(Cormela, Glamour Thief | Art by Bram Sels)
Out for Blood
Welcome back to Wombo Combo, the article series where we look at EDH's most prolific combo cards using data from EDHREC and Commander Spellbook. This edition, we will dive into the dark underworld of blood-sucking Vampires!
Vampires are one of Magic's most common creature archetypes, with over 400 distinct cards existing that are currently legal in EDH. Vampires were also the principal subject of several Magic sets, including Innistrad: Crimson Vow among others. Let's sink our teeth into the sacred coven and see what we madness we can unearth.
#10: Bloodletter of Aclazotz
Deck Inclusions: 75,619 decks (3.971%)
Bloodletter of AclazotzBloodletter of Aclazotz is a card that doubles the life your opponents lose during your turn. This turns several cards into two-card lethal hits, including Peer into the AbyssPeer into the Abyss and Blood TributeBlood Tribute.
There are several commanders that can take advantage of Bloodletter of Aclazotz to kill an opponent in such a fashion, such as Virtus the VeiledVirtus the Veiled and Aphelia, Viper WhispererAphelia, Viper Whisperer. Bloodletter of Aclazotz also applies to damage, allowing cards like FlingFling to pack an even large punch.
#9: Bloodthirsty Conqueror
Deck Inclusions: 22,477 decks (4.06%)
Bloodthirsty ConquerorBloodthirsty Conqueror takes a favorite EDH card, Exquisite BloodExquisite Blood, and gives it a body. Most combo players have heard of (and probably played) the Exquisite Blood and Sanguine BondSanguine Bond combo, which also ranks as the third most used combo on Commander Spellbook.
You gain an amount of life, which triggers Sanguine Bond, which triggers Exquisite Blood and so forth. Bloodthirsty Conqueror can be used as a substitute for Exquisite Blood in all these combo lines. Bloodthirsty Conqueror can also be used alongside cards who care about lifegain, like Drogskol ReaverDrogskol Reaver.
#8: Bloodghast
Deck Inclusions: 53,997 (2.074%)
BloodghastBloodghast combines Vampires with...landfall? While it seems like an unlikely pairing, Bloodghast gives you both a landfall and recursion combo piece, opening the door for many strong infinite combos.
Cards like Zimone and DinaZimone and Dina and Wight of the ReliquaryWight of the Reliquary can take full advantage of Bloodghast by sacrificing it to bring lands onto the battlefield. This triggers Bloodghast's landfall ability to return it and repeat the process.
Other cards like Drownyard TempleDrownyard Temple also can work with some specific combo pieces to return both it and Bloodghast each loop. You can pair these combos with landfall payoffs, like Retreat to HagraRetreat to Hagra, or creature payoffs, which we will talk about later.
#7: Oathsworn Vampire
Deck Inclusions: 14,260 decks (0.548%)
Oathsworn VampireOathsworn Vampire is a perfect recursion piece that echoes similar cards like Reassembling SkeletonReassembling Skeleton or Squee, the ImmortalSquee, the Immortal, allowing you to cast it from your graveyard if you've gained life this turn.
Oathsworn Vampire works great with Phyrexian AltarPhyrexian Altar and some token generator, such as the perfectly thematic Edgar MarkovEdgar Markov or Pawn of UlamogPawn of Ulamog. Another option is Soldevi AdnateSoldevi Adnate to easily recuperate the casting cost for the next iteration.
Gaining life is especially prevalent among Vampires, and so being able to cast Oathsworn Vampire is generally very easily achieved during any given turn.
#6: Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose
Deck Inclusions: 3,231 as commander (#491); 140,695 as card (5.405%)
Remember how we talked about Bloodthirsty Conqueror earlier? Well, let me introduce you to my cousin VitoVito - the perfect companion for Bloodthirsty Conqueror or Exquisite Blood for an easy two-card infinite combo. Vito has some more nuanced uses versus Bloodthirsty Conqueror, especially for near-infinite combos.
How about using a Swords to PlowsharesSwords to Plowshares on your own Serra AvatarSerra Avatar to double your life total and cause an opponent to lose a large amount of life? You can also cast Beacon of ImmortalityBeacon of Immortality instead for a one-card option that is repeatable.
#5: Pawn of Ulamog
Deck Inclusions: 56,374 decks (2.166%)
Pawn of UlamogPawn of Ulamog gives you an Eldrazi Spawn whenever a nontoken creature you control dies. This is already a great effect for combos, but the fact that the Eldrazi Spawn can also sacrifice itself for makes it even more useful.
Cards like Nether TraitorNether Traitor, Colfenor, the Last YewColfenor, the Last Yew and The Balrog, Durin's BaneThe Balrog, Durin's Bane can take full advantage of the extra creature to create a recursion infinite combo.
In the case of Colfenor, the Eldrazi Spawn's self-sacrificing ability foregoes the need for a sacrifice outlet, making the combo more condensed and easier to execute.
#4: Cormela, Glamour Thief
Deck Inclusions: 2,067 as commander (#709); 14,379 as card (2.326%)
Cormela, Glamour ThiefCormela, Glamour Thief is an extremely versatile card for storm and magecraft combos. Cormela combos can center around a token generator, like Saw in HalfSaw in Half, and some form of mana adder, like Jeska's WillJeska's Will or Dark RitualDark Ritual.
You can use the death of two Cormelas (as a token dies to the legend rule) to return the two instants/sorceries and add mana with its ability. Cormela can also be paired with Demonic GiftsDemonic Gifts or a similar card to recur Cormela easily, and a sacrifice outlet to kill Cormela, adding in additional results from that outlet.
#3: Famished Paladin
Deck Inclusions: 1,780 decks (0.076%)
Famished PaladinFamished Paladin is not a common Vampire card by any means, but its use is almost solely for combo purposes (or for people looking for off the beaten path Vampires for your Edgar deck). Famished Paladin is easily combo material with a card allowing it to tap for mana.
Cards like Resplendent MentorResplendent Mentor or Sorcerer's WandSorcerer's Wand with a lifelink granter do the job easily. There are a myriad of other ways to accomplish a similar effect, such as Presence of GondPresence of Gond allowing a token to be created, which can then cause lifegain thanks to Soul WardenSoul Warden. While Famished Paladin isn't a popular inclusion, perhaps it can be the sleeper combo card for your next Vampire deck.
#2: Blood Artist (and similar cards)
Number of Combos: 120+ (between all cards)
Blood ArtistBlood Artist is a staple card in many decks, appearing in over 300,000 different EDH decks, with a simple effect causing lifeloss and lifegain whenever a creature you control dies.
There are a litany of variants for Blood Artist that have similar effects, including some that are also Vampires; Falkenrath NobleFalkenrath Noble, Cruel CelebrantCruel Celebrant and Vindictive VampireVindictive Vampire are a few examples of Blood Artist variants.
Blood Artist is great for recuperating life payments, such as those paid with Warren SoultraderWarren Soultrader, or to trigger cards like Trudge GardenTrudge Garden and Forsaken MinerForsaken Miner.
Having a large amount of variants means a lot of possibilities for redundancy, meaning your chances of executing these combos increase drastically.
#1: Viscera Seer / Sacrifice Outlets
Number of Combos: 1,000+ (between all cards)
If you want to run an infinite combo in Magic, chances are you need a sacrifice outlet. Fortunately for you, Vampires have a large selection of sacrifice outlets to choose from.
Viscera SeerViscera Seer, Bartolomé del PresidioBartolomé del Presidio, Bloodflow ConnoisseurBloodflow Connoisseur and Yahenni, Undying PartisanYahenni, Undying Partisan all fit the bill of a Vampire sacrifice outlet which can provide some additional results like scrying and +1/+1 counters. Sacrifice outlets are core engines of almost all creature focused combos.
Some examples include ReveillarkReveillark, Luminous BroodmothLuminous Broodmoth and Cauldron FamiliarCauldron Familiar. Most of the Vampires we've listed in this article require a sacrifice outlet of some degree to function in a combo, so it seems fitting to opt for another Vampire to stay on theme while going infinite with a Vampire coven. What could be better than that?
Honorable Mentions
If the cards above didn't quench your thirst, let us look at a few additional options:
1. Olivia, Crimson BrideOlivia, Crimson Bride: Edgar's bride works great for infinite combat phases, thanks to cards like Breath of FuryBreath of Fury and Port RazerPort Razer
2. Veinwitch CovenVeinwitch Coven: A great inclusion for discarding combos, especially those involving Skirge FamiliarSkirge Familiar.
3. Scion of the SwarmScion of the Swarm: An option for an Animation ModuleAnimation Module combo, alongside a Soul Warden or other soul sister.
4. Carmen, Cruel SkymarcherCarmen, Cruel Skymarcher: Can be used for the counter with Animation Module, or for the lifegain as a substitute in some Blood Artist combos.
Thank you very much for reading this edition of Wombo Combo, and don't forget to check out Commander Spellbook for more EDH combos and visit the Commander Spellbook Discord to vote on the next edition of Wombo Combo. Until next time, happy comboing!
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