
Replacement Commanders - Izzet Tokens? IT IS!

Replacement Commanders - Izzet Tokens? IT IS!

DM Cross
DM Cross
Brudiclad, the Well-Clad Brood Hello, hello, all you lovely readers! My name is Seth Cross -as always, you can call me “DM” - and I am very excited to bring you another installment of the Replacement Commanders series here on EDHREC! This series was was inspired last year by all the awesome new legendary creatures […]
Mechanically Minded - Investigate

Mechanically Minded - Investigate

Kyle Massa
Kyle Massa
Getting a Clue The year is 2016. Shadows Over Innistrad spoilers are rolling in. I'm loving all of them. Especially this one: My favorite mechanic from Shadows was (and still is) Investigate. The flavor is sharp, and everyone loves drawing cards, but there's even more to be done with Clues than just cracking them. For those […]
The Knowledge Pool - Marchesa, the Black Rose (Nightmare Series Part 1)

The Knowledge Pool - Marchesa, the Black Rose (Nightmare Series Part 1)

Scot Sutton
Scot Sutton
Your Worst Best Nightmare Hi everyone! Welcome back to the Knowledge Pool! This week we're beginning a new miniseries I'm lovingly referring to as the "Nightmare Series." The concept of this series is simple: demo the decks that haunt our dreams. I think most of us with consistent playgroups have a deck or two that […]
The Toolbox - We Shall Vanquish Our Enemies! ...With a Banner?

The Toolbox - We Shall Vanquish Our Enemies! ...With a Banner?

Elijah Klein
Elijah Klein
Hey, What’s this Weird Tool? Hello everybody and welcome to The Toolbox! I hope that you are all having a wonderful day and am excited to introduce you to the great . In this series, we talk about unique and underplayed cards to add them to your toolbox of commander cards. If you have not […]
Underdog's Corner - Isperia, Supreme Judge

Underdog's Corner - Isperia, Supreme Judge

Mason Brantley
Mason Brantley
Judgment Day Hello everyone, and welcome back to yet another Underdog's Corner! As this past week was Thanksgiving, I would like to say I am thankful for each and every reader that has opened my article, read it, or even left a scathing review. I appreciate all of your feedback, and without you, I wouldn't […]
Commander Showdown - Muldrotha vs Tasigur

Commander Showdown - Muldrotha vs Tasigur

Joseph Schultz
Joseph Schultz
Death is the Best Life Ultimate Masters has made a big splash in the collective consciousness of us Magic players with its fantastic suite of reprints. It features brand new art for the much-beloved (or much-maligned) Sultai Shaman, . Infamous as a piece of dazzling neckwear for , this sly, impetuous character uses the Delve mechanic to astonishing effect, […]
Cure for the Common Game - The 350's

Cure for the Common Game - The 350's

Brian Canada
Brian Canada
Welcome back to Cure for the Common Game. My name is Brian Canada and I am building an EDH deck for every legendary creature. My goal is to have a deck of every legal legendary creature at once, meaning I do not take the decks apart. Every deck is sleeved up and ready to play. […]
Epic Experiment - Melek Turbo Mill

Epic Experiment - Melek Turbo Mill

Bernardo Melibeu
Bernardo Melibeu
Epic Preparations Good morning, EDHREC! I’m Bernardo Melibeu and this is The Epic Experiment, a series where we throw all common sense aside and experiment with some unusual cards, effectively changing how we normally build our deck. Is it going to work? Who knows?! We’re making science here. When you’re an Izzet mage, blowing things up […]
Turning Data to Decks - Creating an EDH Cube

Turning Data to Decks - Creating an EDH Cube

Kya Vess
Kya Vess
Holiday Announcements Hello Everyone! Excited for Thanksgiving? I know I am! Before we dive into today's article, two important announcements! First, we have an official date for the EDH Scavenger Hunt this year. It will be December 9th at 11:00am! As a reminder, it will be located at UCF, here in Orlando. There is a […]
60 to 100 - Doubling Down with Emmara

60 to 100 - Doubling Down with Emmara

Matt Morgan
Matt Morgan
Mara Jade, Meet Emmara Tandris Welcome once again, party people! Thanks for coming back to our (usually) bi-weekly article series that crosses the streams of 60-card formats and our 100-card singleton format. This week is something near and dear to my heart. It's doubly special because... well, it's all about doubling things! Tokens, specifically. Do […]