Solve the Equation - The Huge Gap Between 1 and 3 Damage

Benjamin Nicol
Benjamin Nicol
Solve the Equation - The Huge Gap Between 1 and 3 Damage
(Ghyrson Starn, KelermorphGhyrson Starn, Kelermorph | Art by Aaron Riley)

It's as Simple as 1+2=3

Feel like your deck just is not coming together? Welcome to Solve the Equation, where we take a look at the numbers and see what's making your deck and in-game decision-making fall flat.

The margins between what makes a card great and what makes a card unplayable are incredibly slim. Take Lightning BoltLightning Bolt, for example. Lightning BoltLightning Bolt offers 3 damage for a single mana, and that's good enough to make it a Modern staple. ShockShock is almost a strict downgrade, dealing 2 damage, but it'll still see play in Standard when it's legal. The gap between 1 and 2, however, is massive. There's not even a comparable instant-speed spell that deals one damage for a single mana. Every spell in this category has a significant upside, such as Spikefield HazardSpikefield Hazard or Lava DartLava Dart. This is because, while 3 or 2 damage at that rate is great, 1 damage is virtually unplayable.

Lightning Bolt
Lava Dart

However, with the Warhammer 40K Commander decks, we have a commander who just might make a single point of damage lethal. Enter: Ghyrson Starn, KelermorphGhyrson Starn, Kelermorph. This commander's ability reads “Whenever another source you control deals exactly 1 damage to a permanent or player, Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph deals 2 damage to that permanent or player.” That's triple the damage! A card like Needle DropNeedle Drop basically becomes a Lightning BoltLightning Bolt that cantrips.

Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph

However, to many, there is an even more exciting direction to take this deck, and that is by using the ol' Tim himself: Prodigal SorcererProdigal Sorcerer.

The Return of the Tim

Magic: the Gathering has a long and treasured history of nicknaming cards. Dark ConfidantDark Confidant is better known as Bob, Mother of RunesMother of Runes is Mom, and of course Sakura-Tribe ElderSakura-Tribe Elder is Steve. One of the classic examples of this is Prodigal SorcererProdigal Sorcerer, so named due to his resemblance to Tim from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. “Tim” has now become an overarching term used to describe “pingers”, or cards that tap to deal a single damage to any target.

Prodigal Sorcerer

Pingers like Tim can be used to deal the last point of damage to a creature, but with our commander, they become a Lightning BoltLightning Bolt each turn. Just looking at the top 100 commanders over the past two years, a single point of damage only kills four of them at their base toughness or loyalty, but 3 damage kills 29 of them. When you stack up these effects, the difference becomes even more clear. Two pings at 1 damage each only kills 16 of those top commanders, while two pings at 3 damage apiece is lethal to 93 of the top 100 commanders.

So which of these effects are the best? The going rate for this type of effect seems to be three mana, so anything better than that is a great rate. Unfortunately, Razorfin HunterRazorfin Hunter is the only creature that meets this criteria. However, there are a few that can beat that three-mana rate, with the addition of haste allowing it to deal damage the turn it is cast: Cunning SparkmageCunning Sparkmage and Izzet StaticasterIzzet Staticaster fit that bill.

Razorfin Hunter
Cunning Sparkmage
Goblin Sharpshooter

Other pingers have a triggered ability that allows them to untap. Cinder PyromancerCinder Pyromancer, Goblin SharpshooterGoblin Sharpshooter, and Chandra, Fire of KaladeshChandra, Fire of Kaladesh can all do this, and Goblin SharpshooterGoblin Sharpshooter can function as almost a one-sided board wipe for all creatures your opponents control with toughness three or less.

There are also more narrow pingers with a restriction on what they can target. Usually, these would never find themselves in a deck, but with the consistent damage upgrade this commander offers, they might be worth it. Goblin FireslingerGoblin Fireslinger and Spear SpewerSpear Spewer can only hit opponents and not other creatures. Personally, I don't think the Goblin FireslingerGoblin Fireslinger is up to par only hitting a single opponent, but I think Spear SpewerSpear Spewer offers enough value to be included.

Goblin Fireslinger
Spear Spewer
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh

Finally, we have the big creatures that can do more than just deal damage. Any of the Izzet versions of Niv-Mizzet fit great in this deck. Niv-Mizzet, ParunNiv-Mizzet, Parun deals a damage each time we draw a card, and Niv-Mizzet, the FiremindNiv-Mizzet, the Firemind is quite literally a huge pinger that can tap to draw a card and deal 3 damage. Pair these two together and the game will end in extremely short order. Another example is EndbringerEndbringer, which untaps itself on each other player's turn. In a pinch, it can even draw cards, and all at the cost of including a few colorless sources in our deck. Syr Carah, the BoldSyr Carah, the Bold offers us a pinger that has card advantage stapled to it. All these creatures are also much bigger, meaning that they can sit behind to block and we can activate them at instant speed after they survive combat. This means that we can deal out massive damage without having to go shields down.

Niv-Mizzet, Parun
Syr Carah, the Bold

This deck may be the best home for this subset of cards, but it's not as much of a one-trick pony as it may seem. There are plenty of cards that synergize without this ability outside of pingers.

Tim's Best Buddies

On rare occasions, pingers are best utilized in your own combat phase. One prominent example is right after you drop HellriderHellrider. HellriderHellrider turns each of these creatures into an additional three damage that is effectively unblockable, and that's all before they even deal combat damage. This is a great option to turn our commander's advantage into a winning turn. Our deck is full of creatures, which takes Witty RoastmasterWitty Roastmaster from a Limited underperformer to a potential game-winner in Commander. Tunneling GeopedeTunneling Geopede and Spiteful PranksterSpiteful Prankster have similar triggered abilities that are enhanced by this commander.

Witty Roastmaster

Chandra's IncineratorChandra's Incinerator and Toralf, God of FuryToralf, God of Fury can turn all the noncombat damage that we're throwing around into even more damage. Many innocuous enter-the-battlefield abilities, such as Dagger CasterDagger Caster or Goblin ChainwhirlerGoblin Chainwhirler, get a lot scarier, while others that are already very strong, such as Inferno TitanInferno Titan, are utterly ridiculous when you consider that the Titan can Lightning BoltLightning Bolt three targets upon entering and attacking.

Chandra's Incinerator
Inferno Titan

Beyond creatures, this ability is a huge boon to a number of cards that are generally underwhelming. Blazing VolleyBlazing Volley and ElectrickeryElectrickery can act as one-sided board wipes, with ElectrickeryElectrickery even offering instant speed. Our commander's boost is best utilized on cards that spread the love/damage. GrapeshotGrapeshot, Magic MissileMagic Missile, PyrokinesisPyrokinesis, and ElectrolyzeElectrolyze are all all-stars in this deck and can all deal out six or more damage regularly.

Blazing Volley
Magic Missile

We also can think a little more outside the box. What are some of the options that synergize a little less obviously with our commander? First and foremost, a classic from the pinger strategy, and that's WillbreakerWillbreaker. This is a tricky one to include in this deck, but it's more than worth it. What makes it a little trickier is that with our commander's ability, we'll only be able to take control of those creatures for a moment before the damage goes through and kills them. To mitigate this downside, I believe this card is best used after the table removes our commander, leaving us without a way to maximize our pinger damage. If we're patient and hold on to this card for the right moment, we might just catch our opponents out after their removal is expended. 

This also might finally be the home for Body of KnowledgeBody of Knowledge. This card always gets cut from my decks as it just does not do enough, but this deck is the exception. Our pingers can turn all their damage into cards while also making Body of KnowledgeBody of Knowledge a massive threat.

Body of Knowledge

There is no shortage of ways to use this ability, but what's the glue that makes it all work?


The best way to take advantage of our pingers is with effects that untap our creatures. Dramatic ReversalDramatic Reversal offers us a one-time untap of our entire team, and it's a great way to push through the last bit of damage or to finish off an explosive turn. However, we want to be able to do this reliably. Vizier of Tumbling SandsVizier of Tumbling Sands, Kelpie GuideKelpie Guide, and Aphetto AlchemistAphetto Alchemist all can untap our creatures, and the first two even function as ramp in a pinch and can untap our lands, while Freed from the RealFreed from the Real lets us repeatedly tap and untap our best pinger. 

Dramatic Reversal
Vizier of Tumbling Sands

We can also leverage both CuriosityCuriosity and Ophidian EyeOphidian Eye as card draw engines, and they even have the upside of being a combo piece with Niv Mizzet, but both the card draw and damage is only useful if we're able to activate before our creatures are killed. Giving them haste is huge, and we have plenty of options in these colors. Tuktuk RubblefortTuktuk Rubblefort is clunky at three mana, but can do the job in a pinch. I prefer AngerAnger, as it works well with red's draw effects that require discarding, such as Thrill of PossibilityThrill of Possibility. Thousand-Year ElixirThousand-Year Elixir does a little bit of everything untapping our creatures and giving them haste.

Thousand-Year Elixir

In Conclusion

What I love most about this deck is that it utilizes cards that are otherwise not very useful. This example is only one direction you can take this deck. It's more open-ended then it first appears and would make a good burn deck or go-wide deck as well. However, if you love pingers, this is certainly the commander for you. There are so many good pinger effects and shenanigans to leverage them. I want to hear the best that I missed in the comments below.


1* Ghyrson Starn, Kelemorph



*1 Anger

*1 Chandra's Incinerator

*1 Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh

*1 Cinder Pyromancer

*1 Cunning Sparkmage

*1 Electrostatic Field

*1 Endbringer

*1 Goblin Sharpshooter

*1 Hellrider

*1 Inferno Titan

*1 Kelpie Guide

*1 Kessig Flamebreather

*1 Lobber Crew

*1 Nettle Drone

*1 Niv-Mizzet, Parun

*1 Prodigal Pyromancer

*1 Prodigal Sorcerer

*1 Razorfin Hunter

*1 Spear Spewer

*1 Spiteful Prankster

*1 Syr Carah, the Bold

*1 Thermo-Alchemist

*1 Tunneling Geopede

*1 Vithian Stinger

*1 Vizier of Tumbling Sands

*1 Vulshok Sorcerer

*1 Willbreaker

*1 Witty Roastmaster



*1 Arcane Signet

*1 Izzet Signet

*1 Mind Stone

*1 Sol Ring

*1 Staff of Nin

*1 Talisman of Creativity

*1 Thought Vessel

*1 Thousand-Year Elixir



*1 Curiosity

*1 Freed from the Real

*1 Mystic Remora

*1 Ophidian Eye

*1 Outpost Siege

*1 Pemmin's Aura

*1 Rhystic Study



*1 An Offer You Can't Refuse

*1 Chaos Warp

*1 Cyclonic Rift

*1 Deflecting Swat

*1 Dramatic Reversal

*1 Electrickery

*1 Electrolyze

*1 Fierce Guardianship

*1 Fire / Ice

*1 Needle Drop

*1 Spikefield Hazard

*1 Swan Song

*1 Thrill of Possibility

*1 Valakut Awakening



*1 Cathartic Reunion

*1 Expressive Iteration

*1 Grapeshot

*1 Jeska's Will

*1 Light Up the Stage

*1 Magic Missile

*1 Shatterskull Smashing



*1 Cascade Bluffs

*1 Command Tower

*1 Desert

*1 Fabled Passage

*10 Island

*10 Mountain

*1 Myriad Landscape

*1 Prismatic Vista

*1 Reliquary Tower

*1 Riverglide Pathway

*1 Scalding Tarn

*1 Shivan Gorge

*1 Shivan Reef

*1 Steam Vents

*1 Stormcarved Coast

*1 Sulfur Falls

*1 Training Center




Benjamin Nicol

Ben is a Michigan native who fell in love with Magic just a few years ago in 2019. He loves making big splashy plays in Commander as well as crunching the number to optimize his decks. Outside of Magic, he works in marketing and loves a great cup of coffee to start each morning… maybe with a splash of hot chocolate for his sweet tooth.

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