The Toolbox - Tombstone Stairwell & Dreadhorde Butcher
Underplayed Zombie cards rise from the toolbox to demand that they see more play.
Underdog's Corner - Storrev, Devkarin Lich
This underdog is an undertaker! Time to resurrect some Golgari Superfriends!
Shape Anew - Flash Matters with Surrak
Surrak punches bears with the help of some epic Werewolves
Conditions Allow - Roalesk, Apex Hybrid
Roalesk has a hefty drawback... but sometimes that weakness is a strength!
Epic Experiment - Bolas's Citadel
We persistently petitioned Bernardo to build around Bolas's Citadel.
Commander Showdown - Neheb vs Neheb
New Neheb vs Newer Neheb! Which mono-red Minotaur is the best fit for command?