Academy Raider (Card)

Academy Raider
In 885 decks 0% of 2598634 decks
Trent Trombley
Jul 3, 2020
Evasive Maneuvers - Fear and Intimidate
How effective are evasive keywords in Commander? Let's sneak through and find out!
Commander Spellbook
Captain Howler, Sea Scourge
0.30% of 2668 decks 8 decks
Top Commanders
Gornog, the Red Reaper
4.38% of 1348 decks 59 decks
Lovisa Coldeyes
5.71% of 735 decks 42 decks
Brallin, Skyshark Rider // Shabraz, the Skyshark
0.95% of 2961 decks 28 decks
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
0.42% of 5946 decks 25 decks
Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate
1.21% of 1904 decks 23 decks
Najeela, the Blade-Blossom
0.20% of 10993 decks 22 decks
Marisi, Breaker of the Coil
0.48% of 4184 decks 20 decks
0.44% of 3601 decks 16 decks
Rakdos, Lord of Riots
0.17% of 7839 decks 13 decks
Grenzo, Havoc Raiser
1.55% of 710 decks 11 decks
Théoden, King of Rohan
1.53% of 653 decks 10 decks
Niv-Mizzet, Parun
0.07% of 15110 decks 10 decks
Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner
1.52% of 593 decks 9 decks
Heiko Yamazaki, the General
5.62% of 160 decks 9 decks
Arabella, Abandoned Doll
0.09% of 8433 decks 8 decks
Bladewing, Deathless Tyrant
0.62% of 1281 decks 8 decks
Aurelia, the Warleader
0.19% of 3707 decks 7 decks
New Cards
Boosted Sloop
17% of 23 decks +16% synergy
Captain Howler, Sea Scourge
13% of 23 decks +12% synergy
Riverpyre Verge
13% of 23 decks +10% synergy
Marauding Mako
7% of 112 decks +6% synergy
Avishkar Raceway
6% of 112 decks +6% synergy
High Synergy Cards
Alesha, Who Smiles at Death
28% of 90 decks +25% synergy
Chief of the Edge
22% of 90 decks +22% synergy
Chief of the Scale
20% of 90 decks +20% synergy
Baylen, the Haymaker
22% of 32 decks +19% synergy
Azra Oddsmaker
19% of 295 decks +18% synergy
Ankle Shanker
19% of 90 decks +17% synergy
Archetype of Aggression
18% of 879 decks +17% synergy
Derevi, Empyrial Tactician
20% of 35 decks +17% synergy
Faithless Looting
33% of 879 decks +16% synergy
Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist
19% of 73 decks +16% synergy
Top Cards
39% of 177 decks -7% synergy
Swords to Plowshares
39% of 280 decks -24% synergy
35% of 193 decks -7% synergy
Rampant Growth
33% of 177 decks -1% synergy
Path to Exile
29% of 280 decks -17% synergy
Chaos Warp
25% of 879 decks -6% synergy
Blasphemous Act
25% of 879 decks -8% synergy
Thrill of Possibility
25% of 879 decks +14% synergy
Kodama's Reach
24% of 177 decks -7% synergy
24% of 879 decks +12% synergy
Game Changers
Rhystic Study
18% of 193 decks -10% synergy
Jeska's Will
10% of 879 decks -7% synergy
Fierce Guardianship
10% of 193 decks -8% synergy
Cyclonic Rift
9% of 193 decks -18% synergy
Demonic Tutor
8% of 295 decks -14% synergy
Enlightened Tutor
5% of 280 decks -12% synergy
Smothering Tithe
5% of 280 decks -19% synergy
Vampiric Tutor
5% of 295 decks -13% synergy
Ignoble Hierarch
23% of 70 decks -2% synergy
Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar
20% of 54 decks +6% synergy
Professional Face-Breaker
19% of 879 decks +10% synergy
Llanowar Elves
18% of 177 decks -3% synergy
Champion of Lambholt
18% of 177 decks +11% synergy
Perforating Artist
17% of 109 decks +16% synergy
Avacyn's Pilgrim
16% of 73 decks +2% synergy
Goblin Electromancer
16% of 193 decks +7% synergy
Marneus Calgar
16% of 32 decks +14% synergy
Goblin Anarchomancer
15% of 177 decks +1% synergy
Accursed Marauder
14% of 182 decks +9% synergy
Chainer, Nightmare Adept
14% of 295 decks +9% synergy
Toski, Bearer of Secrets
14% of 177 decks +7% synergy
Aven Wind Guide
14% of 79 decks +13% synergy
Shanna, Sisay's Legacy
14% of 73 decks +13% synergy
Birds of Paradise
14% of 177 decks -14% synergy
Combat Celebrant
14% of 879 decks +11% synergy
Kargan Intimidator
13% of 879 decks +13% synergy
Sakura-Tribe Elder
13% of 177 decks -5% synergy
Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind
13% of 193 decks +9% synergy
The Locust God
13% of 193 decks +8% synergy
Niv-Mizzet, Parun
13% of 193 decks +5% synergy
Ohran Frostfang
12% of 177 decks +7% synergy
Brutal Hordechief
12% of 90 decks +10% synergy
12% of 879 decks +6% synergy
Gutless Plunderer
12% of 107 decks +12% synergy
Alesha, Who Laughs at Fate
12% of 109 decks +8% synergy
Academy Wall
12% of 193 decks +12% synergy
Beast Whisperer
12% of 177 decks +0% synergy
Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion
12% of 879 decks +11% synergy
Star Athlete
12% of 397 decks +10% synergy
Aurelia, the Law Above
11% of 202 decks +7% synergy
Solemn Simulacrum
11% of 879 decks -2% synergy
Brighthearth Banneret
11% of 879 decks +11% synergy
Maja, Bretagard Protector
11% of 73 decks +7% synergy
Surrak Dragonclaw
11% of 55 decks +5% synergy
Anje Falkenrath
11% of 295 decks +10% synergy
Syr Konrad, the Grim
11% of 295 decks +2% synergy
Anep, Vizier of Hazoret
10% of 324 decks +10% synergy
Elvish Mystic
10% of 177 decks -7% synergy
Ognis, the Dragon's Lash
10% of 70 decks +9% synergy
Frontier Warmonger
10% of 879 decks +9% synergy
Ancient Silver Dragon
10% of 193 decks +7% synergy
Aclazotz, Deepest Betrayal
10% of 228 decks +8% synergy
Gahiji, Honored One
10% of 73 decks +9% synergy
Ivora, Insatiable Heir
10% of 324 decks +9% synergy
Baleful Strix
10% of 63 decks -3% synergy
Enduring Curiosity
9% of 87 decks +5% synergy
Blood-Chin Rager
9% of 295 decks +9% synergy
Archfiend of Ifnir
9% of 295 decks +7% synergy
Beast Within
23% of 177 decks -15% synergy
23% of 295 decks +2% synergy
22% of 193 decks +1% synergy
20% of 193 decks -3% synergy
Frantic Search
19% of 193 decks +7% synergy
Boros Charm
19% of 280 decks -6% synergy
Crackling Doom
18% of 90 decks +10% synergy
Generous Gift
17% of 280 decks -8% synergy
Anguished Unmaking
17% of 90 decks -7% synergy
Naya Charm
16% of 73 decks +9% synergy
16% of 67 decks +14% synergy
Big Score
16% of 879 decks +7% synergy
Rakdos Charm
16% of 295 decks +2% synergy
Demand Answers
16% of 642 decks +10% synergy
Assassin's Trophy
16% of 70 decks -14% synergy
Izzet Charm
16% of 193 decks +10% synergy
Lightning Bolt
15% of 879 decks +5% synergy
15% of 295 decks +1% synergy
14% of 90 decks -1% synergy
Dark Ritual
14% of 295 decks -8% synergy
Heroic Intervention
14% of 177 decks -16% synergy
Arcane Denial
14% of 193 decks -6% synergy
An Offer You Can't Refuse
13% of 193 decks -7% synergy
13% of 70 decks -3% synergy
Dire Tactics
12% of 90 decks +11% synergy
12% of 90 decks +0% synergy
Unexpected Windfall
11% of 879 decks +5% synergy
Dovin's Veto
11% of 79 decks -7% synergy
Village Rites
11% of 295 decks +1% synergy
Untimely Malfunction
11% of 408 decks +3% synergy
10% of 177 decks +1% synergy
Faithful Mending
10% of 79 decks +8% synergy
10% of 193 decks +0% synergy
Deadly Dispute
10% of 295 decks -1% synergy
Return of the Wildspeaker
10% of 177 decks -3% synergy
Wear // Tear
9% of 280 decks +1% synergy
Stroke of Midnight
9% of 225 decks -1% synergy
Deflecting Swat
9% of 879 decks -7% synergy
Flawless Maneuver
9% of 280 decks -1% synergy
Return to Nature
8% of 177 decks +2% synergy
Eladamri's Call
8% of 73 decks -2% synergy
8% of 295 decks +5% synergy
Great Train Heist
8% of 561 decks +5% synergy
Hunter's Insight
8% of 177 decks +4% synergy
Nature's Claim
8% of 177 decks -1% synergy
Unbreakable Formation
8% of 280 decks +1% synergy
Akroma's Will
8% of 280 decks -2% synergy
Mana Drain
8% of 193 decks -7% synergy
Legion Leadership
7% of 149 decks +2% synergy
7% of 177 decks +4% synergy
23% of 177 decks -11% synergy
Cathartic Reunion
15% of 879 decks +11% synergy
Nature's Lore
15% of 177 decks -17% synergy
Feed the Swarm
15% of 295 decks -3% synergy
14% of 879 decks -1% synergy
14% of 295 decks +2% synergy
13% of 177 decks +4% synergy
Tormenting Voice
13% of 879 decks +10% synergy
Ruinous Ultimatum
12% of 90 decks -6% synergy
11% of 193 decks -1% synergy
Ancestral Reminiscence
11% of 145 decks +11% synergy
Sign in Blood
11% of 295 decks +1% synergy
Austere Command
10% of 280 decks -3% synergy
10% of 193 decks -1% synergy
Buried Alive
10% of 295 decks +4% synergy
10% of 177 decks +0% synergy
Grab the Prize
9% of 404 decks +6% synergy
9% of 90 decks -7% synergy
Terminal Agony
9% of 295 decks +8% synergy
Read the Bones
9% of 295 decks +1% synergy
Enter the Enigma
9% of 82 decks +6% synergy
8% of 193 decks -4% synergy
Blasphemous Edict
8% of 109 decks -0% synergy
Seize the Spoils
8% of 879 decks +5% synergy
Three Visits
8% of 177 decks -17% synergy
Diabolic Tutor
8% of 295 decks +2% synergy
Relentless Assault
8% of 879 decks +5% synergy
Call to the Netherworld
7% of 295 decks +7% synergy
Crash Through
7% of 879 decks +6% synergy
7% of 879 decks -3% synergy
7% of 280 decks -6% synergy
Night's Whisper
7% of 295 decks -2% synergy
7% of 295 decks -9% synergy
Mana Geyser
7% of 879 decks +0% synergy
Bone Shards
6% of 295 decks +5% synergy
Taunt from the Rampart
6% of 246 decks +3% synergy
Disrupt Decorum
6% of 879 decks +3% synergy
Chain Reaction
6% of 879 decks +1% synergy
6% of 295 decks +2% synergy
Explosive Vegetation
6% of 177 decks +2% synergy
6% of 177 decks -3% synergy
Shamanic Revelation
6% of 177 decks -3% synergy
Rishkar's Expertise
6% of 177 decks -5% synergy
Act of Treason
6% of 879 decks +5% synergy
Rite of Oblivion
6% of 90 decks +3% synergy
Mythos of Snapdax
6% of 90 decks +2% synergy
Full Throttle
5% of 112 decks +4% synergy
Wild Guess
5% of 879 decks +5% synergy
Day's Undoing
5% of 193 decks +5% synergy
Compulsive Research
5% of 193 decks +4% synergy
Utility Artifacts
Commander's Sphere
22% of 879 decks +7% synergy
Swiftfoot Boots
22% of 879 decks -6% synergy
Mind Stone
19% of 879 decks +2% synergy
Lightning Greaves
15% of 879 decks -10% synergy
Hazoret's Monument
14% of 879 decks +13% synergy
Wayfarer's Bauble
11% of 879 decks +1% synergy
Ruby Medallion
10% of 879 decks +8% synergy
Mask of Memory
9% of 879 decks +7% synergy
Rakdos Cluestone
8% of 295 decks +7% synergy
Mardu Banner
8% of 90 decks +6% synergy
Bident of Thassa
8% of 193 decks +1% synergy
Golgari Cluestone
7% of 70 decks +7% synergy
Boros Cluestone
7% of 280 decks +6% synergy
Beamtown Beatstick
7% of 841 decks +6% synergy
Whispersilk Cloak
7% of 879 decks +3% synergy
Sword of the Animist
7% of 879 decks +2% synergy
Assassin Gauntlet
7% of 107 decks +6% synergy
Izzet Locket
6% of 193 decks +5% synergy
Obsidian Battle-Axe
6% of 879 decks +6% synergy
The Great Henge
6% of 177 decks -4% synergy
Rakdos Locket
5% of 295 decks +4% synergy
Izzet Cluestone
5% of 193 decks +5% synergy
Azorius Cluestone
5% of 79 decks +5% synergy
Dolmen Gate
5% of 879 decks +4% synergy
Vanquisher's Banner
5% of 879 decks +1% synergy
Rhythm of the Wild
15% of 177 decks -8% synergy
12% of 193 decks +9% synergy
Phyrexian Arena
12% of 295 decks -4% synergy
Wild Growth
11% of 177 decks +0% synergy
Wizard Class
11% of 193 decks +7% synergy
Annie Joins Up
10% of 40 decks -3% synergy
Garruk's Uprising
10% of 177 decks -6% synergy
Raiders' Spoils
9% of 295 decks +9% synergy
Etchings of the Chosen
9% of 90 decks +6% synergy
Ophidian Eye
9% of 193 decks +8% synergy
Aggravated Assault
8% of 879 decks +4% synergy
Mardu Ascendancy
8% of 90 decks +5% synergy
Teferi's Ageless Insight
8% of 193 decks +3% synergy
Berserkers' Onslaught
8% of 879 decks +6% synergy
Whirlwind of Thought
8% of 79 decks -2% synergy
Impact Tremors
7% of 879 decks -2% synergy
Abundant Growth
7% of 177 decks +6% synergy
Temur Ascendancy
7% of 55 decks -7% synergy
Shark Typhoon
7% of 193 decks +5% synergy
Angelic Gift
7% of 280 decks +6% synergy
Rising of the Day
7% of 782 decks +2% synergy
Keen Sense
7% of 177 decks +5% synergy
Reconnaissance Mission
7% of 193 decks +2% synergy
Mystic Remora
7% of 193 decks -11% synergy
Sticky Fingers
7% of 879 decks +5% synergy
Shared Animosity
6% of 879 decks +2% synergy
Phyrexian Tyranny
6% of 63 decks +5% synergy
Bitter Reunion
6% of 879 decks +5% synergy
6% of 177 decks +4% synergy
Doubling Season
6% of 177 decks -3% synergy
6% of 280 decks +5% synergy
Faith of the Devoted
6% of 295 decks +5% synergy
Assemble the Legion
6% of 280 decks +2% synergy
Deathreap Ritual
6% of 70 decks +1% synergy
Ominous Seas
6% of 193 decks +3% synergy
Colossal Majesty
6% of 177 decks +2% synergy
Behind the Scenes
6% of 90 decks +5% synergy
Artist's Talent
5% of 473 decks +4% synergy
Goblin War Drums
5% of 879 decks +5% synergy
Hadana's Climb
5% of 55 decks +4% synergy
Tarmogoyf Nest
5% of 92 decks +5% synergy
Proft's Eidetic Memory
5% of 132 decks +4% synergy
Warleader's Call
5% of 192 decks -3% synergy
Sixth Sense
5% of 177 decks +4% synergy
Snake Umbra
5% of 177 decks +2% synergy
Fertile Ground
5% of 177 decks +1% synergy
Beastmaster Ascension
5% of 177 decks -0% synergy
Guardian Project
5% of 177 decks -3% synergy
Jeskai Ascendancy
5% of 79 decks -1% synergy
Warstorm Surge
5% of 879 decks -0% synergy
Utility Lands
Rogue's Passage
20% of 879 decks +0% synergy
Bojuka Bog
17% of 295 decks -13% synergy
Reliquary Tower
13% of 879 decks -16% synergy
Kessig Wolf Run
12% of 177 decks -3% synergy
Forgotten Cave
11% of 879 decks +7% synergy
Arena of Glory
11% of 506 decks +5% synergy
Castle Embereth
10% of 879 decks +7% synergy
Mosswort Bridge
10% of 177 decks -1% synergy
Temple of the False God
9% of 879 decks -1% synergy
Lonely Sandbar
8% of 193 decks +5% synergy
Barren Moor
7% of 295 decks +4% synergy
Restless Spire
7% of 161 decks +5% synergy
Boseiju, Who Endures
7% of 177 decks -11% synergy
Minas Tirith
7% of 249 decks -0% synergy
Desolate Lighthouse
7% of 193 decks +3% synergy
Vault of the Archangel
7% of 90 decks -4% synergy
Spinerock Knoll
6% of 879 decks +2% synergy
War Room
6% of 879 decks -0% synergy
Access Tunnel
6% of 879 decks +4% synergy
Desert of the Fervent
6% of 879 decks +4% synergy
Alchemist's Refuge
5% of 55 decks -1% synergy
Amonkhet Raceway
5% of 112 decks +4% synergy
Smoldering Crater
5% of 879 decks +4% synergy
Mana Artifacts
Sol Ring
68% of 879 decks -17% synergy
Arcane Signet
60% of 879 decks -12% synergy
Boros Signet
36% of 280 decks +13% synergy
Rakdos Signet
36% of 295 decks +6% synergy
Izzet Signet
31% of 193 decks +3% synergy
Azorius Signet
28% of 79 decks +2% synergy
Orzhov Signet
26% of 90 decks -2% synergy
Talisman of Conviction
21% of 280 decks -3% synergy
Talisman of Indulgence
20% of 295 decks -7% synergy
Gruul Signet
18% of 177 decks +6% synergy
Dimir Signet
17% of 63 decks -12% synergy
Talisman of Creativity
16% of 193 decks -13% synergy
Selesnya Signet
15% of 73 decks +7% synergy
Talisman of Progress
14% of 79 decks -10% synergy
Talisman of Hierarchy
13% of 90 decks -12% synergy
Timeless Lotus
13% of 31 decks +1% synergy
Fire Diamond
13% of 879 decks +8% synergy
Talisman of Dominance
13% of 63 decks -19% synergy
Fellwar Stone
11% of 879 decks -10% synergy
Simic Signet
11% of 55 decks -3% synergy
Talisman of Resilience
10% of 70 decks -2% synergy
Golgari Signet
10% of 70 decks -2% synergy
Talisman of Curiosity
9% of 55 decks -4% synergy
Talisman of Impulse
9% of 177 decks -0% synergy
Raugrin Crystal
9% of 79 decks +7% synergy
Thought Vessel
9% of 879 decks -8% synergy
Marble Diamond
8% of 280 decks +4% synergy
Talisman of Unity
7% of 73 decks -1% synergy
Charcoal Diamond
6% of 295 decks +1% synergy
Obelisk of Grixis
6% of 63 decks +5% synergy
Cursed Mirror
6% of 879 decks +1% synergy
Patchwork Banner
6% of 468 decks +1% synergy
Chromatic Lantern
5% of 879 decks -4% synergy
Heraldic Banner
5% of 879 decks +3% synergy
Command Tower
51% of 879 decks -23% synergy
Nomad Outpost
41% of 90 decks +13% synergy
Smoldering Marsh
37% of 295 decks +4% synergy
Jungle Shrine
37% of 73 decks +5% synergy
Cinder Glade
31% of 177 decks -8% synergy
Crumbling Necropolis
30% of 63 decks -1% synergy
Savage Lands
30% of 70 decks +7% synergy
Dragonskull Summit
30% of 295 decks -2% synergy
Mystic Monastery
29% of 79 decks +2% synergy
Clifftop Retreat
28% of 280 decks -2% synergy
Rakdos Carnarium
27% of 295 decks +13% synergy
Frontier Bivouac
25% of 55 decks -2% synergy
Boros Garrison
24% of 280 decks +9% synergy
Breeding Pool
24% of 55 decks -17% synergy
Foreboding Ruins
23% of 295 decks +7% synergy
Evolving Wilds
22% of 879 decks +1% synergy
Sulfur Falls
22% of 193 decks -9% synergy
Temple Garden
22% of 73 decks -18% synergy
Temple of Malice
22% of 295 decks +7% synergy
Izzet Boilerworks
21% of 193 decks +5% synergy
Steam Vents
21% of 193 decks -17% synergy
Temple of Epiphany
21% of 193 decks +2% synergy
Shivan Reef
21% of 193 decks -6% synergy
Temple of Triumph
20% of 280 decks +3% synergy
Prairie Stream
20% of 79 decks -14% synergy
Bloodfell Caves
20% of 295 decks +13% synergy
Sandsteppe Citadel
20% of 35 decks -6% synergy
Ketria Triome
20% of 55 decks -12% synergy
Battlefield Forge
20% of 280 decks -6% synergy
Stomping Ground
19% of 177 decks -21% synergy
Canopy Vista
19% of 73 decks -17% synergy
Azorius Chancery
19% of 79 decks +4% synergy
Exotic Orchard
19% of 879 decks -17% synergy
Temple of Malady
19% of 70 decks +2% synergy
Myriad Landscape
18% of 879 decks -1% synergy
Yavimaya Coast
18% of 55 decks -9% synergy
Game Trail
18% of 177 decks +2% synergy
Sacred Foundry
18% of 280 decks -18% synergy
Jetmir's Garden
18% of 73 decks -14% synergy
Caves of Koilos
18% of 90 decks -11% synergy
Raugrin Triome
18% of 79 decks -8% synergy
Izzet Guildgate
18% of 193 decks +13% synergy
Gruul Turf
18% of 177 decks +2% synergy
Xander's Lounge
17% of 63 decks -9% synergy
Twisted Landscape
17% of 46 decks +5% synergy
Furycalm Snarl
17% of 280 decks +4% synergy
Llanowar Wastes
17% of 70 decks -9% synergy
Seaside Citadel
17% of 35 decks -9% synergy
Godless Shrine
17% of 90 decks -24% synergy
Blood Crypt
17% of 295 decks -22% synergy