's Protection
10% of 1212 decks
-10% synergy
Utter End
10% of 1212 decks
+3% synergy
Planar Incision
10% of 4898 decks
+8% synergy
Ghostly Flicker
10% of 4898 decks
+5% synergy
Big Score
9% of 975 decks
+0% synergy
Mana Drain
9% of 4898 decks
-6% synergy
Teferi's Time Twist
9% of 4898 decks
+7% synergy
9% of 8251 decks
+5% synergy
8% of 4898 decks
+3% synergy
Deadly Dispute
8% of 8251 decks
-3% synergy
Infernal Grasp
8% of 8251 decks
+1% synergy
Three Visits
28% of 4205 decks
+4% synergy
Eerie Ultimatum
26% of 266 decks
+14% synergy
Blasphemous Act
20% of 975 decks
-13% synergy
20% of 8251 decks
+4% synergy
Tasha's Hideous Laughter
20% of 4898 decks
+18% synergy
Living Death
19% of 8251 decks
+14% synergy
Feed the Swarm
18% of 8251 decks
+0% synergy
Selective Adaptation
16% of 4205 decks
+16% synergy
Ruinous Ultimatum
16% of 238 decks
-2% synergy
16% of 1212 decks
+0% synergy
Toxic Deluge
15% of 8251 decks
-3% synergy
15% of 8251 decks
+3% synergy
14% of 266 decks
+11% synergy
Maddening Cacophony
14% of 4898 decks
+12% synergy
14% of 1212 decks
+8% synergy
Sign in Blood
13% of 8251 decks
+4% synergy
Faithless Looting
13% of 975 decks
-3% synergy
Fractured Sanity
12% of 4898 decks
+10% synergy
Culling Ritual
12% of 4205 decks
+1% synergy
12% of 3043 decks
+7% synergy
Debt to the Deathless
11% of 1212 decks
+7% synergy
11% of 8251 decks
+3% synergy
Mythos of Snapdax
11% of 238 decks
+7% synergy
Austere Command
10% of 1212 decks
-3% synergy
Read the Bones
10% of 8251 decks
+2% synergy
10% of 975 decks
-6% synergy
10% of 1212 decks
-3% synergy
Curse of the Swine
10% of 4898 decks
+5% synergy
Rise of the Dark Realms
10% of 8251 decks
+6% synergy
Song of Totentanz
9% of 779 decks
+7% synergy
9% of 1212 decks
+6% synergy
Squirming Emergence
9% of 3446 decks
+7% synergy
Release the Dogs
9% of 1212 decks
+9% synergy
Kaya's Wrath
9% of 1212 decks
+6% synergy
Night's Whisper
9% of 8251 decks
-0% synergy
Rishkar's Expertise
9% of 4205 decks
-2% synergy
Supreme Verdict
9% of 211 decks
-5% synergy
Diabolic Tutor
8% of 8251 decks
+2% synergy
8% of 404 decks
-0% synergy
8% of 8251 decks
+2% synergy
8% of 4898 decks
-5% synergy
Bala Ged Recovery
8% of 4205 decks
-1% synergy
7% of 404 decks
+5% synergy
Skyshroud Claim
7% of 4205 decks
-2% synergy
Mandate of Abaddon
7% of 8251 decks
+6% synergy
Wrath of God
7% of 1212 decks
+0% synergy
Call of the Nightwing
7% of 4898 decks
+6% synergy
Mind Grind
6% of 4898 decks
+5% synergy
Mythos of Brokkos
6% of 3043 decks
+4% synergy
Primal Growth
6% of 4205 decks
+5% synergy
Utility Artifacts
Swiftfoot Boots
27% of 8252 decks
-1% synergy
Lightning Greaves
24% of 8252 decks
-1% synergy
Commander's Sphere
17% of 8252 decks
+2% synergy
The Ozolith
15% of 8252 decks
+12% synergy
The Great Henge
15% of 4205 decks
+5% synergy
Mind Stone
12% of 8252 decks
-5% synergy
Luxior, Giada's Gift
12% of 8252 decks
+11% synergy
Blackblade Reforged
10% of 8252 decks
+6% synergy
The Skullspore Nexus
10% of 3702 decks
+7% synergy
Urabrask's Forge
10% of 975 decks
+8% synergy
Whispersilk Cloak
9% of 8252 decks
+5% synergy
Mardu Banner
9% of 238 decks
+7% synergy
9% of 8252 decks
+7% synergy
Stone of Erech
9% of 7531 decks
+8% synergy
Wayfarer's Bauble
7% of 8252 decks
-3% synergy
7% of 8252 decks
+3% synergy
Fist of Suns
7% of 75 decks
-0% synergy
Tormod's Crypt
6% of 8252 decks
+6% synergy
Agent's Toolkit
6% of 3043 decks
+6% synergy
Diamond Pick-Axe
6% of 692 decks
+4% synergy
Soul-Guide Lantern
6% of 8252 decks
+5% synergy
6% of 8252 decks
+4% synergy
Bontu's Monument
6% of 8252 decks
+4% synergy
Lantern of the Lost
6% of 8252 decks
+6% synergy
Abzan Banner
6% of 266 decks
+5% synergy
Jet Medallion
5% of 8252 decks
+3% synergy
Whip of Erebos
5% of 8251 decks
+2% synergy
Aetherflux Reservoir
5% of 8252 decks
+2% synergy
Basilisk Collar
5% of 8252 decks
+2% synergy
5% of 8252 decks
+2% synergy
Power Fist
5% of 2617 decks
+3% synergy
Alhammarret's Archive
5% of 8252 decks
+3% synergy
Rhythm of the Wild
26% of 404 decks
+3% synergy
Fires of Yavimaya
17% of 404 decks
+14% synergy
Phyrexian Arena
16% of 8251 decks
+0% synergy
Authority of the Consuls
15% of 1212 decks
+11% synergy
Blind Obedience
15% of 1212 decks
+8% synergy
Oversold Cemetery
14% of 8251 decks
+12% synergy
Stimulus Package
14% of 404 decks
+13% synergy
Leyline of the Guildpact
13% of 52 decks
-2% synergy
Cleric Class
13% of 1212 decks
+11% synergy
Endless Evil
13% of 4898 decks
+12% synergy
Death's Oasis
13% of 266 decks
+12% synergy
Aqueous Form
13% of 4898 decks
+9% synergy
Brokers Ascendancy
13% of 95 decks
+6% synergy
Animate Dead
12% of 8251 decks
+3% synergy
Garruk's Uprising
12% of 4205 decks
-4% synergy
Leyline of the Void
12% of 8251 decks
+11% synergy
Ghostly Prison
11% of 1212 decks
-0% synergy
Sanguine Bond
11% of 8251 decks
+5% synergy
Leyline of Mutation
10% of 29 decks
+4% synergy
Rising of the Day
10% of 854 decks
+5% synergy
Dawn of Hope
10% of 1212 decks
+8% synergy
Ajani's Welcome
9% of 1212 decks
+8% synergy
Virtue of Persistence
9% of 7043 decks
+7% synergy
Phyrexian Reclamation
9% of 8251 decks
+6% synergy
Sylvan Library
8% of 4205 decks
-3% synergy
Mirari's Wake
8% of 266 decks
-5% synergy
Reflections of Littjara
8% of 4898 decks
+3% synergy
Daring Piracy
8% of 975 decks
+7% synergy
Evolutionary Leap
8% of 4205 decks
+6% synergy
Lunar Convocation
8% of 548 decks
+5% synergy
Impact Tremors
7% of 975 decks
-3% synergy
Kaya's Ghostform
7% of 8251 decks
+3% synergy
Exquisite Blood
7% of 8251 decks
+2% synergy
Mystic Remora
7% of 4898 decks
-11% synergy
Journey to Eternity
7% of 4205 decks
+4% synergy
Black Market Connections
7% of 8251 decks
-4% synergy
Etchings of the Chosen
7% of 1212 decks
+3% synergy
Guardian Project
7% of 4205 decks
-2% synergy
6% of 4898 decks
-6% synergy
Abzan Ascendancy
6% of 266 decks
+5% synergy
Land Tax
6% of 1212 decks
-0% synergy
Bleeding Effect
6% of 584 decks
+5% synergy
6% of 8251 decks
+4% synergy
Warleader's Call
6% of 160 decks
-2% synergy
Web of Inertia
6% of 4898 decks
+6% synergy
Elemental Mastery
6% of 975 decks
+6% synergy
Planar Void
6% of 8251 decks
+6% synergy
Always Watching
5% of 1212 decks
+5% synergy
Communal Brewing
5% of 1731 decks
+4% synergy
Ajani's Mantra
5% of 1212 decks
+5% synergy
Ashiok, Nightmare Muse
20% of 4898 decks
+19% synergy
Ashiok, Dream Render
18% of 4898 decks
+15% synergy
Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver
11% of 4898 decks
+11% synergy
Xenagos, the Reveler
8% of 404 decks
+5% synergy
Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord
7% of 1212 decks
+5% synergy
Chandra, Acolyte of Flame
6% of 975 decks
+5% synergy
Comet, Stellar Pup
6% of 238 decks
+5% synergy
Samut, Tyrant Smasher
5% of 404 decks
+5% synergy
Utility Lands
Rogue's Passage
38% of 8252 decks
+18% synergy
Reliquary Tower
33% of 8252 decks
+3% synergy
Bojuka Bog
33% of 8251 decks
+3% synergy
Vault of the Archangel
16% of 1212 decks
+5% synergy
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth
16% of 8252 decks
+6% synergy
Boseiju, Who Endures
13% of 4205 decks
-6% synergy
Kessig Wolf Run
13% of 404 decks
-3% synergy
Gavony Township
12% of 266 decks
+2% synergy
Cabal Coffers
10% of 8251 decks
-0% synergy
Temple of the False God
10% of 8252 decks
-0% synergy
Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth
9% of 8252 decks
+0% synergy
Otawara, Soaring City
9% of 4898 decks
-7% synergy
Slayers' Stronghold
9% of 238 decks
+3% synergy
Restless Fortress
9% of 1000 decks
+6% synergy
Takenuma, Abandoned Mire
8% of 8251 decks
-2% synergy
Nesting Grounds
7% of 8252 decks
+5% synergy
Shambling Vent
6% of 1212 decks
+5% synergy
Nephalia Drownyard
6% of 4898 decks
+3% synergy
Llanowar Reborn
6% of 4205 decks
+4% synergy
Command Beacon
6% of 8252 decks
+1% synergy
Mortuary Mire
6% of 8251 decks
+1% synergy
High Market
6% of 8252 decks
+3% synergy
Scavenger Grounds
6% of 8252 decks
+2% synergy
Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance
5% of 975 decks
+1% synergy
Radiant Fountain
5% of 8252 decks
+4% synergy
Castle Locthwain
5% of 8251 decks
+0% synergy
Shizo, Death's Storehouse
5% of 8251 decks
+0% synergy
Mana Artifacts
Sol Ring
79% of 8252 decks
-5% synergy
Arcane Signet
69% of 8252 decks
-3% synergy
Orzhov Signet
31% of 1212 decks
+4% synergy
Dimir Signet
29% of 4898 decks
-0% synergy
Rakdos Signet
25% of 974 decks
-4% synergy
Golgari Signet
22% of 4205 decks
+10% synergy
Simic Signet
20% of 3043 decks
+6% synergy
Talisman of Hierarchy
20% of 1212 decks
-5% synergy
Thought Vessel
20% of 8252 decks
+3% synergy
Boros Signet
19% of 238 decks
-4% synergy
Talisman of Dominance
18% of 4898 decks
-14% synergy
Gruul Signet
18% of 404 decks
+6% synergy
Izzet Signet
16% of 239 decks
-12% synergy
Talisman of Creativity
15% of 239 decks
-13% synergy
Talisman of Resilience
14% of 4205 decks
+2% synergy
Talisman of Indulgence
14% of 974 decks
-13% synergy
Azorius Signet
13% of 211 decks
-12% synergy
Fellwar Stone
13% of 8252 decks
-8% synergy
Talisman of Progress
12% of 211 decks
-12% synergy
Talisman of Conviction
10% of 238 decks
-14% synergy
Timeless Lotus
9% of 75 decks
-3% synergy
Talisman of Curiosity
9% of 3043 decks
-4% synergy
Charcoal Diamond
8% of 8251 decks
+3% synergy
Selesnya Signet
7% of 266 decks
-1% synergy
Indatha Crystal
7% of 266 decks
+6% synergy
Marble Diamond
6% of 1212 decks
+2% synergy
Chromatic Lantern
6% of 8252 decks
-4% synergy
Cursed Mirror
6% of 975 decks
+0% synergy
Decanter of Endless Water
6% of 8252 decks
+1% synergy
Talisman of Impulse
5% of 404 decks
-4% synergy
Pristine Talisman
5% of 8252 decks
+4% synergy
Fire Diamond
5% of 975 decks
-0% synergy
Command Tower
73% of 8252 decks
-1% synergy
Opulent Palace
60% of 3043 decks
+33% synergy
Zagoth Triome
47% of 3043 decks
+18% synergy
Sunken Hollow
46% of 4898 decks
+12% synergy
Hinterland Harbor
45% of 3043 decks
+16% synergy
Breeding Pool
42% of 3043 decks
+1% synergy
Rejuvenating Springs
41% of 3043 decks
+13% synergy
Woodland Cemetery
41% of 4205 decks
+12% synergy
Overgrown Tomb
40% of 4205 decks
-2% synergy
Sandsteppe Citadel
39% of 266 decks
+14% synergy
Watery Grave
38% of 4898 decks
-2% synergy
Savage Lands
38% of 404 decks
+15% synergy
Yavimaya Coast
37% of 3043 decks
+10% synergy
Drowned Catacomb
37% of 4898 decks
+10% synergy
Llanowar Wastes
36% of 4205 decks
+10% synergy
Indatha Triome
36% of 266 decks
+6% synergy
Undergrowth Stadium
35% of 4205 decks
+10% synergy
Cinder Glade
34% of 404 decks
-4% synergy
Exotic Orchard
34% of 8252 decks
-2% synergy
Nomad Outpost
33% of 238 decks
+5% synergy
Scoured Barrens
33% of 1212 decks
+24% synergy
Isolated Chapel
33% of 1212 decks
+4% synergy
Smoldering Marsh
32% of 974 decks
-1% synergy
Crumbling Necropolis
32% of 239 decks
+1% synergy
Arcane Sanctum
32% of 211 decks
+4% synergy
Dreamroot Cascade
31% of 3043 decks
+13% synergy
Morphic Pool
31% of 4898 decks
+5% synergy
Caves of Koilos
31% of 1212 decks
+2% synergy
Foreboding Landscape
30% of 1514 decks
+22% synergy
Savai Triome
29% of 238 decks
+3% synergy
Canopy Vista
29% of 266 decks
-8% synergy
Godless Shrine
29% of 1212 decks
-12% synergy
Orzhov Basilica
29% of 1212 decks
+12% synergy
Spara's Headquarters
27% of 95 decks
-3% synergy
Temple of Silence
27% of 1212 decks
+8% synergy
Shipwreck Marsh
26% of 4898 decks
+8% synergy
Raffine's Tower
26% of 211 decks
-0% synergy
Hallowed Fountain
26% of 211 decks
-14% synergy
Xander's Lounge
25% of 239 decks
-1% synergy
Dragonskull Summit
25% of 974 decks
-6% synergy
Temple of Deceit
25% of 4898 decks
+8% synergy
Ziatora's Proving Ground
25% of 404 decks
-5% synergy
Evolving Wilds
25% of 8252 decks
+4% synergy
Sacred Foundry
24% of 238 decks
-11% synergy
The World Tree
24% of 75 decks
-9% synergy
Temple of Malady
24% of 4205 decks
+7% synergy
Steam Vents
23% of 239 decks
-16% synergy
Ketria Triome
23% of 79 decks
-9% synergy
Tainted Field
22% of 1212 decks
+8% synergy
Temple Garden
22% of 266 decks
-18% synergy